Page 29 of Trapped

“No, we’re here to play,” Edouard hisses, not sounding amused anymore. His eyes flash. “We’re here to win. Your guy won you tonight, so be a good pet and please him.”

“What did you say?” My eyes have turned to slits, voice going low, hands turned to fists. I am so ready to take this arrogant fucker down. Forget fatigue.

Edouard lets out a laugh, pats Arsène on the shoulder, and walks away.

“Let him go,” Arsène says when I take a step forward. “He’s a hothead. Just ignore him.”

I turn over my shoulder. “I’m not your pet.”

Arsène laughs, shaking his head. “No, you aren’t. I already have enough of those.” His digits clasp around my wrists and he hauls me up and against his chest. “You’re my lover, papillon. My prey. My toy. Want me to continue?” Wrapping his cloak around my naked frame, he pulls me close, then snakes one of his hands around my nape. “And Edouard is frustrated, because there’s this guy he wants, but can’t have.”

“Why not?” The dark silk feels like bliss around my limbs, and once more I feel like I’m nearly collapsing.

“The tranquilizers, still?” He asks. I shake my head and give him a shaky smile.

“I’m just tired.”

“Then let’s go upstairs and to my room. We can talk about this tomorrow. Besides, I want you to meet my little friends.” Caged in, I let Arsène walk me away. There are only a few torches left alit, and even fewer people. The Deverauxs and their lovers are gone, the only two people left are masked and standing by the door. They tip their heads when we make it outside. Zin and Enzo are also gone.

“Your little…” Nausea bubbles up in my chest as I realize what he means. Spiders. “I, no.” I try to struggle out of his hold, but Arsène just sniggers. “No,” I repeat, but even to my own ears, it sounds pathetic. His grip tightens and he practically pulls me forward and toward the stairs.

“Si. You’re mine now, papillon. Mine to take care of. Ours to play with. Come on,” he pouts when he catches my glare. “Don’t overthink everything. Have I hurt you just before?”

I snort as we climb the stairs. “Aside from the drugs, the chase and the fuckery?”

“That was playing. Well?”

“You—You haven’t,” I admit in a sigh. Turns out the big, bad Arsène de Noailles is nothing but a spoiled child who wants to protect what’s his. His toy. My stomach tightens at the thought.

“Exactly. So, come on. Let’s go home.”


We climb the next set of stairs, the large, floor-to-ceiling windows broadcasting our interlaced shadows with the outside darkness as we reach the first floor. The castle is abandoned, with students gone for Pentecote. I shiver involuntarily before I drag my gaze to the row of doors we’re moving toward.

“You saw me the first time in the library, but I first saw you in the canteen,” I hear myself say.

My hand finds his and he squeezes. “And?” He teases. “You didn’t like what you saw?”

I let out a scoff. “Because you were one of the elite? One of the snobs? Absolutely.”

Arsène huffs out a chuckle. “I figured as much. I mean, you always carry a scowl, but you seem to have a special version for me.”

“What did you think?” My face flushes at the question, and my snappiness retreats, leaving me feeling awkward. Of me? “I mean—” I flush.

What did you think of me?

“Mesmerizing,” Arsène interrupts, then pulls in our joined hands until he can drop a kiss on mine. “Prickly, unpleasant, secretive, lonely, smart, troubled, and so very sexy.” He throws open a door and yanks me inside. I’ve barely set foot over the threshold when he kicks the door closed and pushes me against it, immediately followed by his larger, toned body. “I knew immediately that I wanted you, Robin.” The fingers he brushes through my hair are soft, but his crotch, rocking and grinding against my hip, is anything but. Nor are his teeth nipping at my neck, sharp and unrelenting, as he once more has me under complete control.

“Relax, mon papillon,” he murmurs. “I’ll be generous, and curious, and protective of you. I’ll take good care of you.”

Gazing over his shoulder I recognize the easel and set of brushes that are mine. I blink, scanning the other wall, and come to realize that it’s filled with a lot of my things. My black suitcase, backpack, computer bag, and the large duffel I use for my paint. It’s all there. He wasn’t kidding when he said that his people would move all of my stuff here.


“Sshh,” Arsène brushes his lips over mine, taking the slightest of openings to enter my mouth, his tongue licking inside and creating a spill of moans coming from my throat. My stomach clenches with instant lust, which shouldn’t be possible after the number of orgasms he’s already given me tonight. Or is it morning now? I’ve lost track of time. My knees buckle when he deepens the kiss and tilts my chin in the exact angle he wants me in. “My lover,” he breathes against my lips. “You have come home. Now look up—” His brown eyes glitter wickedly as he lets his fingers brush under my chin. Flutters dance in my stomach, knowing that he has me completely enthralled. I’m under the spell of this devilishly handsome, privileged guy. He smiles playfully, because he knows it too. “To see the welcome committee. They’ve also been waiting for you.” His fingers press a little deeper into the sensitive skin and I let out a hiss, fresh arousal sweeping through my cock despite our earlier coupling.

“Regarde,” he whispers, and I do. Tilting my head back, I look up at the ceiling. And freeze.