Shit. Another family probably means the Morellis are snooping around, trying to weasel their way in. Those guys are a kill-first-ask-questions-later kind of group, and they’re never far behind a big-money job like this.

"Raul, I've put everything into this deal. You know my family can deliver. We've been loyal partners. Don't let a momentary setback cloud our years of collaboration." I tap my fingers on the kitchen counter, my coffee going colder next to me.

"We're considering our options, Luca. Your disappearance is a liability."

"Give me a chance to make this right.” My finger is tapping even faster, moving with a mind of its own, I hate begging, but I need him to convince his boss to meet with me one more time.

“I like you, Luca, you’re smart and you can handle your tequila. The signs of a strong man. I’ll see what I can do for you.” He coughs again.

“I like you too, Raul. I’ll like you even more when you call me back with good news. Thank you.”

He puts the phone down and I throw the rest of my coffee in the sink, walking back into the office.

I can hear Grazia and Emelia giggling somewhere in the house, but instead of being happy that my sister can find some amusement right now, I feel annoyed.

Emelia and I have not spoken since she left the lookout house last night, and she is the last person I was hoping to be faced with today.

She should have stayed away a while. Enzo already knows what happened, and if somehow Grazia finds out…there’ll be more drama than I can handle right now.

I go back to my office to call my guys and tell them to check up on the Morellis. I need to know their every move right now so I can try and intercept their plans.


I walk past the glass doors and look out at the girls in the pool. Again, Emelia is with them, laughing and talking as if she’s a part of this family.

She’s been here ever since the memorial every day, for weeks now.

She goes home, thankfully—I don’t think I could think straight with her in the bedroom that Grazia made up for her when they were teenagers. It’s right in between Grazia’s room and mine.

But she’s here early in the morning and she leaves late at night and if I wasn’t so busy trying to get back in the good books with Raul and his bosses, and keeping tabs on the Morellis, I’d have to see her constantly.

I’m lost in thought when my phone starts to vibrate in my hand. It’s Raul.

“Raul, how are you?” I start politely, not sure what he’ll have to offer me.

"Luca, we've decided to grant you an audience, but with a condition. Seeing as you’re such a family man, we’re opening up our family to you. You're invited to the boss's daughter's quinceañera." I’m a little taken aback by this, but I silently celebrate the agreement to see me.

"A quinceañera? I wasn't expecting a celebration, Raul." I can understand doing shots in a strip club or bar with these guys, but a huge family celebration was out of my comfort zone.

"It's a significant event for us. A gesture of trust, you see. We need to know you're committed. Attend the quinceañera, and bring a date." I frown at the last bit, and pause.

A date…that made things tricky. They’re trying to make sure they can trust not just me, but the people around me.

"I understand, Raul. I'll be there, with a date. Let's make this work." I don’t have much of a choice, it’s either agree to their terms or lose all of the progress I’ve made with them. And I’ll be damned if the Morellis think they’re coming in to take over my deal.

"Good, Luca. It's about more than just business here. Ensure your friend comprehends the significance of the occasion." What does he even mean? Don’t bring a prostitute? Yeah, obviously. I roll my eyes.

I hold my phone, tapping the back of it, and stare out at Emelia.

I don’t have many females in my life. Or not a whole lot that I have spoken to more than once. I can’t take Grazia, she’s not ready to be thrown into this world and it might be too obvious she’s my sister. So, Emelia is just going to have to be the one to come with me.

I sigh, taking a step outside. “Emelia, would you come inside for a moment, please?” I keep my tone light, for Grazia’s sake. But my sister still stares at me, her eyebrows turning inwards, suspicious of my behavior.

“Oh, Luca, if you’re going to plan my surprise birthday party, you’ll need to be sneakier than that!” Grazia puts her tongue out at me, legally an adult but mentally still my baby sister.

I smile gently at her, admiring her attitude after everything that’s happened. But shit, her birthday is coming up soon, and I do need to plan something.

Emelia stands up and walks toward me, her eyes diverted to the ground. I can tell she’s still unsure of how to act around me. I turn around and walk into the house, hearing her footsteps behind me. As soon as we’re out of earshot, I turn toward her.