Everyone leaves the kitchen except for Hawk. He finally pulls away from me and makes his way toward a table. After righting the chairs, he takes a seat in one and watches as I start to clean up the mess Kori made. I know they said the girls would clean it up, but if I didn’t run my mouth to the girl, none of this might have happened. So, I’m not gonna let them clean it up on their own. By the time they all file into the kitchen and apologize for not doing their work over the last few days, I’m pulling out the stuffed shells and garlic bread with Hawk’s help. He won’t let me lift anything heavy and I can admit the pans of shells do have some weight to them. Once everything is ready to go, he calls the club in for dinner after making me a plate and sitting me down at one of the tables that have been cleaned once again. I thank him and get to eating. Today has been a long day and I’m ready to head to Hawk’s house and go to bed.
Chapter Eight
I’VE BEEN RIDING with Cash for the last few hours. We both just wanted to get away from the clubhouse and stop thinking about everything going on in our lives. We’ve all been pulling duty at the warehouses over the last two weeks since Kelsey saw her ex there. None of us are willing to let an abusive piece of shit get their hands on the people they’ve hurt or other innocents who have nothing to do with the situation. We don’t have any idea what Martin will do when he realizes his wife and son are no longer at the warehouses and that he can’t get to them on the compound because of the security we have set up. Over the years we’ve done everything we can to make sure no one can get onto the compound unless they come through the gate and let the Prospect manning the front who they are and why they’re there. That’s not something Martin would ever do because he’s a fucking pussy and would never go toe to toe with a man. He prefers putting his hands on a woman and little kid. We’ve met his type before and they’re always the same.
We stopped and got something to eat before heading back to the clubhouse. Cash and I try to get out and ride at least once a week. When things build up during the week, it’s our escape as we race down the road and let the wind take all of our issues away. Lately, I’ve been trying to let it take all thoughts of Kendell away because I have no clue what the fuck is going on with us. The sex we had was fucking off the charts and I’ve never experienced anything like it before. Since then, we just kind of pass one another as I’m coming and going. Kendell is there to support her sister and nephew and I’ve found her sleeping in Gideon’s room more than a few times. I think she goes in there if he has a nightmare or something and then just falls asleep. When that happens, the urge to bring her back into my bed is overwhelming, but I leave her where she is because Gideon needs her and I won’t ever take away his sense of security and the feeling of safety he gets from his aunt.
When Kendell and I are in the same room, there’s little looks between the two of us. The second she thinks I’m not looking her way, my Sparky stares at me as if she wants another taste. That the first time we had sex was just enough to get her addicted to me. I know I want another taste of her more than I ever thought I’d want a woman in my life. We’ve brushed up against one another more times than I can count over the last two weeks. Each time it happens, bolts of electricity shoot up my spine and I want to pull Kendell in my arms and never let her go. But, nothing has happened between us since that night though. And I don’t know how the fuck to get past her not stepping up and taking what she wants. The part that really gets to me is when she does sleep in my bed, I wake up more often than not with her body on top of mine and my arms wrapped around her. I thought it would bother me to have someone so close to me when I sleep, but as long as it’s Kendell I don’t have a problem with it. I want her body wrapped around mine and on top of me. Holding her in my arms is the greatest feeling ever as every soft part of her body molds around my hard angles.
I also thought having other people in my house would grate on my nerves. I’ve never really lived with another person because I like my things a certain way and having three other people in my space doesn't bother me at all. Kelsey and Kendell pick up after Gideon and make sure nothing is out of its place. If they cook or bake something, the kitchen is cleaned as they go and all of our dinner dishes are always immediately picked up and washed or put in the dishwasher. Gideon is funny as hell to watch. At such a young age he already does whatever he can to get his mom and aunt to laugh. Especially when his mom is having a hard day and can’t get out of her head. Gideon will go out of his way to entertain us all. He even comes up and sits on my lap when I’m at the house relaxing after a long day. The little boy is slowly wrapping me around his finger and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. He’s fucking cute as hell and I’ve started thinking more and more about having a family of my own.
Pulling up to the clubhouse, I don’t head around back to my house yet. Cash and I park in our place in line before shutting off our engines and heading in the clubhouse. The common room isn’t empty, but it’s not full of guys either. Eagle, Titan, and Tripp are sitting at the bar with beers in hand while Rebel tells them something. She has their full attention as Cash and I make our way over to them. Rebel doesn’t miss a beat as she continues talking while grabbing us our preferred drinks.
“Where have you two been?” Titan asks us as he leans around my brother to look our way.
“Went for a ride and to get dinner,” I answer him as my brother turns to look at me as if he’s trying to figure me out. “Been a long week and we just wanted to get away for a while.”
“Understandable. How’s it goin’ with the house guests?” he questions, his voice almost a whisper as Legs and a new Fallen girl make their way into the common room.
“It’s goin’ better than I thought. Never lived with a kid before. I thought it would be hard, but it’s not. Kelsey and Kendell are constantly pickin’ up his toys and shit and they cook or bake almost every day. My house honestly looks better now than it ever has before,” I answer as my brother continues looking at me while cocking his head to the side like he’s seeing me for the first time.
“How are things goin’ with Kendell? Where are you takin’ things with her?” Eagle finally asks the question he’s been dying to ask me and we haven’t had any time alone to really talk.
