Piper: It’s been twenty minutes. You must be really upset with me. I assume you’re with Andrews. I’ll talk to Tyrell about getting us switched. I think I might apply at Channel Seven.
What? Apply at Channel Seven and leave Action News? The idea of not just losing Piper as my partner, but losing her from my life was terrifying.
I fired a text back to her.
Alonso: STOP! Do not do anything and for the love of God don’t apply at Channel Seven. You’d hate it. I think I figured it out. Come to my edit bay NOW.
Piper: Ok?
A minute later she tentatively stepped through the doorway. “What’s going on? You don’t hate me?”
I raised an eyebrow in her direction. “Hate you? Can’t I be mad at you without resorting to hate? Do you hate me?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“Being upset doesn’t mean hate, Piper. It just means you’re upset. And believe me, I’ve been plenty upset that you didn’t trust me, but I understand. And I think I figured it out.” I motioned to the seat beside me and she took it, her arms wrapped around her middle.
I cued up the video and showed her the high-heeled shoe and the glint of the camera. She held a hand up to her mouth as she watched.
“Who was in there with you?”
Shaking her head, she looked at me. “I had no idea anyone was in there. I was in front of that mirror for a good ten minutes, they must have hidden the entire time.”
I laid my hand on her arm and felt the goosebumps pop back up. “The question is, was this intentionally planned, or was this spur of the moment? Regardless it’s bad, but that’s something I think you need to know.”
She looked from me to the computer screen. “Have you shown anyone else this?”
Piper’s mouth opened, but then she shut it again. I could tell she was changing gears as she bit her lip and moved her hair. “First off, Alonso. Please, please forgive me. I had no right to accuse you. You’ve been nothing but professional here at work, and a friend both at work and outside. I was wrong.”
“Forgiven. As long as you’ve finally forgiven me for all those years ago.”
She nodded shyly. “Second. I think this might have been Maria. She was wearing dark shoes. And she had already announced her intentions to apply for the anchor job.”
“She was not happy when I told her I wouldn’t be giving her a recommendation. I think you’re right.” I leaned in closer to Piper. “I think we need to tell the powers that be. They can follow up on that.”
“Can we—can we try again?”
I brought my face within inches of hers. “Only if I can do this first.” My hands went to her cheeks and I lowered my lips to hers, kissing her softly. She tasted like cinnamon and coffee and the combination gave me a rush of heat and caffeine. I brought her closer and tasted more of her as she groaned under the weight of my lips.
Breaking apart, Piper looked at me with heavily lidded eyes. “I um, I might need to try that again. Just to make sure we’re on the same page.”
“With pleasure.” I moved my chair behind the wall so we were hidden, and brought Piper onto my lap. She leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my neck as I claimed her lips, working my way down her neck and back up the other side.
“I thought you were proud to be the last man standing?” She giggled.
“Now I’m proud to be the man who gets you, Piper Campbell. Now, no more talking.”
With that, I pressed my lips to hers once again and forgot all about being a bachelor, ready to take on the role of claimed man.
We ride in silence toward Tybee Island, our hands entwined. I steal a glance at Piper as we sit at a red light and give her hand a squeeze. She squeezed back. From the backseat, Maggie sighs. I hadn’t told her what was going on, just that I wanted her to take some pictures of us on the beach.