Page 49 of Stay with Me

“Pfft. That’s another story for another time. All I know is that being a prosecutor wasn’t safe, and it wasn’t for me. Since then, I’ve been trying to steer clear of anything unsafe.”

I look down into my lap and mull over what I’m about to say. This is a hard pill to swallow for me, but it’s time for me to be honest with myself. I have to be.

“I never should’ve started things with him. I knew he wasn’t safe then. But … he just has this way of pulling me in. I’ve never had that spark with anyone else.

“If it weren’t for his job, he’d be perfect. He makes me laugh, he challenges me, and God, the sex is phenomenal. He sets me on fire with only a look.

“I’m always running from him because … because I know he’s not right, but I’ve been in love with him from the beginning. Now, I’m so confused. Sheldon is safe. He’s charming, he’s attentive, but he’s no Kn … he’s not the one I can’t stop thinking about.”

“I remember when you were fearless. It’s been four years, but that case still haunts you. One of these days you’re going to have to take your power back.

“If you love this man, you have to decide what’s more important to you. Running from your past or having the happiness you want. I know you.

“I think you’d rather be happy and satisfied than safe and coasting through mediocrity,” she says.

I look up at my sister through tear-filled eyes. “What if I can’t get over my fear? Saga, he’s been shot recently. Seeing the wound the first time stole my breath away.

“I can’t live on pins and needles. If anything, he’s been promoted into more danger since we started our thing.” I shake my head.

“Let me ask you a question. You don’t have to answer it now. I just want you to think on it. Can you live without him?

Her words hit like a ton of bricks. I literally gasp. Closing my eyes, I try to see my life without Knight. My mind bucks against the thought as much as my heart does.

“What if I’m too late?” I whisper.

“Girl, you have graduated at the top of your class, built your own firm—and don’t even start about Daddy pulling strings—you are one of the most intelligent, beautiful, and kindhearted women I know. If he loves you, you could never be too late.”

“Thanks, Saga. I didn’t know how much I needed to talk this out.”

“Anytime. Knight is an amazing guy. Talk to him. Tell him how you feel.”

I look at my sister with wide eyes. She stares back at me with a grin. I don’t know what to say.

“You really thought you two were creeping? That man looks at you like a piece of steak. I knew something was up from the first time I was in a room with you two.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“You’re grown. I knew when you were ready to share you would.”

“You don’t think it’s weird that I’m … I was seeing my brother-in-law?”

“First of all, you were seeing him well before Bishop and I ever met. Second, why would that be weird? You need to stop with all these excuses.”

And there it is. She’s right. I’ve been feeding myself and Knight excuses.

* * *


I should’ve stepped away. Instead, I listened to their entire conversation. Rem loves me.

Too late? She has no idea how much I love her ass. I’m just waiting for her to admit to herself that we belong together.

“Yo, when did you get here?” Bishop says as he appears.

I step away from the sliding doors quickly and head toward the kitchen. He follows me as he types away on his phone. Thank God he’s too distracted to ask me why I was lurking at the back door.

“I haven’t been here long.”