It’s taking every single muscle being tight as fuck to remain still and not continue sliding deep into her pussy.
“I’m good, Trent. It’s, um it’s just been a very long time and neither one of them were as big as you are. I’m okay. You can move,” she answers me, making me wonder what she’s been doing to take care of herself all this time.
“Kendell, have you ever touched yourself? Or used a vibrator?” I ask, needing to know exactly what I’m working with here.
“No. We were told it’s a sin to touch ourselves because we’re not meant to feel pleasure. I’ve never tried a vibrator either for the same reason. Any kind of pleasure is a sin and I wasn’t supposed to feel any of those feelings,” she informs me as another blush covers her.
“We’re gonna get real comfortable talkin’ about sex, Kendell. This is a normal conversation partners have. Feelin’ pleasure is not a fuckin’ sin. Have you enjoyed what I’ve done to you so far?” I ask, waiting for her to nod her head in response. “That’s not a fuckin’ sin. What’s a sin is lettin’ this fuckin’ body be hidden behind these loose clothes you wear and not lettin’ anyone touch you. A real man will explore this shit with you and let you discover exactly what you want to happen when you’re in the bedroom. Or wherever you have sex. Sex doesn’t have to be confined to the bedroom at all. I’d fuck you on every fuckin’ surface of this house if your sister and nephew weren’t gonna be back at some point. Today, we’re gonna start real small.”
Grabbing Kendell’s hand, I slide it down her body, between her tits, over her stomach until it’s between our lower bodies. Taking a finger with mine, I easily find her clit and rub circles around it. Removing my hand from hers, I let her explore herself and find what she likes as I slowly slide out a little bit before moving back in even deeper than before. I look between our bodies and watch as Kendell experiments and discovers what she likes as she touches herself.
I finally sink deep into her tight pussy completely and remain still once more. Kendell doesn’t stop moving her finger on her clit. It doesn’t take long for her to thrust her hips up closer to mine in order to let me know she’s ready for me to move. Pulling out of her body, I don’t hesitate to slide back in. I set a slow pace and keep my thrusts gentler than normal. For the first time in my life, I don’t need a fast, hard fuck. I’m enjoying myself as I slowly slide in and out of her body.
“Trent, I need more. I, um, I don’t know what I need, but I need something more,” Kendell tells me, rubbing her clit faster as I pause my movements and listen to her words.
“I’ve got you, Sparky. When I speed my movements up, and you get closer to findin’ your release, I want you to pinch your clit,” I tell her, looking in her eye so she knows I’m serious and that I’m trying to work with her through this so she learns what her body wants.
“Okay,” she murmurs, her soft, melodic voice washing over me once again as I push back inside.
Without hesitating this time, I speed my hips up, adding a twist when I push in so it makes her finger press harder against her clit. I continue to speed up and add a little force to my movements as Kendell tightens her legs around my waist. I’m thrusting in and out of her, allowing myself to cut loose a little bit.
“Don’t hold back, Trent,” Kendell gasps out, putting her arms over my shoulders and digging her nails into my back.
The pain makes me thrust even harder and faster into her. Kendell’s moans are nonstop now. Her entire body begins to tighten in response to my movements and I can feel the telltale tingling in my lower back as it travels to my balls. If she can’t find her release, I’m gonna be no fucking better than the other two guys she was with before. I know I’m better than that.
“Get there, Kendell,” I grit out, my movements starting to become erratic as I thrust even harder and faster, truly letting myself go and giving her everything I have to give.
Kendell moves her hand just right and it sets her on fire. She throws her head back the best she can with it pressed into the mattress and closes her eyes.
“Trent!” she screams out, her voice echoing off the walls of my bedroom.
I thrust four more times before I follow her over the edge.
“Kendell!” I bellow, my voice more a roar than anything else at this point.
My entire body goes still and I remain planted deep inside her. Dropping my arms, I let my body fall on top of Kendell without giving her all of my weight. I’d crush her. For several minutes we just lay together, our bodies pressed tight to one another as our breathing slowly starts to return to normal and our hearts start to slow down. Kendell drops her legs from around my waist and lets her arms fall to the side. Neither one of us moves as we simply enjoy the afterglow of what just happened between us.
