Chapter 6
She raises a dark brow, unconvinced. “Blake…when you followed me into the bathroom that first time…that wasn’t actually the first time you watched me pee, was it?” I shake my head, pleading her with my eyes not to ask me anything else. “That’s not the only thing you do, is it?”
“I’m sorry,” I burst out. “I also watch you—fuck, I can’t believe I’m telling you this—change your tampons when you’re on your period.” I didn’t want to tell her that last bit, but when her pussy walls contract around me, I go on. “I’ve replayed that first video of you putting a tampon in your little cunt so often that I jacked my dick raw and had to go to urgent care to get special cream for it.”
“That’s…that’s extremely fucked up.” My heart stops beating for a moment, but then she licks my motherfucking neck and purrs, “What else?”
That’s where I draw the line and shake my head. “I can’t…I can’t tell you.”
I wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing as I confessed about spying on her in the restroom, and she gets the drop on me, using all her strength to shove me off of her onto my back. Then she pounces on me, straddling my hips to take my cock inside her.
“Tell me, Blake. You owe me after all the crazy stuff you’ve done to me this week! What else did you do?”
She lifts her hips and slams them back down, swallowing my cock, and I growl at the intensity of the pleasure that makes my balls draw up high and tight. She does it again, and again, and again, making her tits swing side to side. Then she braces her hands on my chest and freezes with her hips lifted in the air, leaving only the tip of my cock inside her cunt. I whine like a little bitch as the orgasm that was building within me recedes.
“If you love me, then you’ll tell me right now, or I’m leaving!”
She teases me when I clench my jaw, only lowering herself to take a few inches before lifting her hips. Over and over, she teases the head of my cock, and I’m fucking sweating, my need to release inside of her again making the truth explode out of me.
“I lied, okay? I lied! I couldn’t keep myself out of your room at night. The only time I held myself back was the very first night you moved in, and even then, it only lasted a few minutes.”
Her pupils blow wide, and every muscle in her body goes rigid. “What. Did. You. Do?”
I don’t want to tell her, but I have to. I have to when she’s holding the tip of my cock hostage, shifting her hands down to brace her weight on my lower abdomen so I won’t buck up into her.
“Jesus, Jesus, that bedtime tea you drink? I buy it for you in bulk so you’ll fall asleep faster. I stand next to your bed and turn your head to the side so I can feel your breath on my balls while I jack off. You wear that eye mask, so even when you wake up, you don’t see me and go right back to sleep. I’ve bitten my lips bloody, trying not to make any noise when I cum. And then when I do cum, I….I…”
She’s looking at me like I’m a psychopath. “You what?”
All the air leaves me. Everything I’ve told her before this has been bad—criminal even—but this is the worst of all. I’ve gone too far, and she’s going to call the cops. They’re going to arrest me, and my life will be over after this. They’ll lock me up and throw away the key, and then I won’t be able to take care of my love.
Rocked by self-loathing and terror that she’ll hate me forever, I tell her quietly, “I push your blankets down and pull your cute little panties to the side. I swipe my fingers through my cum and then push it into your pussy. All of it. Every drop.”
“Holy shit, Blake!” She tilts her head to the side and asks in a lower voice, “How many times?”
That’s…not the reaction I was expecting. I thought she’d run screaming, not ask me how many times I have assaulted her and pushed my cum inside her pussy while she was sleeping.
“Every night, baby. Sometimes, two or three times a night. I barely get any sleep because I can’t stay out of your room. Can’t stop cumming and shoving it in your warm pussy. That’s how I knew you were a virgin and why you didn’t bleed the first time we had sex—I’d already popped your cherry with my fingers.”
“Oh my god. You popped—? Oh my—so even though you paid me to let you cum inside me, it didn’t matter. You’ve essentially been cumming inside me this whole time. Every night for five months?”
“Yes, but that was the first time I did it with my dick inside you, and it was fucking incredible.”
“You…I…this explains so much!” She’s still holding my dick hostage with her hips lifted high above me, but she jerks back with…excitement? delight?…and straightens her spine. Her hands drift to her belly, cupping the swell above her mound. And she’s smiling. Why is she smiling? Could it be…
With her weight off my abdomen, I take her by surprise by sitting up, gripping her by the waist, then flipping her under me. As soon as her back hits the mattress, I pound into her. “Explains what?” I punctuate each word with a thrust, slamming the headboard against the wall until it cracks.
She screams, “I think I’m pregnant!”
Wreck her pussy.
I rip an orgasm from her in ten seconds flat, making her pussy clench so goddamn tight around me that I climax, cumming so hard that my vision turns black.