“Almost seven months ago, I watched from the lobby of the police station as an officer dragged you inside after arresting you for trespassing and handed you over to a social worker.”
“You were there? Why?”
“My old apartment got broken into, so I was filing a police report. I fell in love with you the moment I turned around to look at the crying girl who told the officer that she didn’t mean to trespass—she was only looking for somewhere to sleep. She told him she didn’t want to go back to the group home since she was eighteen and only had a week left to go until she graduated high school. It took everything in me not to knock his ass out and throw you over my shoulder. But then they would have arrested me, and I never would have known where to find you after that.”
Her eyes are impossibly wide as she processes my confession. “Did you…did you follow me?” Her pussy clamps down around my shaft, and I groan.
“Yes. I had to. I had to know where you were—if my girl was safe. If anyone there would try to hurt you. If they did, I would have stopped them.”
Lora swallows hard. “You were watching me?”
“Yes. I had to watch you. Wait for you. That whole week, I camped out in the yard and would sneak into your room when you weren’t there. That’s how I found out which college you were going to. I rented this apartment because I knew you would need a place to live that was close to your school. After you graduated, I sat behind you on the bus here, then watched over you for two months while you were living on the streets. Fuck, that just about killed me. I wanted to die every time you laid down on a bench to sleep for a few hours. I wanted to pick you up and bring you home, but I knew that would scare you, and you’d never let me take care of you after that.”
“Blake…” Lora bucks her hips up, tightening her inner muscles around my cock when I slow my thrusts and drop my forehead onto hers. She never takes her eyes off mine.
“Every time you went to work, I’d race ahead of you to pin my ad looking for a roommate to the community board. I’d sit in a corner and work on my laptop while you were there, then take it down as soon as your shift was over.”
“Oh my god, you were stalking me. I can’t believe you did—” She throws her head back and arches, moaning loudly as I resume driving into her welcoming channel. “Why? Why do all that? I thought you were disappointed that you let me move in instead of picking a different roommate because you never, ever smile or say ‘Hi’ or even so much as look at me.” Lora’s chin quivers. “The only time you talk to me is when I tell you I’m going to be late or short on rent, and I always feel sick because of it.”
“You want to hear another confession? I never had a previous roommate, and I never needed help paying for this place. All that rent you’ve paid me has gone into a separate account I’ve been saving for you.” Lora freezes and stares at me like I belong in an asylum. Like what I just said is crazier than my confession of stalking her. I slam home inside her, so close to cumming again with her burning eyes locked with mine. “I couldn’t look at you or talk to you because I love you more than you could ever know. You were too tempting to resist if I allowed myself to be in the same room with you. I was forcing myself to wait until—”
“That doesn’t make any sense!” Her eyes flash with warning, and then she shoves against my chest to push me off her. When I don’t budge an inch, she screams and rakes her jagged nails down my sides.
Chapter 5
“What the hell, baby? I confess how much I love you, and you try to hurt me?” I grab her wrist and pin it to the mattress above her head, then roughly snap my hips in and out, taking my frustration out on her pussy. “Where did my sweet girl go?”
Lora goes wild, thrashing beneath me until she can free her hand, then starts ripping at my hair and clawing my shoulders. She does this twisty move with her hips that damn near bends my dick in half, wrenching it so damn hard that I have no choice but to pull out of her paradise.
I reach for her when she scrambles out of bed and grabs my brick-sized docking station sitting on the nightstand, viciously yanking the cord out of the socket. She’s a vengeful, naked goddess, and I get distracted watching my cum slip down her tan thighs. I have to grip my cock and strangle it to hold back from cumming on the bed instead of inside her pussy where I need it.
“You…you bastard! You paid me to let you do things to me, and you don’t even need the money! Why? Why would you do that?” She throws the station at my head, and I swat it away, so she picks up my metal industrial table lamp and cocks her arm back, ready to throw it at me too. “Answer me!”
I hold my free arm out, ready to dodge the lamp. “I didn’t mean to.”
“What the hell does that mean? Didn’t mean to what?”
“It just slipped out.”
“What did?” She screams the question, chest heaving, making her tits bounce. A spurt of cum works its way out despite my harsh grip, coating my hand. Wasted.
“I never would have made you pay rent if I thought you would accept living here for free, but I knew you wouldn’t. And then you were begging for my help again, and it just slipped out—asking you to bend over and show me your pussy. I never thought you would say yes! But fuck, I’m so glad you did. I’ll treasure that special moment for the rest of my life.”
“Are you kidding me?” Lora bares her teeth and throws the lamp.
I lean to the side and watch it sail past me, the bulb exploding on impact against the brick wall to the side of the massive floor-to-ceiling window with the perfect view of the tree Lora likes to sit under while she studies. It was a mistake to take my eyes off her because as soon as I turned back to face her, the framed picture I took of her through the window—the one I thought she hadn’t noticed sitting on my black metal dresser—nails me right in the face.
Lora reaches for another picture frame. Right before she throws it, she does a double-take and covers her mouth with a trembling hand. It’s a picture I took of her through a crack in her bedroom door, naked, having just dropped her towel on the floor after taking a shower, her arms raised, baring her tits, brushing out her wet hair.
Her breath hitches, and her light brown nipples tighten to hard buds. She whips her gaze up when I groan and lick my lips, wanting to nip and suck her buds into my mouth until they’re as puffy and red as her cunt. For a second, she sways forward, like she can read my mind and wants that, too. But then she growls and hurls the frame faster than I can react. It strikes my forehead, right above my left eyebrow. I touch my fingertips to the cuts on my face, and they come away wet with my blood where the corners bit into my flesh.
Lora claps her hands together over her mouth. “Oh shit, oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she says in her panic when I rise off the bed. She shrinks when I stalk forward until her back is against the wall next to the open bedroom door.
I slam it shut and brace my hand against it when she reaches to the side to twist the handle, all while jerking my cock. I lean in until the tip of my nose rubs against hers, and even to me, my voice sounds harsh. “You’re going to pay for that, baby. You can start by bending over the side of the bed and letting me eat your juicy ass like a good girl.”
The apologetic expression melts off her face, and that wild look takes over again. Her voice is shrill when she yells, “Fuck you, Blake! I’m not going to pay for shit. Do you know how much I cried every time I lost a shift and knew I would have to beg you for help again? I would make myself sick, literally sick, until I threw up, knowing you’d be so upset and might kick me out. And all this time, you didn’t even need the money!” Her voice cracks at the end, and it just about shreds my insides.