As soon as we arrive at the house, though, I feel a bit relieved. We may as well be at a hotel, the place is that big. It also looks like it probably has multiple wings, so privacy shouldn’t be an issue. And if these guys are legit, which they appear to be, they’ll have staff to make the stay comfortable.
“We have your room set up for you. It’s our best suite.” Raul says, leading us into the massive house. I notice he says room—singular. Inside, I do a little dance of triumph.
Luca and I have barely said anything to each other since we had sex in the garden, but sleeping in the same room as me would basically force him to open up again.
On the outside, I simply follow the men silently, not wanting Luca to see just how excited I am to have him all to myself for at least eight hours a night while we’re here. On the inside, the happy dance continues.
Raul opens two large doors and leads us into a glorious suite. Through the short passageway, we end up in the bedroom, with a king sized bed dominating the space. There’s huge windows on one side of the room that overlook a lake and gardens. On the other end is a bathroom that looks like it was taken right out of a Hilton hotel.
I almost gasp at the luxury of this "home". My own home was always a bit smaller and less grand than the Baldini mansion when we were growing up, but this is a whole new level of wealth.
Raul speaks, cutting my thoughts short and reminding me why we’re here. “The party is at six tonight. It is here, on the other side of the house, so it’s not far to go. Dress smart." He looks at me when he says this, and I imagine the gross thoughts going through his head.
“And then tomorrow, there is a big breakfast in the dining room.” I feel like we’re in a fraternity party house, except it’s for cartel men and their parties which include tequila shots and cocaine rather than beer kegs and joints.
“Got it. Thanks Raul.” Luca nods and puts our bags down on the sofa in the room. “We’ll see you guys at six.”
“Indeed. Have fun.” Raul winks at Luca and the Mexican men leave the room.
We have about two hours before we need to get to the party, but without saying much, Luca takes out his laptop and sits down at the desk in the room. So I guess he’s going to be working until then.
I don’t bother bugging him. I brought a few magazines with me anyway. I lie on the bed and read all about the latest drama in Hollywood until it’s time to get ready.
“You look… amazing.” Luca almost drools as he compliments me.
I’ve chosen a deep purple dress that hugs me in all the right places. It has sleeves, and my cleavage is just enough to be alluring, but not so much that I might be mistaken for the paid entertainment.
I may be short, but the silver stilettos I’ve put on help add some length to my body, although I’ll never match Luca’s height. My dress has a classy slit on the right side just from my knee down, offering a look at my freshly-shaved legs.
I know I look good. I worked hard on looking good. Luca doesn’t get to see me like this very often.
“Are you ready?” I ask, grabbing my bag. I ignore the compliment, not because I don’t appreciate it, but because I don’t want him to think I was hoping for it.
“Yup,” he says, pulling on his jacket.
He’s dressed really well, too. His tailored pants and buttoned shirt show off his toned body in a subtle way. He’s clean-shaven and his dark hair is slicked back. How he manages to do all of this in such a short time almost annoys me. But the annoyance is gone as soon as I remind myself that I get to look at him all night long.
We walk down the long passageways until we can hear music coming from one of the big halls. The family is at the door, greeting guests, and they welcome us in happily. The quinceañera is beautiful, done out fully in a Parisian theme.
Luca and I walk in, arm-in-arm, looking like the perfect Italian-American crime couple.
We’re both well-dressed and good-looking, which I am not too humble to notice, and I can see approving looks from the men around the room. They’re probably also looking at my dress and all of its strategically revealing areas.
Raul takes us around the room, introducing me to the men that Luca already knows. They’re all polite, seemingly happy that Luca is here, and that he’s brought me along.
“Look at this girl, Luca!” one of them says.
Another laughs and joins in, “Sí, look at her, mirar! We can sleep easy knowing this one has you under control.” They all laugh and I smile. Luca looks a little uneasy, but he’s trying hard not to let it show.
“My dear Emelia, you are out of this man’s league!” The boss’ wife takes my arm and leads me to the bar, allowing the men to talk for a bit.
I’m not naïve about the power of these people, and the danger of crossing them, but tonight they are the most gracious hosts.
I chat with the women for a bit, watching Luca handle himself perfectly with the men. For a moment I see us as the power couple we truly could be, him making the smart, strategic business moves and me charming the men and their wives into a trusting relationship.
If only Luca could see this too. Perhaps after this weekend he will see it, and we can finally discuss what the night in the lookout house meant.