Alonso turned away from me to Tyrell. “Yeah, we were just talking about that. Maria invited Piper. I think I’ll be there. Piper?” An expectant stare met my gaze, full of unspoken questions.
My smile was too wide, I knew, but I couldn’t help it. “I hope so. We’ll see.” I stood and smoothed down my dress. “Let me know when you have the rest of that package ready, Alonso. Maybe see you later, Tyrell.”
I scurried away, unsure why I felt guilty or embarrassed when I had done nothing wrong. Except, maybe, open my heart up a little more to Alonso Ortiz.
The crowd from work was small, but all people I knew. P’s and Cues wasn’t a large place to begin with, so it always seemed cozy, and since it was just a mile away from the studio, it was convenient. I searched around for Piper. Not that I was looking for her, but she had said she would come.
Oh, who was I kidding? I was totally looking for her. I had nursed a crush on her back in college and it had returned full force after watching her interact with Maggie. A few months ago I swore I would never date someone from work, but Piper made me rethink that.
I watched Tyrell and Ashley groping each other in the corner booth. Ashley was a Savannah socialite who worked as a preschool teacher to keep herself from being bored and because her father said she had to have a job. They had been high school sweethearts who just found each other again recently. Now they were joined at the hip.
Pangs of jealousy hit me. I wasn’t jealous of Tyrell, not at all. Ashley was pretty, but so not my type. But I did feel that slam of jealousy over having someone to come home to at night. Someone to share my dreams with and someone to make Abuela’s mole sauce for.
I scanned the room again for Piper and saw her come from the restrooms with Maria. They laughed at something Maria had said and my breath stilled. The unbridled joy that broke out onto my face was automatic.
Piper Campbell radiated light.
Which could spell disaster for me. She didn’t look any different than she had at work, but she had removed her cardigan and her hair was swept off her face with a clip or something. But still, she simply shone from across the room. And I felt completely smitten.
The pair made a beeline for me and my pulse quickened. My mouth dried immediately and I struggled to swallow. This sensation was new to me. Sure, I had dated plenty in my life, but nobody had made me feel like this before - and we weren’t even dating.
“Hi, AO. You look happy to be off work tonight.” Maria smiled. She sidled up to me and batted her eyelashes.
I knew she was trying to be flirtatious, but I was in no way attracted to Maria. “Something in your eye, Maria?” Yes, it was a little mean, but I wasn’t going to let her think I was interested. Especially not with Piper standing next to her.
Straightening out, Maria ran her fingernail under her eyes. “Um, no. I got it.” A look of defeat came across her face. “I’ll be right back, Piper. Want a beer?”
Piper shook her head as she sat across from me. As Maria walked away to the bar, she spoke without looking my way. “Maria likes you. She asked me to invite you tonight.”
I took a long drink while I thought over what she said. I had picked up on Maria’s flirtations, but I didn’t realize she was actually interested. Or that she had asked Piper to invite me. Did that mean Piper had only mentioned it to me for her friend? “She’s a nice girl, but not my type.”
“You don’t date people from work.” It was a statement, not a question. Yet, based on her tone, Piper was definitely asking me for an answer.
I shook my head. “Not usually. But it’s not a rule. I would date the right person if she came along, regardless of where she works.” It had been a rule up until that exact moment. But I meant it when I said I could change the rules for the right person.
“But it’s not Maria.” Another statement.
With long black hair and a tiny, delicate body, Maria was beautiful. And she was a great coworker and a nice person, but none of it added up for me. I shook my head. “No. It’s not.”
I tried not to let the sly smile that crept onto Piper’s face encourage me. Was she glad Maria wasn’t my type? I thought about offering her what I did find to be my type. Long-legged, sassy women with eagle eyes and a knack for coaxing a story from complete strangers. That was my type.
A pool table opened up and I challenged Piper to a game. She eyed me. “What’s the wager?”
A date. The loser takes the winner on a date. Which meant that either way, I would still be the winner. But I chickened out when I opened my mouth. “Loser carries all the equipment for a week?”
“And...” She chewed her lip while she thought. “And buys lunch for the winner at least twice.” Her cheeks flushed at the addition.
I only nodded my acceptance. It was almost like a date, though we ate lunch on the road often enough. Perhaps we could have more wings and I could lick the sauce from her fingers again.
When it became apparent she would be whipping my tail, I bit back a laugh. With each shot, Piper grew more animated and the smack talk got livelier. I would happily buy her lunch every day to see that smile on her face more often.
Tyrell stood beside me as she sunk another ball into a corner pocket. “Man, you’re not even trying.”
I turned to him. “I am trying. She’s kicking my butt.”
He laughed and clapped me on the shoulder. “And you’re enjoying every minute, AO. I saw how you were looking at her earlier. Mr. I’m Never Settling Down. Mr. I’ll never date anyone from work.”