Logan and Maisy walk next to each other, and Kai and I follow close behind.
We go through double doors marked Obstetrics and Gynecology, and straight on to the reception area, where two blond nurses sit. Logan quirks a smile at one of them and nods. In response, she gestures to the door to our left that reads Sonography Room 2.
Logan leads us into the room, and as the four of us enter, we startle the grey-haired doctor inside, who stands up in protest.
“Um, excuse me, please, could you wait for your tur–” the man starts, but Kai grabs him by the throat and squeezes.
Kai’s hands are strong and I’m afraid he might do real damage. We didn’t come to kill today. Besides, I told the Vitalis and Delgados already: never, ever do business where innocent passersby could get hurt. We learned that the hard way, and I’ll be damned if something like that happens again.
And in any case, we don’t intend to leave many dead bodies behind with our new way of working. As it worked out, Uncle Jon, Uncle Leo, and Tom get along so well, their proposal for our joint venture is turning out to be better than any of us imagined.
“What was that, old man?” Kai growls.
“Kai,” I warn, signaling it’s time to release him. As he does, the doctor breaks out in a coughing fit and I pat his back. “We’re gonna be using this room for a short while, doc. I advise you to wait outside until we’re done.”
He nods, petrified, and hurries outside.
There’s a bed next to the ultrasound machine, and Logan ushers Maisy to lie on it.
Logan immediately gets into the role of an OB/GYN. He sits on the chair in front of the machine and turns it on.
“Is this okay?” Maisy asks, propping herself up on a large pillow.
“Perfect. Just lie down, let me get this ready.”
I move to the other side of the bed and sit on the edge, while Kai stands behind me. Together, we all stare at her. And I sense her withdrawing from us.
Kai, Logan, and I discussed this. It was a no at the time. But honestly, things changed. Not sure how, but they did. And look at her now, she’s just… perfect.
I take her hand in mine, and immediately she squeezes back. She needs comfort and reassurance. This has been an anxiety-inducing time and I see it now – all she needs is my support. And I haven’t given it to her. I’ve been stuck in my own head, thinking selfishly about this whole thing.
“Don’t worry, darling, we got you,” I say.
Her eyes are glossy. She’s fighting back tears.
Logan takes over. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay. I just want you to pull your skirt down a little, past your tummy, and hold your shirt up and out of the way.” He helps her tuck her shirt up and pull the skirt down. “That’s good. Now, I’m gonna put gel on your tummy. It’s a little cold, so brace yourself.”
He squeezes a few dollops onto her skin. Maisy shudders but says nothing.
“Turn the lights down, Kai, and let’s… all… look… here.”
I focus on the ultrasound screen, enhanced by the newly dimmed lights.
Logan moves the wand over Maisy’s stomach, and the black-and-white image on the monitor begins to reveal shapes and forms.
I concentrate in silence, trying hard to make sense of the screen, but it’s all unclear to me. After a moment, I glance at Logan. I notice that Maisy and Kai are also watching him, absorbed by his actions.
He stops, sucks in a breath, and runs his hand through the dark hair falling over his face.
“Rosey was wrong,” Logan announces and looks at Maisy, his voice neutral. “I don’t see a baby in here.”
A mix of relief and unexpected disappointment immediately fills the room. It’s strange. We all wanted this result, didn’t we? Yet the air feels heavy, tinged with a peculiar sadness.
“Oh.” Maisy bites her lip and looks up at Logan, who reaches for her hand, squeezing it tightly. She regards me, and then Kai. She’s sharing a complex flood of emotions from the black universe of her eyes, gratitude mingled with a twinge of sorrow. I feel it too. I think, beneath my initial fear, there was a part of me that had started to imagine a different future.
“…I see two babies.” Logan smiles and points out two small, distinct shapes. “Here’s one,” he says, and then pauses, moving the wand across Maisy’s belly to show the other shape. “Here’s number two. Twins!”
The screen displays the image of not one but two tiny, pulsing heartbeats. Maisy gasps.