I cleared my throat. “Ladies first.” I needed to distract Bubblegum and also my abuela had taught me to always let ladies go first. Chivalry wasn’t dead.
Piper beamed at my offer to let her order first. “I’ll have a sweet tea and I’ll take a half-dozen boneless wings in the siracha honey please.”
“Tea and a half-dozen in siracha honey.” She didn’t write the order down, but blew a bubble with her gum before turning to me. “And for you, gorgeous?”
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Piper grimace. Was she jealous? I suppressed the smirk that threatened to cross my lips. Maybe I would play with Piper a little. Leaning in closer to Bubblegum I winked at her. “You know, darlin’ I would love a Corona and I’ll also take a half-dozen wings, with bones, in the siracha honey. Honey.”
A wink and a nod later and Bubblegum sauntered off. Piper sat across from me, her arms folded and looking off at the pool tables. Her cheeks were pink and she was puckering her lips.
“Want to play?” Her question surprised me. I thought surely she would comment on my interaction with the waitress.
“Sure.” We went over to an empty table and Piper immediately began to rack the balls. I chose a cue and watched. She expertly sorted the pool balls and slid the rack forward and back a few times.
As she grabbed a cue and chalked it, Bubblegum sidled up to me. “Your drinks are on the table.” She touched my arm, her long nails that matched her hair traced the outline of a muscle. Goosebumps raised up on my skin and I took a cautious step away from her.
Piper scowled. Was she feeling jealous? I certainly didn’t mind flirting, but I didn’t know if I was ready for her to feel jealous. Even if I had spent two years in college drooling over her. She lined up her cue and broke the set.
Within five minutes she had sunk three balls and removed her cardigan, revealing the adorably pink, figure-hugging dress underneath. It showed off her curves and had me sweating, and not from the heat. After my pitiful attempt at taking a shot, she spun around, her skirt flying up to mid-thigh, and aimed. Piper leaned over, giving me a view down the front of her dress, and shot her large doe eyes my direction.
She looked at me, her dark eyes sparkling under her lashes, while she took her shot. I had called her a dama machista before, but at that moment she possessed all the power in the world and I was helpless to stop her. My senses went into overdrive and I felt an intense need to wind my hands up in her hair and kiss her.
But before I could blink, she handed her cue to a burly guy waiting his turn for the table and proclaimed the table his. She walked up to me and whispered in my ear. “Our wings are ready, Alonso.”
Never did I think a statement about wings would turn me on so much. She swayed her hips as she went back to the table, her hot pink skirt entrancing every man in the place. I could do nothing but follow her back to the table like a lost puppy.
Sitting back down, Bubblegum reappeared with an appletini in hand. She slid it in front of Piper. “This is from the gentleman at the bar. He says he’s a fan.”
Piper thanked her and peered toward the bar to see who her mystery drink gifter was. I tried to look without looking, but probably only managed to look like a crazed boyfriend. Which I was not. From the corner of my eye, I saw a good-looking older man raise a glass and nod to her. She waved and nodded graciously, then she moved the drink to the interior of the table away from her.
“Are you not drinking it?”
“Oh, no. Never. I don’t know what he put in this drink, and with the way Pinkie there is looking at you, I wouldn’t put it past her to let him slip something dissolvable into that. I never drink what men send over to me, even if they are a silver fox.” She grabbed the drink again and motioned the man before pretending to take a sip and setting it back down away from her.
“You like a silver fox?” I rested my chin in my hand and laughed at her.
“About as much as you enjoy tarts who blow in your ear like Pinkie did.” She picked up a wing and bit into it.
I enjoyed flirting with women, but I can’t say I was overly fond of how easily Bubblegum had slipped into that mode. For her, flirting meant bigger tips, so I was sure I wasn’t the only poor soul she was whispering to.
“I’m surprised he sent over a drink while I’m with you.”
She sighed. “That’s how guys like that work. If you and I are together, he’s just a fan and I thank him. If we’re not together and I’m interested, I go chat with him. It’s all a giant game of attraction chess.”
A lump rose in my throat as I chewed my food. Now I had to wonder if she was interested and would possibly go home with that creep. But if she wasn’t drinking his offering, I had to think Piper was smarter than that. Managing to swallow, I looked down at the table. “Will you go chat with him? Since we’re not a couple?”
Piper placed her hand on mine and I felt a jolt go from her to me. As I looked up, she threw her head back and laughed. “No. He doesn’t know we’re not dating and I am not interested in someone who looks like he’s almost sixty. So play along so he will stop looking this way.”
With a nod, I lifted her other hand, the one messy with wing sauce, and I licked the sauce from her index finger. Eyes wide, Piper’s breath hitched. I grinned my Cheshire cat grin as I popped another finger into my mouth. At least Piper’s nails weren’t talons like Bubblegum’s. Speaking of, the waitress stopped short with a pitcher of tea and huffed when she saw us.
Removing her hand, Piper glanced toward the bar. “Yeah, um, I think that did it. He’s not looking anymore. And neither is Pinkie.” She grabbed a napkin and began wiping her hand under the table.
“Care to reciprocate?” I wiggled my messy fingers in front of her.
Not one to back down from a challenge, Piper grabbed my hand, cocked her head to the side, and licked the sauce from my own fingers. One by one. Without taking her eyes off of mine. I had never been so turned on in my entire life. Every inch of my body felt like a live wire ready to sizzle.
After that, we finished eating in silence. The silver fox had disappeared and Bubblegum stuck to silent refills of Piper’s tea. I asked for a glass of water after finishing my single beer. “Actually, do you have any cake? Chocolate? It’s her birthday.”
Piper beamed as the waitress went to check on their desserts. “That’s sweet of you. And how did you know I liked chocolate cake?”