I looked her straight in the eyes; the dark brown color matched my own. “Absolutely. Goodbye, Mother.”
The door closed behind her and I flung myself onto my bed, curled up, and cried myself to sleep.
The world was imploding around me. First, my mother broke her leg, then, Sabra and her nonsense, and now Ashley’s mom. Why was the world against us? I wasn’t usually one to believe in such things, but what else was I supposed to think?
I had called several attorneys and found one that was willing to work with me. She had said it would be better if I were married, but I certainly wasn’t going to rush into that for the sake of a custody battle. I’d seen enough movies with that premise to know it never worked out. Living close to my mom was a bonus, though.
And Mom was getting better every day. The pain was finally subsiding, and she was figuring out how to move on crutches. The girls were being especially helpful and attentive.
On the attorney’s advice, we stuck to our current custody agreement, but I was not happy to drop the girls off at school Wednesday knowing Sabra would be the one picking them up. What if she ran off with them? What if she went after Ashley again?
I hated to admit it, but I didn’t have much time to worry about Ashley’s predicament with her parents. I had known they were toxic before the term “toxic people” was a thing. But they were her family, and she loved them. Still, putting space between her and them was needed. When she told me about her mother calling the girls “baggage,” I just shook my head. That woman would end up alone in life.
“Tyrell, man, what are you doing?”
I snapped out of my trance and realized I was standing in the middle of the newsroom, papers in hand, just staring out into space.
My co-worker, Rex, clapped me on the back. “You okay, man? You look like me after pulling staying up all night with the baby.”
Shaking out my arms and legs, I nodded. “Yeah, sorry. Just a lot going on. I guess I’m not getting much sleep, either.”
He laughed. “Well, the boss wants to see you. Greenhorn interviews are happening soon.” He shook his head and walked off toward his edit bay.
As if my home life wasn’t screwy enough, one of our on-air reporters was leaving, meaning we had to hire someone new. And as one of the news directors, I had to sit in on interviews. I wondered if I could just take a vacation for the next six months.
At 5:30, I got a text from Ashley.
Ashley: The girls are still here. Britt can’t get ahold of Sabra.
Tyrell: I’m heading into a meeting. Can you call my mom?
Tyrell: Never mind, she can’t drive.
Ashley: I can take them to her. Their car seats are here.
What should I do? We had an interview, so I couldn’t leave. My mom was out of commission. Where was Sabra? The last thing I needed was her showing up for the girls after Ashley left with them.
Tyrell: Give Sabra ten more minutes. I’ll text her. If she’s a no-show, take the girls to Mom’s.
Ashley: Will do.
I fired a text to Sabra telling her my mom would be getting the girls in ten minutes if she didn’t show up. Slipping into the conference room, I put my phone on silent and prayed when I left, everything would be okay.
Thirty minutes later, I pulled out my phone to find that Ashley had taken the girls to my mom’s house. Sabra had not come. While I was happy to keep the girls, it would have been nice to have a heads up. Rage welled up inside me.
I stopped by my office to grab a few things and lock up when AO came by and slapped my door. “Tyrell! P’s and Cues tonight?”
“I can’t, bro; the girls’ mom didn’t show up to get them.” That’s when the worry set in.
Sabra was always on time when it came to Saffi and Sami. She was good about taking them to doctor’s appointments and getting them everything they needed. It wasn’t like her to be a no-show. What if something had happened to her? I didn’t know if I should be furious or scared, so I rushed out, dialing Sabra as I went.
When her voicemail picked up, I tried to be calm. “Sabra, you didn’t pick the girls up from school. My mom had to get them.” No need to tell her Ashley had taken them to my mom. “Let me know if you’re going to get them tonight or what.”
Ashley was still there when I got to Mom’s house. “I didn’t want to stay in case she showed up, but your mom asked me to help her with them.” She looked to the girls, who were snuggled up on either side of Mom watching television. “They asked why their mommy hadn’t come to get them. And Sami is worried about her pet snail?”
“That would be Saffi. And it’s a stuffed snail, so it will be okay.” I opened the fridge and rummaged around, deciding to make a quick ham and cheese sandwich. “I just don’t know why Sabra wouldn’t show up.”