When I can move my body again, I pull out while holding the condom in place. However, when I look down, the fucking condom is broken and didn’t do shit to keep my release inside it. Looking at Kendell’s pussy, I watch as my cum slowly starts to drip from her.
“Sparky, we got a problem. The condom broke,” I tell her, sitting back on my legs while remaining between her outspread legs.
“Fuck!” she says, sitting up and looking where I am. “Um, I’m not on birth control, Trent. I’ve tried more than one and I can’t take it. We didn’t discuss this before any of this happened. So, um, if anything happens, don’t worry. I’ll raise a baby on my own and won’t bother you for anything. My concern right now is whether or not you’re clean. I know I am. It’s been forever since I’ve been with anyone and I got checked after the last guy I had sex with. Even when he used a condom, I still got checked out. So, um, are you clean?”
“Not so fuckin’ fast, Sparky. I never said I didn’t want kids. It’s not anythin’ I’ve ever thought about, but it doesn’t mean that if this doesn’t become our reality that I won’t step up and be there for you and our baby. I’m not a fuckin’ douche bag who will leave you alone when you need me the most. Kendell, there’s somethin’ between us. I can’t fuckin’ explain the way you make me feel. What I know is that I want to see where the hell this goes. No labels or anythin’ like that. I just want to explore the feelin’ that overcomes me whenever I see you. Fuck, I can’t stop thinkin’ about you at all. You fuckin’ consume me and I’ve never felt anythin’ like this before. It scares the hell out of me,” I tell her, making her look at me while I speak so she knows I’m not fucking with her about this. “I’m clean. I get checked regularly and got tested two weeks ago. The only person I’ve been with since then is Legs and the Fallen girls get checked once a month. So, yes, Sparky I’m clean. I would never put you at risk like that.”
“Okay, Trent. We’ll see where this goes. And I’ll let you know as soon as I know anything. I won’t ever keep something like this from you,” she promises me.
Picking her up, I carry Kendell into the bathroom and set her on the counter. Turning my back to her, I turn on the shower and adjust the temperature. When it’s ready, I help Kendell inside and get her under the water. When she’s soaked, I grab my shampoo and wash her hair before grabbing the small bottle of conditioner. I don’t use it all the time, but every now and then I use it. Once the conditioner is in her hair, I grab the body wash and pour some on the loofah I have in my shower.
After washing her body, I rinse all the soap from her and make sure the conditioner is rinsed out. Kendell returns the favor and slowly runs her hands over my body. She takes her time and explores my body since she didn’t get to when we were in bed. When we’re both rinsed off, I turn the water off and get us some towels. Drying Kendell off first, I give her another one to wrap in her hair before drying my body off and wrapping the towel around my waist. Leading Kendell back in my room, I help her climb back in bed and slide in next to her. it doesn’t take long for her to fall asleep and I soon follow her.
Chapter Seven
KELSEY, GIDEON, AND I moved into Hawk’s house almost a week ago. I’ve been there for my sister every single second. I make sure Kelsey and Gideon get to the warehouses for the counseling sessions and anything else they have to do there. We’re always followed by a group of guys so we’re never alone. Kelsey reverted back to herself, not wanting to get out of bed, barely speaking, and hardly watching Gideon. I’ve picked up the slack because my sister is truly afraid of Martin. She’s afraid for her life and whatever threats he’s used against her son. I don’t even want to know what Martin said about an innocent little boy because I’ll more than likely find the fucker and kill him. Martin’s days are numbered and I will make sure he pays for everything he’s done to my sister one way or another.
I share Hawk’s bed with him every single night. We haven’t had sex again, but two days after we were together, a vibrator showed up in the bedroom. I found it in the drawer with my underwear. Hawk was at the clubhouse and my sister was sleeping with Gideon. So, I got in bed and tried it out. The entire time I almost stopped so many times because the words of my father kept replaying in my head. But then Hawk’s words overtook them and I let myself go. For the first time in my life, I didn’t care if I was sinning or not. I let myself feel every sensation flowing through me and experimented to see what I liked and didn’t like. Hawk hasn’t said anything about the vibrator, but maybe he’s waiting for me to say something to him. I don’t know that I could honestly say something to him.