There is absolutely nothing that could possibly steal the pleasure still vibrating through my body right now. And it’s not just because of the second orgasm that rocked my world only a few minutes ago. Although, that was definitely a part of it.

I’m not sure I’ve ever managed to cum twice in one go, and these were the strongest orgasms I can ever remember having.

I hadn’t planned exactly this, not on the day of Ginny’s memorial. All I had hoped for was to get closer to Luca and gain his trust. I'm not complaining, though. The man knew how to use his body for pleasure, and wasn’t selfish with his skills, either.

I look at his face, noticing the frown forming there, and decide it’s best to leave him alone for a bit before he decides this was a huge mistake and it was my fault. If I have any hope for a repeat of the dance we just did tonight, I need to not overstay my welcome, or say anything that might put him off completely.

“I’m going to head home, Luca. I know that this has been the hardest day, and I’m sure you’re ready to get into bed and have it be over.” I pull my lace shawl back over my shoulders and neaten my hair as best I can.

Luckily, I don’t wear a ton of makeup because if I did, I’m sure it would all be completely smudged by now.

“Please, just remember that I am here for you, and you can call me if you need to talk or rant or even just let off some steam. I'm here any time.”

“I, um, appreciate it, Emelia.” I can tell he’s trying to put his protective wall back up, but it’s too late.

I’ve seen through his guarded mask, he’s let me into the hidden parts of his mind and I never intend to leave. He can pretend all he likes, but I’ve seen the parts of Luca that I’ve always hoped I would—I’ve seen a bit more of him now than I actually expected to—and my plan is one step closer.

“I’ll let you process your loss now. Just remember that Ginny loved you and was so proud of the man you are. You could do no wrong in her eyes.” I slip out of the lookout, leaving him with those parting words in the hopes that they’d ease his shame at what had just happened.

I walk back down the garden path, past the sunflowers that I had helped Ginny plant just a few weeks before. I can’t wipe the smile off my face. It’s all I can do to keep myself from literally skipping down the walkway.

I’m replaying this evening’s events in my head, a smile on my lips as I remember Luca’s hands on my body, his subtle moans in my ear, the way he held on to me as he finished.

As I re-enter the house, I run into Enzo, who I was sure had gone home. I say a little thank-you prayer that he hadn’t decided to come looking for Luca on his return, because I’m pretty sure having your big brother walk in on you, naked and fucking a family friend, would ruin the mood completely.

“Enzo,” I say as calmly as I can once he’s right in front of me. Being the oldest sibling, he usually has a way of commanding the truth from all of us, and if he guessed where I was coming from, I doubt I’d be able to deny it.

“Emelia.” His dark grey eyes look down at me, at my slightly messy bun and crinkled dress, and then past me. “Where is my brother?” His tone is a harsh, but that’s also just how Enzo is sometimes.

“He’s, uh, in the lookout,” I reply, looking behind me as if Luca was about to just appear right there. Staring at Enzo felt like I was completely giving away what had just happened out there in the garden.

“In the lookout,” Enzo repeats suspiciously. I’m almost sure he knows exactly what we did in there.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d done the same with quite a few girls before he got married. I smile at him, a twinkle in my eye.

I don’t really care if he knows what his brother and I did, because a part of me would like to shout it to the whole world.

“I’m sure he’ll be in soon,” I say. “I’m heading home now, buona notte.”

“Buona notte,” Enzo growls as he heads towards the garden.

Nonna and Nonno made sure the whole family could speak Italian. And while we don't speak it nearly enough, it's almost always in the "good mornings" and "good nights", regardless of the mood. It's a comfort as much as it is an important tradition.

I make my way through the mansion to the front entrance, saying goodbye to the staff members who I pass by. They look confused as I smile at them, but I'm in a good mood and I don't care.

I take a look around the mansion, at what could be mine. My chances of becoming a part of this family just increased tonight, thanks to Luca and his very needy dick.

I look up at the picture of Ginny and her husband. They both look so young and hopeful. I smile at the woman smiling down at me. She may never have said it directly, but deep in my heart, I believe that Nonna Ginny wanted Luca and I to be together.

She wanted him to settle down with a woman who could handle herself in this dark world of his, who wouldn’t make him look like a fool, and who could allow him to open up and let his feelings out in a safe space. All of which I know I can do for him.

Just before I reach the front door, Grazia comes down the stairs, already wearing her pajamas, her hair in a towel. Her eyes look red, like she took advantage of the private bath to release her own tears.

“Emelia, you’re still here?” she asks.

I’m sure my face is giving me away in this moment, but I say, “Yes, I was talking with Luca, but I’m leaving now.”

“Oh, okay.” She gives me a slight smile, apparently oblivious to what Luca and I were 'talking' about.