I grabbed the closest thing to me, a well-used coffee mug, and threw it on the ground so it shattered into dozens of ceramic pieces. I turned on my heel and ran to my desk, grabbed my things, and fled the building. Alonso called out after me, but I didn’t stop.

In my car, I realized I was supposed to stay and present the correct story, but I didn’t care at this point. My career might be over anyway, thanks to Alonso and his need to constantly be a prankster. I slammed my hand on the steering wheel, they could run the right piece without me. I drove back to my parent’s house as I tried to keep the tears at bay.

Ringing erupted all around me as my car picked up the Bluetooth. Alonso Ortiz popped up on the screen. No, thank you. I tapped to reject the call. I didn’t want or need his explanations. A hot tear slid down my cheek. I will not cry over this. Crying solves nothing. I will come out stronger and Alonso Ortiz will lose his head like one of the Red Queen’s playing cards.

I slammed every door as I went through it. The car door, the front door, my bedroom door. Yes, I was acting like a teenager again, but I didn’t care. This was devastating. Not just to my career, but also to my friendship with Alonso.

Over the past several months, my hatred for him made a complete turnaround. We were friends. We might have been more than friends if he wasn’t so set on being a bachelor for life.

Oh. Maybe that’s why he did it. Was I getting too close? I had wanted to kiss him and I’m pretty sure he wanted to kiss me as well, but maybe I was wrong. Did I read too much into his friendliness? If so I am doubly, no, triply mortified. But still, for him to humiliate me in that way...

More tears ran down my cheek when a knock came at my door. “Who is it?”

“Piper, honey, are you okay?” My mom’s voice drifted softly through the door.

I swung the door open, then flopped onto my bed like I would have done as a teenager ten years prior. “No. I’m not. Did you see it? How bad was it?” I stared at the ceiling, preparing myself for her to tell me it was the worst thing she’d ever seen on television.

A sigh escaped her lips. “It wasn’t that bad. Embarrassing, sure, but really it just showed you’re human like the rest of us. It’s not career ending, which is how you’re acting.”

I propped myself up on my elbows. “Mom, I sucked my teeth on television. I don’t even know how that was recorded. And I really don’t know how he could do this.”


I flopped back again, angry tears burning my skin as they rolled back into my hair. “Alonso Ortiz.”

“Wait? The same guy who did this to you in college? The one who’s been hanging on you like a lost puppy for weeks?” Mom sat down next to me and smoothed my hair. “I see how he looks at you, Piper. I don’t see how he could do this.”

“He’s the one who creates my packages. He’s the one who knows my warm-up routine. And he’s the one who admits to being a prankster.” I slammed my fist on the soft mattress, but it only bounced. I wanted to break things.

Silently, my mother continued to smooth my hair. My mind raced with thinking if it would have been anyone else. I’m friends with everyone, or at least friendly. I had never seriously offended any of my coworkers that I knew of. And given my history with Alonso, I didn’t see how it could be anyone else.

“I think I just need to be alone with my thoughts for a while, Mom. Thank you.” I squeezed her arm in lieu of a hug.

“Of course, honey. I’m here if you need me.” After kissing my head, she stood and exited, closing the door softly behind her.

Once again, my phone began to ring and I pulled it from my pocket. Alonso again. I sent it to voicemail and turned my phone off. I didn’t need to deal with him or anyone else for a while. Without even changing, I pulled my quilt up over myself and fell asleep.

My dreams were full of deception. My mother laughing at me and pointing. Henry flaunting an unknown woman with a round belly, telling me she was better than me. Sam and Karry tripping me on set and snickering about it. Then Alonso, exposing me for the world to see, devil horns growing through his hair and his eyes glowing red.

The next morning was my regular yoga day, but I couldn’t face a room full of people, or chance running into Alonso. I opted to go for a run instead. The rhythm of my feet on the pavement as my angry and determined playlist came through my earbuds pushed me forward. Again, I tried to search my brain for why Alonso would do this to me again after how well we were getting along.

My phone rang, jarring my thoughts and bringing me to a halt. It was Tyrell. I answered it, ready to spout off every reason why Alonso should be fired.

“Tyrell, if you defend him I will hang up faster than Ashley can spend money.” I was rude and I knew it. I would have to apologize.

A huff came through my earbuds. “Piper, I’m not defending anybody or anything. I know you’re upset. Can we chat?”

I sat on a nearby bench and bounced my legs. “Yeah, we can chat. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so rude. Did I lose any hope of getting that anchor position?”

“Let me lay it down. The video that aired was obviously not your doing. We’re looking into that. But it wasn’t your fault at all. What is your fault, however, is your reaction. You could have handled that with dignity, and you didn’t. You ran. If you’ve lost your chance at being anchor, it’s because of that. Not what aired.”

Tears formed in my eyes and mixed with the sweat, causing my eyes to close. I held my head in my hands. “I really mucked things up.”

“Mr. Andrews doesn’t know you stormed off, but he will if Karry or anyone else who was in that room talks to him before you do.” Tyrell hesitated. “He didn’t do it.”

I knew who he was talking about and I ignored the comment. “I’ll come in early and talk to Andrews. In fact, I will email him as soon as I get home and then come in early and talk to him. I want this job.”

“Why do you want it so bad?”