The monster roared his pleasure into my mind as I came, my walls clamping around his tentacles, the sucking suction within me dragging another, even deeper orgasm out of me.

His appendages pulsated, forcing me through another intense orgasm, and I reveled in it, my cries echoing over the water.

The sensation was unlike anything I could have imagined in my life, even in my wildest dreams.

I was shuddering, clutching at him, the syrupy glow of such an intense climax washing through me.

I felt the monster shudder in turn, noticing the thickening tentacle in my mouth and the jerky movements of his hips.

Oh, Elle, he roared, sending a powerful pulse of slick into my mouth, setting off another orgasm. The tentacle in my mouth pulsed in time with the ones still inside me, and I swallowed down his slick, thirsty for him.

And then his hips bucked harder, and the cock between us spurted, coating my breasts with his seed.

It dripped off me, covering the tentacles encircling my breasts, slid down my shoulders.

We were both gasping, clinging to each other desperately. I licked a droplet of his seed from my lower lip, the taste of it mixing with the slick.

My entire body felt heavy and relaxed. That had been… madness. Insane.

I wanted more.

But I sensed I’d been pushed to my limit for now by his inhuman organs. Maybe the liquid he called ‘slick’ would make it easier for me to take such a large cock into myself, but it was still going to be a tight fit.

Ah, Drazan breathed, his eyes flashing. The M’luldra has heard your cries and come for you. He will escort you home to safety.

I could hear Drazan’s mental smirk, and cast a glance over my shoulder. Kiraxis waited on the shore, his ears flattened.

I was too relaxed to feel embarrassed. I twinkled my fingers at him, happy to see him, and was pulled out of my wild grin by a gasp as Drazan suckled my nipples once more.

He released me bit by bit, a tentacle sliding free one at a time.

Allow me to wash you, my lovely one, he said. I have not experienced such a feeling in my life. It is a privilege to care for a mate like you.

“No, Drazan, I’d say the privilege was definitely mine.” Safe from drifting off in the grasp of several tentacles, I ran my hands along the ones that had pulsated slick into me, washing them with the crystal clear water.

Drazan did the same for me, cleaning off the thick coat of semen I wore, nudging my hair back into some order.

I couldn’t help but be reminded of Brady, who’d basically pumped n’ dumped, and gotten up to button his jeans.

Drazan, who I hardly knew compared to him, was lovingly cleaning up every inch of me, his tentacles and claws lingering on my hips.

I do not want to let you go, Drazan confessed. But I know that you have… things to do. Things you have come to find.

“Business to take care of,” I agreed, and then I rested my palms flat on his broad chest. “But I’m coming back for you. Every damn day if I have my way.”

And I would have my way.

I wanted more of this touch, more of this monster who was as amazed by me as I was by him.

Good. Because you are mine. I have claimed you. His claws brushed my jaw with heart-rending tenderness.

I put my hand over his. I couldn’t believe how deeply I craved this.

The Elle who was afraid of touch and intimacy had been broken down by this. And I couldn’t say I was entirely sorry to see her go.

Drazan twitched his fingers, and the waves returned, bearing my lost clothes. He helped me pull them back on, and before he released me to Kiraxis’s care, I wrapped my arms around him, kissing the lights on his shoulders.

“I claim you,” I declared, and watched him flash pink with happiness.