Nearly a week later, Charlie drove to the hospital after dropping Kristy off at daycare. She still couldn’t believe the events of the past several days. Everything seemed to mesh into one big blur. Jake did pull through with no signs of brain damage, much to her and the Fox family’s relief. Thankfully, the only damage he seemed to suffer was a couple of fractured ribs and a broken arm, but they would heal.
The only reminder he would probably keep from the accident was a scar along his temple where the doctors had removed glass fragments. In time, that too would eventually heal until it was barely noticeable. Charlie knew it could have been much worse.
At the insistence of Jake’s attending physician, a strict visiting schedule was implemented so as not to tire the patient. Although she was never alone when she went to see him, Charlie took some time off from work so she could be available if Jake suddenly needed her. There was always a family member, a friend or someone from work already there when she went to see him.
Jake always seemed happy to see her but there was a bit of reserve in his eyes that made Charlie wonder if this accident had perhaps changed Jake’s feelings as well. The thought made her heart ache. She figured it was no more than she deserved if he stopped loving her.
Charlie walked into Jake’s room to find him alone. Here it was. This was her opportunity to tell him how she felt without interruptions.
“Hi, Jake.” Charlie smiled nervously entering the room.
Jake, who had been vacantly staring out the window, turned his head toward her with tired eyes. “Hi, Charlie. Have a seat.”
“How are you feeling today?” She sat in the chair next to his bedside, taking a deep breath. What she wanted to do most was throw herself at him and beg his forgiveness, but she had to take things easy—for now.
“I’m feeling much better than I did yesterday, but my arm itches like a son of a bitch and if I move a certain way, my side hurts. I’m not due for another round of painkillers for another hour,” he complained miserably.
“I’m sorry to hear you’re uncomfortable. If there’s anything I can do to make it better, I will.”
“Thanks, Charlie, but I’ll be okay. So I see you’re taking some time off,” he observed.
“I couldn’t work knowing you were here, Jake.”
“You didn’t have to do that, Charlie. I’ll be okay.” Jake shrugged nonchalantly.
It was now or never. She had to tell him now. “Jake I—”
“So where’s—” They both laughed because they had started to speak at the same time. “You first.”
“No, you first please,” Charlie said to buy herself some more time. She didn’t realize how hard this was going to be.
“I was going to ask you where Kristy was.”
“I dropped Kristy off at the daycare for a couple of hours. She missed her friends and I thought she needed a little break from the hospital. It’s been a rough week for her.” Charlie hesitated and then added, “It’s been a rough week for me as well.” She finished, looking at Jake with probing eyes.
“Has it really?”
Charlie was about to answer him when the door opened.
“Jake, you’re up. That’s good I was—oh, you’re here,” Helen finished rudely as she saw Charlie sitting at Jake’s bedside.
“Yes, I’m here. How are you today?” Charlie asked, clenching her jaw to hold her temper in check. She didn’t want to start anything with Jake’s sister, but there was only so much she could take. All week Charlie had put up with rude remarks and angry glares from Helen. Charlie was not easily riled, but her patience was wearing thin.
Helen looked as if she didn’t want to answer but she finally did after another glower to Charlie. “Fine,” Helen said, her tone short. She then sat down on the other side of Jake’s bed and took his hand. Helen chatted on, rudely ignoring Charlie.
Now that Helen was there, Charlie knew she wouldn’t get a word in edgewise. She sat there for a few minutes while Helen dominated the conversation. Jake tried to include Charlie, but Helen would take over if Charlie even attempted to speak. After this went on for several minutes Charlie stood up. “I have to go, but I’ll be back to visit you, Jake,” Charlie said during the first break in conversation.
“You don’t have to go.” He reached for her with his good arm only to end up jarring his ribs. He winced in pain.
“Be careful, Jake,” Charlie said with concern. “I will leave you two alone. I’ll bring Kristy by the next time I visit.”
“When will you be back?” He almost seemed as though he were upset she was leaving so abruptly, but there was no way she was going to stay with him another minute without knocking his sister into next week.
“Maybe in a day or two. You need your rest,” Charlie finished firmly.
“Can’t you come back tomorrow?”
“For God sake, Jake, if she wants to go, let her.” Helen rolled her eyes, exasperation in her voice.