Page 4 of KAI Tortured

But I will never believe that she knew. I know my Maisy. I’d have seen the signs, for sure.

Do I want her to turn around right now, and run into my arms? Fuck no. I’d push her away.

Still, stupidly, here I am standing. By her side. I’ve never taken a girl’s side before, and always followed Orion’s or Logan’s guidance. They seem to have more brain cells than me. Clearly, not this time.

I promised her the day she came into our lives that I would protect her, and here I am. Keeping my promise. I just didn’t know I’d have to protect her from the people I know and love.

I sit my ass on the chair opposite the bed and wait. I know she heard me come in. I hear her whimpers. She’s been crying all this time for sure.

Slowly, she rolls over on the bed to face me. She clasps her hands together under her cheek, her knees bent and pulled up toward her chest. She’s curled up like a snail. Her eyes, bloodshot red, look straight at me. “What are you doing here? You might get cooties from me.”

That makes the corner of my mouth crook up. Why does she have to be sassy right now? Unintentional for sure. While we were planning her demise, she’s been torn apart, crying, knowing perfectly well what we have in store for her.

I straighten my face quickly. “Don’t talk to me.” I don’t want her to think I’m her friend. Because I’m not. Because eventually, I must go back to Logan’s plan. Fuck. What was I thinking, coming up here?

“Huh. I should’ve known. You’re here to keep an eye on me.”

I am keeping an eye on her. But to save her, not to kill her. I want to tell her that I believe her, but I can’t. She must know she’s a prisoner right now.

I stand up, turn on my heel and stride out quickly, rushing almost. Straight downstairs and back toward the kitchen. I made a mistake. This is harder than I thought. When Orion and Logan see me, they’ll know my bravado was as pointless as everything else in my life. I bet Orion knew that all along. They may even be laughing about me right now.

I enter the kitchen and immediately reach for the whiskey, which I desperately need a bottle of right now, vaguely aware of my surroundings. I was expecting to see Orion and Logan but they’re gone, and Martin’s here instead. He’s sitting comfortably in Logan’s spot, holding his glass on the table. Lucky for him, he hasn’t taken mine.

I take the bottle and fill my glass, then top up Martin’s too. I pick it up in silence, clink his glass, and down it in one.

“Thanks, Kai.” Martin lifts his glass and drinks. I bet he doesn’t know what transpired in here twenty minutes ago.

“Did you take Milan to the Slavs?” I ask.

“I did. I emptied a round in his body when we dumped him in the front yard. All good in here?”

“Yes… Yes.” The idea forms in my head instantaneously, out of nowhere. “Say, d’you think you could loan me your ride for tonight?”

“My ride?” Martin’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. I’m not sure if he doesn’t want to part ways with his car, or if he’s thinking ahead and cannot believe his luck.

“I’m taking Maisy out,” I say matter-of-factly. “I don’t wanna take her on my bike, it’s too cold. Why don’t you take it instead? For tonight only. Or until I’m back.” I throw him my keys, which he catches. I know he’s gonna love the swap. I mean, who wouldn’t?

He grins and pulls his own keys from his pocket. “White Dodge Caravan, parked out front. Thanks, man!”

“Sure.” Out of everything, this was the last thing I thought I’d ever do. But it is what it is. I must protect her. Here, she’s not safe. I’m gonna take her someplace no one can find her.

I take his keys and go up the stairs, not sure if I have the nerve to follow through on my idea. After this, there’ll be no going back. Fuck. I don’t want that. But I also want Maisy alive. They don’t get it. She’s the most important person to me. And to them. They just don’t know it yet.

“Get up, pack your bags,” I order as I re-enter her room. “We’re leaving.”

“Leaving? Where?” Her gorgeous head lifts, her eyes curious, but not afraid. With me, she’s never afraid. I love that. She knows me too well.

“We’re leaving this place.”

“And Orion and Logan?”

“They’re not coming.”

“But… they know?” There’s a strange trepidation in her voice. I probably have the same feeling, but I’ll be damned if I let them kill her. It’s exasperating.

“No, they don’t, Maisy!” I yell.

“So, you’re not gonna... You’re not gonna kill me?”