Oh. How had I done that? “I had to. It wasn’t easy, but what choice did I have? I didn’t want a husband who was so nonchalant not only about having a girl on the side but getting her pregnant to boot. Life must move on, and I’m proud to say I’ve survived one hundred percent of my bad days so far. I have a good track record.”

“So it seems.” His grin was a little dull, but still there. I thought Alonso seemed a little more introspective as we made our way into the parking lot.

Back at the studio, we parted ways and went to our respective desks. After about twenty minutes, though, Alonso texted me.

Alonso: Come see Maggie’s piece. She’s amazing.

Piper: Told you so.

Alonso: You sure did. Thank you.

Piper: You’re welcome.

I stared at the phone for a moment, a smile playing across my lips. The unsteady stomach flips returned and I was hesitant to push them away for once.

Maria approached my desk, her long hair neatly pulled over one shoulder. “Girl, who put that smirk on your face? It must be a man.”

I quickly put my phone in my desk drawer. “Oh, no. Well, from a man, yes, but it’s just about a story I’m working on. Nothing that exciting.”

“A group is going to P’s and Cues after work to play pool. Want to join us?” She tapped her navy blue nails on my desk.

“Oh, maybe.”

Leaning in closer, she whispered. “Could you ask AO to come? He’s so hot. Maybe we can play strip pool.”

Never had my heart leaped in my chest like that. Even when I found out Henry had cheated on me I had not been this shocked. Maybe I had subconsciously known that things with Henry wouldn’t have worked out. But I had absolutely no claim on Alonso Ortiz, and I knew it.

Swallowing hard, I nodded to Maria. “I’ll mention it to him.”

“Thanks, girl. I’d love to get my hands on him.” She winked and went off to her own desk. I watched her sit down and reapply her bold, red lipstick.

Knots filled my stomach. Alonso wasn’t mine in any sense of the word, so I had no right to the feelings I was having. But I knew jealousy when it reared its ugly head. Maria was my friend and she deserved happiness. And maybe Alonso was my friend now. Maybe. And he deserved to find someone, if he wanted someone.

I remembered I was supposed to see Maggie’s piece, so I made my way to his edit bay. “How does she look?”

“She’s on fire. Thank you for doing this.” Alonso’s eyes pierced my own, a warmth in them I could not help but notice.

“Um, Maria said a group is going to P’s and Cues tonight and said everyone is invited. She, um, told me to pass the word along, so...” I stammered. I was not usually one for stammering.

“Are you going?”

“I’m not sure.”

Without another word, Alonso pulled up Maggie’s part for the story and showed it to me. She was poised and well-spoken. It wasn’t long, but it was well done.

“She’s going to love this. I think it’s perfect for the story.” I shook Alonso’s arm with excitement.

His hand fell over top of mine as a smile lit up his face. In the span of a breath both our faces stilled and we became hyper-aware of our hands on each other. My breath hitched as my eyes searched his. What was this? What was going on?

Alonso licked his lips and I had an urge to taste him. I wondered what he tasted like. Cinnamon and spices, maybe. That Mexican mole sauce I knew he loved. The need to find out was incredibly strong.

“Come tonight? To P’s and Cues?” His voice was low, almost a whisper.

Unable to tear my eyes from his, I could only nod. I felt his forearm flex under my hands.

The air around us shifted as Tyrell’s voice bounced into my head. “Hey, AO...” He stopped upon seeing me. Alonso and I broke apart quickly. Tyrell laughed and raised an eyebrow, but continued to talk. “Hey, AO and Piper, pool tonight at P’s and Cues. I think Ashley and I are going to go.”

Ashley was all Tyrell talked about, seeing as they were newly engaged. I had met her once and she seemed sweet, if not a little shallow. But she came from old money and enjoyed the finer things in life. Alonso, it seemed, was to be a groomsman for his friend.