We laid there in silence for a while, watching the progress of the stars around the sky. They faded into the abyss in the center, winking out like dying embers.

I decided that, creature or not, I could be really, truly happy here.

Eventually I managed to drag myself back to my feet, heading to Drazan where he lurked in the shallows. “Thank you for saving me.”

I was up to my knees in the warm water, and the ticklish sensation of tentacles creeping up my legs wasn’t remotely eerie or unusual now. It was the loving touch I’d been deprived of for most of my life.

Of course, my Elle.

He rose from the water, spilling luminescence everywhere, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I was growing used to answering to the stirring of need that rose in me. After years of cutting it off, pretending it didn’t exist, it was so lovely to be able to answer it.

I kissed him where the tentacles emerged from his face, working my way over the ridge of his cheekbone.

More quickly than I’d anticipated, the gleaming green and violet lights in his skin began pulsing pink, and then scarlet.

He let out a low growl, clawed hands resting on my hips as I kissed him slowly all over.

What do you desire, my little one?

“You,” I breathed, running my hands over his shoulders. “Both of you.”

My legs still ached from my terrified run, but I didn’t want to sit here like a traumatized lump. I wanted to take every moment of life the Void offered, grab the bull by the horns.

Kiraxis purred behind me. Drazan brought me to the shore, and the sensation of tentacles sliding over me, peeling away my clothes, was a welcome one. I untied the planchette, dropping it onto my clothes.

I stepped out of my jeans and crooked a finger at Kiraxis. “Come here, you.”

I wondered if he’d experienced a blowjob. If not, he was sure as hell about to.

He came closer, his cock already rising, hard and ready.

I sank to my knees, enjoying the surprise in his six eyes as they widened.

Then I ran my hands over his stomach, feeling muscles flex under my palms. As I trailed over the heavy V at the base of his stomach, I wrapped my hand around his cock.

Or as close as I could get. He was simply too thick to fully grasp; it took both hands to get all the way around him, and I massaged the swelling knot at its base.

Then I lapped gently at the beaded crown, and swirled my tongue over the tip, tasting the sweet-saltiness of pre-come.

He made a guttural sound, hips jerking.

The next time I swirled my tongue around him, I felt tentacles creeping over me, exploring the sensitive parts of my body. Drazan sent his enjoyment into my head, and I knew he was behind me, gripping his cock while his tentacles moved over me.

They clamped over my nipples, squeezing gently, and one of them slid between my legs.

I moaned, opening my mouth wider and sliding the tip of Kiraxis’s cock into my mouth.

The monster above me was breathing heavily, his gaze fixed on my mouth as I sucked and licked him.

Another hard suck, and I managed to fit a little more of him into my mouth. He was too thick, too long for me to take the whole of him; my jaws ached a little from how wide open they’d stretched.

But I slid my tongue along the sensitive underside, and was rewarded with a purring grunt, the massive organ twitching in my mouth.

Drazan pumped himself, the head of his cock resting on my ass, his tentacles probing into me. I wanted to gasp as a thick tentacle slipped inside me, suckers latching onto my clit, but my mouth was too full.

Impulsively, I glanced up at Kiraxis, and took another inch. My hands worked at his knot, kneading and stroking, and the tentacles wrapped around me slipped in and out of me in time with my own movements.