Page 81 of Slaughter

“Bunny—” He growls.

“Please?” I interrupt him. “It’s just one more day.” I don’t want to have to take a plane ride to who knows where with Darrell.

“I said no!” he roars, fisting his hands down by his side. “And that is fucking final. Get your ass outside and in that fucking car before I make you!”

I spin around and exit the front door, making sure to slam it in Darrell’s face when he turns to follow me. I hear him let out a curse and then yank the door open. I walk down to the black Town Car and get in the back seat, tossing my bag over to the seat beside me. And I wait.

Darrell gets in and starts it up after Kayn crawls into the passenger seat. At least he is here with me. I look over at the house to see if Avery is watching us leave. He’s nowhere in sight.

We pull up to the private airport, and I’m guessing it’s Avery’s private jet that sits there looking sleek and expensive, but it makes my heart rate speed up. I lick my lips nervously, and my hands starts to sweat. How could he not come with me? Or not let me stay? He knows I hate flying.

“Let’s go,” Darrell snaps.

I see he is holding my back door open. Kayn is already walking onto the plane. I slide against the black leather and get out on shaky legs.

I walk up the steps to the plane, and it feels as if I’m walking the plank to my death.

I come to the top and step onto the plane. It seems too small. The ceiling too low. The aisle too narrow. The air too stuffy.

My breathing picks up. “Move it, Presleigh,” Darrell orders from behind me. When I don’t obey, he shoves me forward.

My legs wobble, and I fall to my knees. “Goddammit.” He sighs. Then I feel his hand in my hair. I scream out as he drags me by my hair down the aisle. My body hitting a seat here and there.

He kicks the door open to a small bedroom at the end and tosses me onto the bed. Then he’s on top of me. I scream bloody murder while clawing at his skin and shirt. Anything that I can get a hold of. He grunts but manages to flip me over onto my stomach, then pins my hands behind my back with one hand. And I buck wildly, not giving up. Then I feel a prick in my neck.

“Nooo.” I choke out the word. He drugged me.

I feel his weight on me as he leans over my back and whispers in my ear, “No chance of stabbing me this time, bitch. I gave you a little extra.”

My eyes grow heavy. My breath starts to even out. I stop fighting and my body physically relaxes under him.

His weight is then gone, and I hear the door shut as my eyes close.



“HOW DID SHE DO?” I ask Kayn on the other end of the phone.

“It was a rough start. She freaked out once we got to the plane. But Darrell took care of it.”

“How did he take care of it?” I snap.

“He drugged her,”

My chest tightens. She probably fought him. And he probably had to hurt her. “Good,” I say, knowing that at least he got the job done. She would have been a ball of nerves if she had to stay awake for the flight.

“We’re just pulling back up at the house. I’m gonna get them all inside and settled, and then I’ll be on my way back to get you, sir.”

I hang up and take a drink of my scotch, standing in my living room in Rio. The burning fireplace provides the only light in the room as I think over what I am about to do. I had to send Bunny away because she’s unpredictable. I need to have complete control of this dinner. I could have let her stay. I could have tied her hands behind her back, put a blindfold over her eyes, and a gag in her mouth while making her kneel beside me at the table. But what if she moaned? What if her nipples had gotten hard? What if he liked her more in person than when he saw her on the video?

All too risky. She had to leave.

“Sir?” I hear Marvin enter the room behind me. “Dinner is ready. And your guest just pulled into the drive.”

I take another drink. “Thank you, Marvin.”

Pulling out my phone, I send a quick text to my brother. He’s here. And then slip it back into my pocket. Usually for a meeting like this, I would not allow my best men to leave me alone, but I felt Bunny needed the support more than I did. Plus, my brother is just right outside with ten of his own men. The house is surrounded.