Sami put her arms around her sister as Saffi hid her face. “I’m staying with Sami. And Daddy.” Her voice was muffled, but I could hear it just fine.
“Argh!” Sabra threw up her hands and turned on her spiked heel. She sashayed out of the building, leaving a crowd of onlookers in her wake.
The school director, Miss Smith, came from her office and raised an eyebrow at me.
“I’m so sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say. I was relieved when she simply nodded, her face drawn but her eyes kind.
I turned back to Ashley and furrowed my brow. “I—”
She shook her head. “No, it’s fine. Thank you for the flowers. I think you better take your girls home and give them some reassurance.”
Saffi and Sami were still huddled close to me. I mouthed my thanks to Ashley and ushered them out to my car.
After a silent ride home, we went inside and all sagged onto the couch. I wasn’t sure what to say, but as I gathered my thoughts, Saffi was the first to speak.
Fat tears rolled down her cheek. “Why is Momma so mean sometimes?”
How do I answer that? I drew her into my lap. “Oh, Saf, I’m sorry if Momma was mean. I don’t think she tries to be mean. I think maybe she’s just confused.”
“What about?”
What, indeed. I certainly had no idea. Confused about the four of us as a family unit? Confused as to why the girls preferred to be with me than her sometimes? “Baby, life is always confusing. Even for grown-ups. We don’t know everything; we just do what we think is right.”
Sami stood up and stomped her foot. “Maybe Miss Ashley can be our new mom.” She folded her arms and scrunched up her nose.
It was my job as their father to treat their mother with respect. I knew that. Hard as it was, I would have to keep doing it. “No. You have a mom; and she loves you, and you love her. Even if Miss Ashley and I were to date, Momma would always be your mom. Even when you and Momma fight, you love each other. Got me?”
She fell back on the couch. “Okay, fine.” It only took about three seconds for her to change the topic. “Can we pick up burgers on the way to Gigi’s?”
I smiled. We all loved our nights with Gigi, and my mom loved her nights with us. “Let’s call her and see.”
After collecting her order, I sent a quick text to Ashley, hoping she wouldn’t go running for the hills after the performance by Sabra.
Tyrell: I promise it’s not always like that with Sabra. Sometimes when she’s between guys she wants to act like we’re a happy family. We have never been that.
Ashley: It’s okay. She’s someone you will have in your life forever, so I know you need to be diplomatic.
Ashley: Thank you for the flowers. They’re gorgeous.
Tyrell: Like you.
I pocketed the phone with a smile on my face. The girls and I loaded up and went to pick up dinner before heading to my childhood home.
Did Sabra Thomas scare me? Yes, she did. Did I think Tyrell and his girls would be worth the hassle of dealing with Sabra? I wondered. I knew Tyrell was worth it, and he had explained the situation to me already. Still, she was a force to be reckoned with, and I didn’t want to get trampled by her.
The flowers from Tyrell looked cheerful on my table. I couldn’t see the television with them there, but that was okay. I’d move them to the counter when I was done admiring them. The texts from him were reassuring, and of course, I blushed like mad at his comment that the flowers were gorgeous “like me.”
When my phone rang, I thought it might be Tyrell, but I grimaced upon seeing Morgan’s name once again on my phone. I readied my saccharine voice. “Morgan, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
Her perky voice grated on my nerves. “Ashley, honey, what are you doing tonight? Tanner was asked to a business dinner, and I was hoping you could watch Jonny for us.”
An evening with my cuddly nephew might be just what I needed, so I agreed. It would likely be a late night, but I grabbed my laptop so I could watch something while Jonny slept. I didn’t use their streaming services because I didn’t need Morgan and Tanner knowing what I watched. It wasn’t bad, but I was sure there would be comments about it.
On my way to their house, my mother called. I couldn’t handle all this Gloss family communication. “Mom, I’m on my way over to watch Jonny.”
I could picture her recoil. “Oh, well. That’s lovely Ashley. It’s too bad you like children so much.” Unlike her, who thought they were tiny leeches.