Hawk comes around the rack as I stand up from the box that I’ve been pulling shirts out of to hang up so the wrinkles are gone by the time the store opens in a few days. Pulling me into his arms, Hawk kisses me and doesn’t hesitate to deepen it while he makes sure our bodies connect from our lips to our feet. There’s not an inch between us and I can’t stop the moan escaping me as he dips me backwards a little bit making my breasts press harder against his firm chest. I wrap my arms around his back and hold him close until he breaks the kiss and starts laughing. Looking down, I can’t help but laugh with him.
Gideon has come out from under the clothes rack and wrapped himself around Hawk’s leg. He’s glaring up at him and it doesn’t go away until Hawk takes his hands off my body. Then, my nephew and protector lets him go and gives him the biggest smile before reaching up for my husband to pick him up in his arms. For several minutes, Hawk tosses Gideon in the air catching him while making him think he’s gonna drop him to the floor. It’s a game they play often and my boy loves every second of it.
“What else do you have to take care of today, Sparky?” Hawk asks me when he finally puts Gideon down to play with his toys once again.
That’s been the best part of this entire experience. Now that the painting and renovations are done in the main shop, I can bring Gideon here with me and let him roam around the floor while I put stock away and organize it a million different times to ensure things are exactly as I want them. I don’t have to leave him behind at the clubhouse for someone else to watch or anything else. Soon, I won’t get to spend as much time with him and it breaks my heart even though I know it’s for the best.
Hawk and I just registered Gideon for pre-school when it starts back up again. He’ll be four and it’s time for him to socialize with kids his own age and start his education. We looked through all of the schools in the area for kids his age and talked to the administrators at each one before narrowing it down to two different schools. Yesterday we finally made our decision and completed the registration process. Next week we have to take him in to go through some testing to determine what he does and doesn’t already know, if he’s going to need a specialized education plan, which class he’ll be in, and everything else that they do before a little one starts pre-school and their education.
“I just got a new shipment of records in that have to be put up in the bins. There’s still the boxes of CDs that have to be put up where they go. And, I just got a ton of gift cards for various music sights that people use to download music. I don’t even know where I’m going to put those or if there’s some kind of display for them. I think there’s a few instruments that have come in. Cash was supposed to put them in the back yesterday but I haven’t found them yet,” I answer my husband, stepping back and leaning against the wall because I’m exhausted just thinking about what I have left to do today.
“Okay. Well, I’m here now and I’ll help you get this shit done. Cash is grabbin’ lunch and he’ll be over here. I think Kidd, Savage, Zoey, and Reagan are also on their way over to help finish gettin’ all this shit set up. You’ve got two days before the doors open. Did you think of where you want the proceeds from the openin’ day shit to go?” he asks, wrapping an arm around me again as I sink into his body instead of the hard wall. I really need to get a couch in here to sit on.
“That’s great news. More hands to get this stuff done so I can go home and take a nap. I’m thinking that since Kelsey is the whole reason I’m in Clinton City and with you, the love of my life, I’d like to donate the proceeds to the warehouses. Anythin’ to help the women and children already there and those who will use the services in the future. If there’s something that they need or to pay for another counselor, anything the money can do to help the program out,” I tell him as he presses his lips against my forehead as the bell above the door rings to alert us to someone coming in the store.
Hawk immediately puts his body in front of Gideon and me and has one hand behind his back to reach for the gun I know he always keeps there. Hawk’s entire body is tense until he realizes it’s Cash walking in the front door. I already knew it was him because of the smell from the food he’s brought us. Cash has gone to the diner and has cheeseburgers. My mouth waters with the thought of getting to taste this delicious food. I hope he got me a chocolate milkshake. I’ve been wanting one so bad the last few days but have been too lazy to stop and get one on the way here or back home at the end of a long day.
“Cash, how much do you love me?” I ask him, moving around Hawk to see if he’s got my shake with him.
“You know I love ya, girl. Are you askin’ for any particular reason?” he returns, making Hawk growl out to show how unhappy he is with our joking around. “I mean, you wouldn’t want to be butterin’ me up for this, would you?”
Cash pulls out a large chocolate shake from behind his back. It’s got so much extra whip cream on it that I’m surprised it’s not sliding down the side of the cup where it overflows the top. There’s no cherry because he knows I hate those things and the straw is already sticking out of the top of it. I grab the shake from him and take a large sip of the chocolatey goodness. Hawk takes the bag from his best friend and sets our lunch out, making sure Gideon’s is cool enough for him to eat before handing it over to him. I quickly dig into the food because it feels as if I haven’t eaten in days. It’s only been a few hours since I last ate, and less than that since I had a snack. I carry snacks for Gideon and myself around with me everywhere I go these days.
After we all devour our lunch, the three of us get to work until everyone else shows up. With all the help putting on the final touches around the shop, it doesn’t take long until we’re done for the day and Hawk is leading me from the storefront and out to my car. Cash and him surround me as I drive home with Savage and the others following in his truck. I’m ready for a warm shower since I can’t take a hot one, and then bed. Gideon is already passed out and I know he won’t wake up while we get him out of the car and inside once we’re back home. Our boy can sleep through almost anything.
“You get in the shower and I’ll get our boy in bed after cleanin’ him up and puttin’ him in his pajamas,” Hawk tells me as he gets Gideon out of his car seat and grabs my hand before leading us inside the house.
