It would ruin him, I knew. My head began to pound, which wasn’t helped when the director opened the door and glared at me before slamming it shut again. “What’s the other idea?”
Tyrell’s voice softened. “You talk to him and hope he’s learned his lesson. We can get rid of the evidence, and he accepts that we’re together.”
Would my father ever learn his lesson? Even without hearing the recording, I believed Tyrell. He would have no reason to make up everything. I told Tyrell I needed to think about it for a little while and speak with my father. After hanging up with Tyrell, I called my dad.
“Ashley, that hoodlum you’ve been seeing…”
I interrupted him. “Stop it right now, Dad. I know everything. How could you?”
“He’s no good for you, Ashley.” His voice wasn’t harsh, and he spoke plainly.
I shook my head. “How would you know? You don’t know him. He’s an amazing father.”
“He has children out of wedlock, Ashley.”
Standing to stretch my legs, I paced back and forth. “I know that. So does half of America at this point, Dad. That’s neither here nor there. I won’t ever have children; these girls might one day be your grandchildren.”
“They’ll never be my grandchildren.”
Bitterness rose in me. How could he be so callous? “I’m sorry to hear that, Dad. I’m done. I hope you’re happy with the results of your actions today because you’ll be reaping them for years to come.”
The backtracking began in earnest. “Wait, Ashley, sweetie. You’re not going to let him…”
Laughter bubbled in my throat. “You’ll just have to watch Action News tonight and see what happens. Maybe you’ll be exposed. Maybe you won’t. Tyrell is smarter than you give him credit for. I’m just sorry you’re too small-minded to realize it.”
I hung up and kicked the curb as hard as I could. The tennis shoes on my feet weren’t exactly great protection, and I yelped in pain. As tears swam in my eyes, I realized just how toxic my parents actually were. There was no reason for me to continue playing into their plan.
Opening my text messages, I fired one off to Tyrell.
ASHLEY: Hold off. Let’s make him sweat.
TYRELL: I love that idea.
ASHLEY: I’m so sorry. About everything.
TYRELL: You did nothing wrong, Dream Girl. I’m sorry it came to this.
ASHLEY: I guess I’m without a family now.
The tears were now in a free flow down my cheeks. I knew my boss was watching me, but I didn’t care. For all intents and purposes, I had just lost my father. Perhaps my mother and brother as well. The tears turned to sobs at the thought of never seeing Jonny again.
TYRELL: We’re your family now, Ash. We all love you.
A touch on my shoulder had me spinning around. Britt stood there, her arms outstretched. I fell into them and cried until I was all out of tears. Through hiccupping breaths, I told her my father was gone. She told me to go home, and she would explain it to the director.
Not wanting to argue, I simply nodded and went inside to get my things. My class was outside on the play equipment, and I slipped in and out without fuss. I went home, curled up with Trainer, and closed my eyes.
It was dusk when the sound of my phone ringing woke me. Tanner’s name came across my screen, and I debated ignoring him. Knowing Daddy had surely made his side known, I answered so I could give my own. Whether he wanted to hear it or not would remain to be seen.
“Let’s hear it, Tanner.” I stayed on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.
He chuckled. “I was more thinking I needed to say that to you. What on earth happened? Dad is preparing for the apocalypse.”
I blew out a heavy breath. “Good. After what he tried to pull, I’m done. And if he’s sweating in his Brooks Brothers, all the better.”
“Tyrell threatened him?”
Of course, that was Dad’s side of the story. “No. Tyrell has the entire thing recorded. Dad tried to pay Tyrell off to never see me again.” I told him what Tyrell had told me.