“Yeah?” he answers the phone, his good mood instantly turning sour as he listens to the person on the other end of the phone.
Reaper’s eyes immediately turn to me and I know whatever he’s hearing isn’t gonna be good. My fingers are already itching to find out what’s going on so I can get in my office and start digging into the latest problem the club is facing. My President stays on the phone for a few minutes before hanging up and leaning back in his chair while tossing his phone on the desk in front of him. He’s coiled and ready to fucking spring despite looking calm and relaxed.
“What’s up?” I ask him, leaning forward in my chair and waiting for him to fill me in on what’s going on.
“Gotta get to the warehouses. Kelsey saw her husband there this mornin’. He had a fuckin’ gun in his hand from what she said. He didn’t point it at her, but it was in his hand all the same. Let’s fuckin’ get there. I want every man here on the road in a minute. Kelsey and Kendell are gonna pull a runner,” Reaper states, his voice hard and cold as he jumps out of his seat and races from his office.
I follow directly behind him and yell out for anyone here to follow us. It’s not long before Crow, Eagle, Reaper, Trax, Cage, Grim, Tank, Kingston, Playboy, Slim, and myself are all heading toward the warehouses. This is actually the first time the guys from the Wild Kings will be seeing what we’ve done for the victims we help. Pushing every thought from my mind, I race in front of the group toward the warehouses. I feel a connection with Kendell and it will be over my fucking dead body that she leaves Clinton City. Here we can protect her. If the three of them are out on their own, it won’t take Martin any time at all to find them and do whatever he pleases. For the first time in my life, I want a woman to stay in Clinton City so I can get to know her and I can’t do that shit if she takes off running.
Pulling up, I barely manage to get my kickstand down before jumping off my bike and racing inside to find out how Kelsey, Kendell, and Gideon are doing. I bypass the receptionist’s desk and make my way down the hall to where the rooms are located. There’s a small group of staff outside one of the doors and I know without a doubt it’s Kelsey’s door.
“Get out of my way,” I bark out, rushing to the group and almost plowing through them to get inside the room.
No one says a word to me as I come to a stop when I see Kendell holding her sister and nephew in her arms. They’re all crying and I can’t even begin to imagine what the fuck is going through their heads right now. Kendell looks up and sees me. Our eyes lock on one another and her entire body deflates. Her shoulders slump in relief and I watch as she slowly releases the breath she was holding. Sparky’s tears start to slow down as she holds her sister and nephew even tighter than before.
“I’m here, Sparky. I’m gonna make sure everythin’ is taken care of,” I tell her, stepping closer to the family as Gideon looks up and sees me.
Gideon squirms to get down and Kelsey does so immediately. She watches her son walk over to me and lift his arms up in the air. I pick him up without hesitation and take in the look of pure shock covering the faces of Kendell and Kelsey.
“My son has never willingly gone to a man before in his entire life. He’s watched his father beat the hell out of me on a daily basis and always shies away from any man who gets too close. The only other person besides me that he’ll actually go to is Kendell,” Kelsey informs me as pride swells in my chest with the knowledge that this little boy feels safe in my arms. That he sees me as a man who will protect him from everything evil in the world and he’s not fucking wrong about that shit.
Gideon brings his stuffed hawk up to his face and rubs his cheek against it while laying his head on my chest. I wrap my arms more firmly around his little body as more members of the club fill the small room. It doesn’t take long for the little guy to pass out while I hold him. Kendell makes her way over to us and goes to take him from me.
“I got him, Sparky. Let’s figure out what’s goin’ on so we can come up with a game plan. I heard the three of you were plannin’ on leavin’ Clinton City and that’s not gonna fuckin’ happen. Kelsey, walk us through what happened this mornin’,” I tell her, sitting down on the bed as Kelsey paces the room in front of me.
She really doesn’t have a lot of room to move around with all the men in here and the door closed so no one else hears her business. Still, she manages to pace and wring her hands together as she keeps her eyes directed in front of her and not looking at anyone else other than her sister.
“I took Gideon outside to play this morning after we got done with breakfast. He was supposed to have a counseling session today and I wanted to let him play before he went to it. I know he’s only three and doesn’t understand what’s going on, but I wanted to get him in some kind of therapy now when everything is so fresh in our minds. Anyway, I was about to put him in the swing when I caught movement over my shoulder. I turned to look and saw Martin standing in the parking lot. He was on the outer edge by those trees. I immediately panicked and tried to get Gideon out of the swing. He was stuck half in the damn thing. Martin showed me he had a gun. He didn’t aim it at either one of us or anything, but seeing it was more than enough for me.
“He always told me that if I ever tried to leave him, he’d kill me. Martin was always threatening Gideon because he knows I love my son more than anything else in the world. Any love I felt for Martin died the first time he put his hands on me. However, by then he’d already cut me off from all of my friends, my money, and everything else he could. Kendell is the only one who never left me alone and defied him at every turn. Anyway, I screamed as loud as I could to alert someone that I was in trouble and that’s when Martin disappeared. Macy, my counselor ushered Gideon and me back here and that’s when I began packing our stuff up. I can’t remain here knowing he’s in town. He won’t stop until he gets his hands on me,” Kelsey tells us as anger fills the room.
There isn’t a single man at my side who doesn’t feel the anger toward the fucking bastard in question. Every guy in this room has helped others in Kelsey’s exact position many times in the past. We all will step in and defend anyone who needs it and protect women and kids with our dying breath. Martin is about to meet his fucking maker and I will happily pull the trigger to make it happen.