“There isn’t anythin’ goin’ on with Kendell. She’s tryin’ to be there for her sister and nephew. We’re all doin’ the best we can every day and tryin’ to make sure Kelsey isn’t scared to death every second of each day,” I tell my brother as a feeling of needing to protect Kendell fills me. “Why does everyone want to know about Kendell and me? If there’s somethin’ goin’ on, then it’s between the two of us and no one else.”
“I’m askin’ cause I’m your brother, Hawk. I want to know that you’re okay and if you need to talk, I’m here. I’ll always be here for you. I’m guessin’ the other guys askin’ you about Kendell have other reasons they’re wantin’ to know what your plans are with her. So, you better figure it out before one of them steps up and takes her right out from under you,” my brother says, his voice lowered even more as Legs looks in our direction.
“No one’s gonna fuckin’ touch Kendell. She’s not here for you assholes to fuck her over. Especially not when she’s in my house, in my bed. Kendell isn’t someone to fuck with. You fuckers better stay the fuck away from her and Kelsey. Kendell’s been here to help when she didn’t have to. We’re figurin’ our shit out I guess you could say. I honestly don’t know what the fuck we’re doin’ and it’s no one’s business until we tell you nosy fuckers what’s goin’ on between us,” I say, setting my beer down in front of me and standing from my seat. “I’m headin’ home. Not gonna sit here for an interrogation.”
“It’s not like that, Hawk,” my brother says, trying to get me to stop as I step away from the bar and turn my back on him.
“It really is though. My personal business is mine and mine alone. I don’t need you fuckers tryin’ to get in my head and try to force me to make moves before I’m ready. Or before Kendell’s ready. And don’t try to say you’re not because if that were true, you wouldn’t have told me other guys want to take her from me. She’s a fuckin’ person, not some kind of fuckin’ trophy or some other bullshit,” I grind out as I walk away from the guys and head toward the front door so I can get on my bike.
I don’t have to look behind me to know Cash is following me. He’s gonna make sure I’m okay over staying with the guys and drinking the night away. That’s one of the reasons Cash is my best friend. I don’t have to say a word to him and he knows when I need him. Even if we say nothing to one another. There have been plenty of times over the years where we just sit together and don’t exchange a single word. It’s the point that I know he’s there for me when I’m ready to open up and tell him what’s going on. I do the same thing for him because we all need that one person in our life who knows everything and we don’t feel as if we have to hold anything back. While I know the guys in the club would never judge me for any reason, Cash goes above and beyond that because he can read me better than anyone else.
We straddle our bikes and pull around the clubhouse toward our houses. Cash is actually my neighbor and it’s nice to know he’ll be there if I’m not on the compound. He can keep an eye on Kendell and Kelsey without me having to ask him to do so. Pulling up to my house, we both shut our bikes off quickly so we don’t wake Gideon up if he’s already in bed. It looks mostly dark inside as I take a look through the windows. There’s a light on in the living room, but Kendell typically keeps that on for me if I’m not home when they all go to bed. She also locks all the windows and doors so no one can get in. I’ve had to use my key more often than not and quickly shut off the security system so it doesn’t go off and wake everyone up in the house. My system is loud as fuck and it would scare the shit out of my house guests.
“Who the fuck is over at the pond?” Cash asks as he stretches out his back and neck while I turn to see what he’s talking about.
Squinting my eyes, I try to figure out who’s at the pond as the shadows surround them. Whoever it is, is walking around the edge we all use to get in the water. I watch as they dip their toes in and step slightly away from the shore. Cash and I walk closer to find out who’s over there because all I can tell from here is that it’s a woman. I’m pretty sure she’s naked too with the way the moon shines down on her body. Long hair covers her back as I take the woman in from the top of her head down to her toes that she’s kicking up to splash water out in front of her.
Cash and I are quiet with every step we take. We’re not trying to sneak up on the girl, but we want to find out who it is before we make our presence known as well. I’m sure it’s not Reagan, Zoey, or Alex because their men would never let them out here at night while they’re naked. They trust us to leave their women alone, but it’s the point that we’d all get a heads up if one of the ol’ ladies were out here and naked. None of us want to cross a line and see something that belongs to another man.
“Is that . . .,” Cash begins before trailing off and I finally get a true glimpse of the woman at the water’s edge. Kendell.
“What the fuck is she doin’?” I wonder aloud while stepping even closer to her while Cash hangs back.
I don’t stop moving until I’ve got her in my arms. Kendell jumps the second I make contact with her, but it takes seconds for her to realize it’s me and relax into my touch. My hands splay out over her stomach as I pull her back even closer to me until our bodies are touching and there’s no space between us.
“Hawk, what are you doing out here? I thought you were gone for the night,” she asks me, her voice a breathless whisper as she places a hand on mine.
“Just went for a ride with Cash and grabbed some dinner before comin’ back. I want to know why the fuck you’re at the pond naked as the day you were born instead of inside the house with your sister and nephew,” I state, moving her hair away from her neck and pressing my lips against her smooth skin causing a chill to go through Kendell’s entire body.
“I don’t have a bathing suit and wanted to go swimming. Are we not allowed to swim in the pond?” she asks as I slide one of my hands up from her stomach until I’m holding her large tit in my hand as her breathing starts to become shallow.
“Of course you’re allowed to swim in the pond. It’s one of the reasons we have it out here and maintain it. What if it was someone else who walked up on you standin’ here naked, Kendell?” I question her, knowing I’m about to push her to her limit as an idea forms in my mind.