Well, if Piper Campbell wanted to be rid of me, I could make that happen. “Did you talk to Andrews yet?”
The hair that had fallen forward was tucked back. “Yes. I just came from there. He said they were looking into it.” Her voice was low, defeated.
“Did you tell him you wanted a new cameraman?” I stared at her, making her fidget and refuse to meet my gaze.
“Well then, I’m going to go demand a switch. I won’t work with someone who can’t trust me.” I pushed past her, not caring that I shoved her shoulder into the doorjamb. “See you later, Campbell.”
But I didn’t go straight to the bigwig’s office. I went to the men’s room and sat in Sam’s make-up chair for a minute, my head in my hands. After several deep breaths, I looked at myself in the mirror. The room was dark, as the overhead light didn’t provide much in the way of illumination. I leaned forward and flipped on the mirror lights. and studied the room behind me.
The ladies’ room was beside the men’s and I could only assume it matched. Bathrooms and sinks behind, a dressing and make-up area in front. The dressing area was partitioned off with a heavy curtain for privacy. Where had that video been shot from? It was a little grainy, so I imagined it was from a cellphone.
I positioned myself where I thought Piper had been standing. The video showed her from the side and her mirror image reflected back. I needed help.
I grabbed Rex. “You got to come to the bathroom with me.”
“Whoa, AO, I didn’t think we were that close.”
“I’m trying to figure out what happened last night. Just come with me.” I pulled him into the men’s room and sat him in Sam’s chair. “Now, lean forward and look at yourself.”
Rex turned and looked at me. “You’ve got it bad, AO.”
“You’ve fallen for her, man. Everyone can see it. Maria even said something to me about it yesterday.” Rex looked at me through the mirror and wagged his eyebrows while puckering his lips.
Maria. I told Rex to stand still while I hid behind the dressing room curtain. I left a crack between the wall and the fabric and aimed my phone. Sure enough, it gave me the right angle for the video that aired. I videoed a few seconds’ worth of Rex playing it up before coming back out.
Rex turned and looked at me. “I thought you were a confirmed bachelor, AO.”
The thought that I was falling for Piper came to mind, but then the hurt that she didn’t trust me outweighed those feelings. “I’m reconfirming, Rex. Relationships are too much work and bring nothing but trouble.”
My friend clapped his hand on my shoulder. “Anything worth having is hard work, man. And the trouble is all worth it in the end when you have someone who gets you and knows why and how you tick. It’s a risk, sure, but the reward... Man, the reward is so much more.” With that, he exited.
Back at my desk, I pulled up the video of Piper in the dressing room. I froze the frame and zoomed in. Sure enough, a high-heeled shoe was poking out from under the curtain. It was a dark color, which could be any of the women who worked at Action News. The glint of camera phone glass flashed momentarily on the video and I froze it again. The face was too grainy to make out, but sure enough, pale skin was visible.
A text alert came through my phone and I glanced down. Maggie’s name popped up.
Maggie: Did you fix it?
Alonso: Not yet.
Maggie: You and Piper belong together. You have to fix this.
My little sister was playing matchmaker now? I knew she was too attached to Piper.
Alonso: She doesn’t trust me. You can’t have a relationship without trust. Besides, I don’t need a woman.
Maggie: Don’t be stupid, Ali. She made a mistake just like you did. And you do need a woman. I’ve seen your place. And Piper, she’s like a perfect match.
Alonso: I’ll call you later, Mags. Te amo.
Maggie: Adios.
Before I could put the phone back in my pocket, I noticed a missed text from Piper. I debated erasing it before reading it, but I couldn’t. I had to know what she said.
Piper: I cannot say how sorry I am for not believing you. I should have calmly come to you before making any accusations. If you don’t want to work with me anymore, I completely understand. But truly you are the best cameraman and producer I’ve ever had. You make me laugh and that’s something I’ve missed out on in the past few years. No matter what happens, please know that I’m sorry for my behavior.