“I can’t let you leave here,” I state, not moving from my seat on the bed. “You’ll do nothin’ but paint a larger target on your back if the three of you take off with no protection. What can we do, Reaper? We’ve never dealt with such a fuckin’ pussy like Martin before. The last time a guy showed up here, we took care of the problem and didn’t have to worry about him any longer,” I ask, not sure what’s gonna happen to this small family.
“Well, there’s a few things we can do. We can bring them to the compound where they can be watched even closer on a daily basis. With the security and shit we’ve got there, Martin won’t be able to get to them. Or, we can talk to Grim here or call Gage and send them up with them. No one knows we’re affiliated with the club at this point so they’d be safe there,” Reaper says, looking at Grim who’s leaning against the door.
“I got no problem takin’ them back to Clifton Falls with us. Gage wouldn’t give a fuck if they went to his club either. Though, I have a feelin’ Hawk ain’t gonna let either one of us take them outta Clinton City,” Grim says, looking straight at me and only me.
“No, I’m not. The three of them will move into my house. I’ve got the best security as I try out new systems for the club. Every inch of my property is monitored and I’ll be alerted the second anyone gets close to my house. I’ve got the extra bedrooms for Kelsey and Gideon. Kendell can share my room with me. We’ll make this shit work,” I state, my voice leaving no room for either woman to argue. “Kelsey you’ll still be close enough we can get you here for any classes and counselin’. Or we can bring the counselor to the compound if you don’t feel safe comin’ back here. I don’t give a fuck what we gotta do to keep you all safe. I’ll get the ol’ ladies to take you shoppin’ so you can get what Gideon and you two need to make my house comfortable. I don’t have a bed for him, so that’s somethin’ we’ll have to get right away.”
“We can’t move in with you, Hawk. You have a life to live. We’ll be okay going it alone. He won’t find us. Or we can go back with the man behind you,” Kendell says, making me pissed that she’s refusing to move into my house because of some fucked up reasons I can’t even begin to guess what they are.
“Not happenin’. Let’s get out of here. Grab their bags and load them up in Kendell’s car. I’ll personally move your shit over from the other house. Kelsey, you can take Gideon shoppin’ as soon as we get to the clubhouse. We’ve got funds for the domestic violence program that you’ll use to get whatever you need. There will be a group of men with you so you don’t have to worry about Martin gettin’ anywhere close to you or Gideon. Kendell and I will get the rest of the house ready and make sure we’ve got enough groceries and shit,” I practically growl out as I look at Kendell who doesn’t shrink back from me.
Tank and Cage grab the few bags from the bed and we all head out. Reaper stops long enough to let the staff know what’s going on. Kelsey and Gideon won’t be having their counseling session today, but we’ll make sure they get back here tomorrow or arrange for their counselors to come to the clubhouse. They were already warned it might happen depending on the situation we find ourselves in. This happens to be one of those times.
Kendell and I have gone through the house to make sure everything is here that they’ll need. I’ve put in a grocery order with the Prospects and Jay is gonna run out and get everything. No one’s seen Greg since last night and it only makes me more suspicious of him. I cleaned out the bedroom that I plan on putting the bed and new stuff for Gideon in. There wasn’t much in there but a bunch of boxes I hadn’t found time to unpack yet. I moved them down to my basement and put them in the storage room I have down there. We also went through the room Kelsey will be using. That’s what we’re doing now as Kendell finally speaks up.
“I can share this room with Kelsey. Or I can share the room with Gideon. I don’t need to be in your room, Hawk,” she tells me, her face and neck bright red as she blushes with the thought of sleeping in the same bed as me.
“Not. Happenin’, Sparky,” I tell her, stepping up directly behind her and pulling her into my arms. “I want you in my bed every fuckin’ night, Kendell. I don’t know what the fuck you’re doin’ to me, but I can’t have you under my roof while my bed is empty and fuckin’ cold. So, you’ll be in there with me every fuckin’ night.”
To show her how serious I am, I pick her up in my arms and wrap her legs around my waist. Kendell’s pussy is pressed right against my hard cock as I turn and leave the room we’ve been working in. I don’t stop until we’re in my bedroom and I kick my door closed behind us. When I step up to the side of the bed, I finally start to let Kendell out of my arms. Laying her down on my bed, I don’t take my eyes off of her. Her long hair is splayed out behind her and she’s looking up at me with her chest rising and falling rapidly. Kendell’s fingers twitch at her side and I know she wants to reach up and touch me. Grabbing her hand, I step between her legs so I’m closer to her and place her hand under my shirt on my stomach. Sparky freezes for several seconds and doesn’t move a muscle.
“It’s okay, Sparky. If you don’t want this, I’m not gonna force you. I won’t ever force you to do anythin’ you don’t want to do,” I promise her, my voice a husky growl as her soft hand starts to move lower on my stomach. Kendell watches as my muscles contract under her touch and her eyes widen as she looks up at me. “Yeah, you affect me just as much as I affect you, Sparky.”
“I want this, Hawk. So bad. But, I’m not as experienced as the other women you’ve been with. I’ve literally been with two men in my life and they barely got their dicks in me before they were done. I think there’s something wrong with me,” she says, her voice a whisper as she lays herself open and completely vulnerable before me.