Page 67 of Negotiating Tactics

And wiped away my dream.


I shook my head, tried to reframe my thoughts.

He’d give me the money back.

I had to trust that.

Then told myself that even if he didn’t, I could take on more projects and earn it back.

I can still do this, my mind said.

My heart felt like a boulder in my chest.

I put the phone back to my ear. “I sent the money.”

I could literally hear his smile, the turmoil and angst of just seconds ago gone completely.

“Thanks, baby girl,” my father said.

He hung up the phone before I even said good-bye.

I shoved the phone back into my pocket and walked back to my place, my mind a jumble.

Mostly, I tried to reassure myself, told myself I could do this.

But never, not for a single moment, was I convinced.

By the time I reached my apartment, the tears had come.

The phone buzzed again.

This time, I saw the number I hadn’t even bothered to program into my phone.


Thinking of him didn’t send my heart soaring like it usually did.

In fact, it made me feel worse.

I looked at his message.

Come over in 30?

I typed out the answer without giving myself time to think.

Busy. Will call later.

By the time I sent the message, I was inside of my apartment.

I closed and locked the door, threw my phone on my makeshift table, and headed straight for bed.



“Open the fucking door or I’m going to break it down.”