“Ready to go?” Knight says into my ear after taking care of the check.
“Yeah,” I say looking up into his eyes.
“That was fun, guys. We have to do it again sometime,” I say to Sunny and Jamel.
“I had a great time. Thanks for treating, Knight. We have it next time,” Sunny says.
She’s still giving Jamel the stink eye for not paying. He and Knight went back and forth on who should pay. Jamel wanted to pay because he and Sunny asked us out. Knight said he owed them one, so he was paying.
Knight won as he grabbed the billfold and handed the waitress his card with a grin on his lips. I’m glad we did this. I can’t remember the last time I did something like this.
Dinner was great, and so was the company. It was good to watch Knight with other people. Our thing has always been between us. I’ve seen him with our family, but not like this.
This was fun and allowed me to let my hair down. It felt good to be someone’s person. I’ll be the first to admit this is what I’ve been looking for. As we leave the restaurant, I’m on a high.
Knight has his hand on my ass as we walk out. We get to the door when a loud sound rings out through the air. I jump and duck, pulling Knight down with me.
I’m back in front of that courthouse. I can smell the gunpower. Those men are standing before me with their guns aimed.
I’m shaking and holding back tears as Knight envelopes me in his arms. He kisses the top of my head and rubs smoothing circles on my back. I come back to the present and glance around, my cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment.
“They popped some champagne, baby. You’re safe. We’re safe. I’m right here. Stay with me, all right?” Knight coos.
I focus on my breathing and settle my racing heart. Before I can find my legs to stand, Knight has me in his arms bride style as he carries me from the restaurant to his car.
He places me inside and pulls my shoes from my feet before he straps me in. I cover my face with my hands and allow the tears to fall. Pulling my knees up, I place my feet in the seat and curl into myself. He cups the back of my head and repeatedly kisses the top.
“You’re safe. I’m here. We’re both okay. It’s all right, baby. I’ve got you,” he croons.
I nod my head because it’s all I can do. He sighs and backs out of the car to close the door. I’m such a fucking mess.
I peek through my hands to look out of the window and see Knight talking to Jamel and Sunny. Sunny looks into the car at me as she wrings her hands. I feel terrible for ruining the night. Sunny kisses her fingers and waves at me as Jamel ushers her away to their vehicle.
Knight climbs into the driver’s seat and starts the car. He then places his hand behind my neck and begins to massage with his big, warm palm. He has never judged me for my panic attacks.
Only taking the time and care to calm me and make sure I’m okay. In this moment, as I want to sink down in this seat and melt away, I think I fall for him more than I ever have.
“Your place or mine?” he asks.
Normally, I would want to rush home and be alone. Tonight, I want to be in his arms. I want to keep this feeling. I want to feel safe.
He’s not pushing for more and that’s going a long way. He reaches to thumb away my tears, again taking care of me. “Your place. I want to stay at your place tonight.”
Haven’t let Go
I half expected Rem to bolt on me and ask to go back to her place alone. I thought tonight would be the end this time. However, when she said she wanted to come stay with me, I couldn’t have been happier.
She fell asleep during the ride over to my place. I park and cut the car off. Then I turn to look at her and stare for a moment.
She’s so beautiful like this. I reach to brush a lock of hair from her face. I hate that she goes through this.
This time wasn’t as bad as some of the others. I frown, not wanting to wake her up. Deciding not to, I push my way out of the car and round it to open her door. I duck in to unfasten her seatbelt, then grab her shoes before I scoop my arms under her to lift her out.
Holding her tightly against my chest, I move for the elevator. This will be tricky. I need to get the gate up. I sigh in relief as someone comes out of the elevator as I get to it.