I dribble the basketball and look for an opening. Prince and Lord are on my team. While Bishop, Dwayne, and Kegan are on the other.
“Come on, man. You can do better than that. Don’t you play with your kids, shouldn’t you be in better shape?” Prince taunts Dwayne.
Dwayne frowns but keeps him blocked preventing the pass. I look to Lord and see he’s not having much better luck with Bishop.
“Set the pick, bro,” I call out to Prince as I dribble up the court.
I pull up and shoot the jump shot. I’m on fire today. My thoughts go to my girl at home.
“What’s with the grin and all the energy?” Kegan asks as I go to guard him.
“Life is good,” I croon, then steal the ball.
I pass to Prince. He takes it in for a lay-up. After making the shot, he begins to beat his chest as he taunts Bishop. I shake my head at the two.
“We’re up five. Twenty-five, twenty. You boys might as well pack it in,” I call out.
“Just shut up and play. You guys aren’t winning. This isn’t over,” Bishop growls.
I snort. “You believe that shit?”
While I’m talking shit, Kegan drives the ball up the court for a jumper. The ball catches nothing but net. “Oh,” his team cheers in unison.
“What were you saying?” Bishop adds.
Wiping the sweat from my brow, I lock in. I’m not losing this game. Prince and Lord will blame it all on me and become relentless in their teasing.
Dwayne, Kegan, and Bishop will rub it in as well. As the youngest, they’re all going to make my life hell if we take this L. I’m here for the W or nothing.
Lord has the ball, and he’s racing down the court. Bishop is on my tail, but I get in the paint and Lord passes me the ball. I take a fade away jump shot but it bounces off the back of the rim.
“Brick,” Bishop calls out.
However, Prince is there for the rebound and sinks the shot for another two. I clap my hands and head back the other way. I’m smiling from ear to ear as victory is well within our grasp.
“Losing team is buying beers,” Prince crows.
Kegan tries to cross me, but he’s showing off too much. I cut across him and steal the ball. On a pivot, I get to the three point line and sink a bucket.
“For the win. Knight Moran,” I call out.
“Shut up,” Kegan grunts.
“Good game,” Dwayne puffs out.
“You boys up for another or you calling it quits?” I say.
“I’m done. I’m ready to get something to eat and those beers,” Lord says.
“Cool, I won’t even make you boys treat after all. After that beating it’s my treat,” Prince says.
“The last time you said that you left and stuck us with the bill,” Kegan grumbles.
“Something came up. I had to go. It’s not like any of you needed any charity. Get over it, tightwad,” Prince tosses back.
“Ladies. It will be my treat,” I say through my laughter.
“Oh look, the baby wants to play grown-up,” Kegan teases.