“Okay. I’m gonna pass right out today. I should’ve taken a nap before we went to the storefront but I thought I’d be okay. It looks like I was wrong,” I tell him, stifling a yawn as we make our way toward our bedrooms.
“Tomorrow I’ll make sure you take one, Sparky. I love you,” he says, swatting me on the ass before turning into Gideon’s room to get him around for bed.
“I love you more,” I return, stripping out of my clothes on the way to the bathroom.
I stay in the shower for longer than intended. It’s so long that Hawk joins me. He washes me from head to toe before making sure I’m rinsed off. After I do the same for him, Hawk spends time getting us dirty all over again. It’s been a long time since we’ve had sex in the shower and I have to say I’ve missed it. Even if it’s rushed and quicker than I’d like. Hawk still makes sure I get off before he does. Then we wash one another all over again before my husband helps me out of the shower, dries me off, and puts me into bed. Sleep quickly claims me and I don’t bother fighting it off today. Not when I’m completely exhausted.
Chapter Twenty-Two
WE’RE ALL HANGING out at the clubhouse today. Kendell opens her store tomorrow and I’m making her take the day off. She’s been going all out, nonstop for the last month and it’s time for her to take a break. The only reason I’m not having a total fit about it is because I’ve talked to Dr. Morris about how long and hard my wife has been working and she assured me it was okay. As long as Kendell isn’t feeling any pain or bleeding, there’s no reason for her to sit around and twiddle her thumbs while doing nothing but order everyone else around. So, I’ve been with her as often as I can to ensure that she doesn’t overdo things and everyone has pitched in to help get the store just the way she wants it. The guys really came through for the renovations and building her the perfect shelves and cases to display everything. Cash has been there more than anyone else and done whatever my wife needed him to do. Once again, he’s shown why he’s my best friend in the world. Even if I hate it when he flirts with Kendell.
I know I have nothing to worry about when it comes to Cash and Kendell. They’re more like brother and sister than anything else. I’m honestly glad they’re close because of how close Cash and I are. He’s the only one she trusts to watch us when we’re our most vulnerable and that’s happened a few times since we’ve been together. There’s just something about being watched by Cash that does it for my girl. I wouldn’t bring just anyone in to do that shit, but him I don’t even hesitate. Maybe it’s because I know he truly respects my wife and would never talk about the shit we do with anyone else. Or it’s because he knows just how much I truly love my wife and that this is something I do on occasion because I know how much she loves it. No one else would understand so there’s no point in letting anyone know what we do in the safety of our home where we don’t have to hold back. I’ve never held back, but Kendell is still discovering what she likes and doesn’t like when it comes to sex.
“Hawk,” Gideon says, walking up to me with his stuffed hawk in his hands and his blanket trailing along behind him.
Our boy is tired as I wait for him to get close enough for me to scoop him up in my arms and hold him close so he can fall asleep. Most of the time he has no problem falling asleep in bed without one of us with him. When we’re at the clubhouse, he seems to have a harder time falling asleep on his own. His counselor said it might happen because he’s around a lot of people. Even though he knows them, he still might be living through the trauma of being in the house when Kelsey was taken and knowing she’s not coming home again. So, he either comes to Kendell, Cash, or myself when he’s tired and can’t fall asleep on his own. None of us mind and will do everything we can to make him comfortable.
“Bein’ a dad looks good on you, Hawk,” my brother speaks up as he watches me with Gideon. “You’re natural with him and it’s easy to see how comfortable he is with you. You’re his protector and safe space.”
“It’s the best feelin’ in the fuckin’ world, Eagle. He’d go to you too if you started spendin’ more time with us. He doesn’t know you the way he does Cash. Hell, he’d treat you just the same as he does Cash. What’s been up with you lately? You’ve been gone or not around more often than you’re here?” I ask my brother, wondering what’s been going on with him because he’s been disappearing more and more.
“I’ve been goin’ out. Everyone seems to be findin’ their ol’ lady lately and I just don’t know what I’m gonna do. Part of me doesn’t want to get involved with a woman because all they do is bring trouble and chaos. Or they leave you behind without a thought. The other part of me wants an ol’ lady of my own. I want someone to come home to because it’s lonely and my bed is empty every night,” he responds, thinking of how our own mother left us behind all because she couldn’t handle club life.
“Goin’ out to the bars and shit isn’t gonna find you a good woman, brother. That will ensure you get laid, but that’s about it,” I tell him honestly because we’ve all been there.
It’s true. Every single member of this club has been out at the bars and all that shit around town most nights because we don’t want to deal with the Fallen girls but yet want to find an easy lay. So, the bars make the most sense for us to hang out in. It’s not the place to be if you’re looking for an ol’ lady though. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are plenty of women there who aren’t out searching for a man to fuck for the night and would make a great ol’ lady. However, I know my brother more than almost everyone else in the club and I know he’s not gonna find an ol’ lady at a bar.
“I know it’s not. Just don’t wanna be here seein’ all you guys happy with your families and shit. Plus, I’ve been goin’ and spendin’ time with Dad. We’ve been fishin’ in the pond and goin’ for rides just the two of us. He’s out, brother,” Eagle informs me, his voice lowering to a whisper as he takes in Gideon sleeping in my arms. “How are they both doin’ with everythin’?”