“Thank you, Hawk. I love you, so much. You continue to give me so much every single day. There’s nothing I can give you to pay you back for everything you’ve done for me so far,” she says, a few tears spilling over her lashes to roll down her face.
“You’re my queen, Sparky. You don’t ever have to pay me back for this shit. I love you more than you know. And you’ve given me more than I’ve given you. You have given me a son I love with my entire heart already and a baby on the way. Plus, I have you. That’s all I need besides my club,” I tell her not caring who overhears our conversation.
For a while we all just sit and talk about the shit that happened today with the mayor. Reaper agrees with me that we’ll take it to church before making any decisions about where to go moving forward. Since it’s a favor he wants to owe the club, it will be a club decision about what we do. That’s how we always handle things like this. Not that we’ve ever had a mayor declare that he owes us a favor before. I don’t leave my wife’s side until I get an email from the mayor. Heading to my room, I start running the names he’s given me through the programs I have while sending him all the information I have about Martin’s parents and for the adoption. Now, I can spend the rest of the day with my family and not worry about all the bullshit that we’ve had going on. It’s all I want—two seconds of peace before the next shitstorm hits because we all know something will pop up before too long.
Chapter Twenty-Three
TWO WEEKS HAVE passed since the mayor from my hometown came to see Hawk. I’m honestly surprised with how generous he was with owing the club and my husband favors for the information he was given. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of him giving anyone else that before and he’s been the mayor for a long time. In that time, Hawk has been working on checking out his staff and making sure the mayor is surrounded by people who deserve to be around him. So far, he’s had to hand over bad news about one other staff member that the mayor not only fired immediately but had her publicly arrested for her crimes. We all watched on as he gave the press conference for that and he never once mentioned where the information came from or anything despite being asked repeatedly. That’s not really what I care about though.
I’ve just gotten the news from our lawyer that the adoption has gone through. Gideon is officially our son and no one can take him from us. The mayor was true to his word and did what he could to help ensure our case was seen immediately. He handed over all the reports from the caseworker and Gideon’s counselor to the judge so he could review them. I also handed over my own reports from the counselor I’ve started to see on a weekly basis. We don’t want anyone to think I’m crazy or some shit when I’m still mourning the death of my sister. Our lawyer went to court and Martin’s parents didn’t even put up a fight to get him. I don’t know if that’s because they knew they wouldn’t win, or if it’s because of his father being investigated and knowing he’s being investigated. The mayor isn’t hiding what he’s doing and as long as it doesn’t impact my son, I don’t care what happens.
“Sparky, what’s wrong?” Hawk asks, walking into our room at the clubhouse where I’ve just woken up from a nap with Gideon.
“It’s done, Trent. That was our lawyer. Baby G is officially our son. The judge went over everything you turned over to the mayor, my reports from the counselor about my progress, and he just granted us the adoption. We have to sign off on the paperwork and she’s on her way here now with it. The second she has our signature, she’ll be filing it and that’s it. We won! Kelsey doesn’t have to worry about anyone taking him from us,” I answer him, sobbing with the knowledge that Martin’s parents have lost their chance to hurt us one last time.
“That’s the best fuckin’ news I’ve heard all day, Sparky. Now that we have that news to share, I think it’s time we let everyone else know that we’re married,” he says, something he’s been trying to get me to do for a while now.
Hawk pulls me into his arms and holds me close for a few minutes. I lean up on my tippy toes and press my lips against his. He doesn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss as I wind my arms around his neck and dig my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. Hawk groans in response as he wraps his arms around me and pulls my body in even closer to his. Before we can get too carried away with Gideon still sleeping in the room, I pull back and look at him. Nothing but pure happiness shines from his eyes as he takes in the fact that we’ve got our boy. Gideon is ours completely and we’re fulfilling my sister's last wish. We’re keeping him away from the other side of his family so he’ll never know another ounce of pain in the rest of his life. Well, at least the kind of pain he’s already suffered through.
“Okay. Let’s go tell everyone,” I respond, turning to see if Gideon’s awake or still sleeping.
“Kenny,” he murmurs, lifting his arms in the air while still being half asleep.
Hawk doesn’t let me lift our boy in my arms. He bends over and picks him up, cradling him close to his chest as he waits for me to leave the room before him. Together we head down to the common room and I see it’s full of people. Letting Hawk go in front of me, he leads us to the table where Cash and Titan are sitting. Cash is laughing his ass off while Titan is looking at him as if he’s crazy as hell. I mean, I’m not gonna argue with that statement. Cash can be kind of crazy when he wants to be. I’m already shaking my head as Hawk pulls out a chair for me and I sit down.
“Do I even want to know what the hell you two are talking about right now?” I ask them, looking between the two men as Hawk sits next to me and moves his chair closer.
“Cash is tryin’ to tell me that you two are married. I know you’ve been claimed as Hawk’s ol’ lady and while that’s like bein’ married in our life, it doesn’t mean that you’re actually married. There was no ceremony or any of that shit that happens when a couple gets married,” Titan answers me, glaring at Cash from across the table as I lean back and look to Hawk.
“Are you two bettin’ or just talkin’?” Hawk asks, looking innocent as he glances between the two men.
It takes everything in me not to laugh my ass off right now. I know it’s gonna be impossible if they are actually betting because Cash is the only one who knows the truth of the situation.
“We’re bettin’,” Cash answers with a huge smile on his face. “Titan has to join one of those fuckin’ datin’ sites if he’s wrong. I have to not only join the datin’ site but I have to wash his bike for the rest of the year if he wins.”
“I see. Well, are you ready to find out who’s gonna be the loser tonight?” I ask, looking at Hawk as more people fill the common room and take seats around the room.
Hawk hands Gideon over to Cash before standing from his seat and pulling me up with him. He lets out one of those shrill, sharp whistles to gain everyone’s attention and I cringe while looking over at Gideon. Our boy is laughing like he’s just heard the best thing ever. I don’t even know if it’s because of whatever Cash is saying to him or because of the whistle his dad just let loose. I simply shake my head because I have a feeling that this is only the very beginning of how things are gonna be with my family. Gideon will hang on every single word and action the men in his life say and do.
“I’ve got a few announcements we’d like to share with our family. Today is a day for celebratin’!” Hawk calls out, looking around the room at everyone. “The first announcement is that Kendell just got the call from our lawyer. Gideon, our baby G, is officially our son! The judge signed off on the adoption and our lawyer will be here soon so we can sign the paperwork and she’ll get it filed today.”
Everyone cheers, claps, and whistles in the common room. The ol’ ladies are crying tears of happiness as they stand from their chairs and race over to congratulate us. They hug Hawk and me before rushing over to Cash and hugging Gideon. He’s soaking up all the attention he’s getting and I love it for him. Our boy has been so deprived of attention, touch, and love because of the monster who helped create him. His mom is the only one who ever gave him those things and it was only when Martin wasn’t home with them. She refused to paint a target on her son’s back so she made sure she was with him, but didn’t show him the affection and attention she longed to give him because Martin wouldn’t like it. Fucking prick! I’m so glad he’s fucking dead and can no longer hurt another person.
Once everyone settles down, Hawk pulls me into his side and I speak up. “Our second announcement is that Hawk and I are married. No, we didn’t have a ceremony or anything like that. Neither one of us wanted the attention and all the fanfare. I’m sure you can guess how things happened,” I pause letting that piece of information sink in.
Again, everyone starts cheering and clapping for us. Everyone in the common room makes their way over to offer their congratulations. When Alex comes up to me, she’s laughing her ass off.
“What’s so funny?” I ask her, not sure what’s going on right now.
“Well, Cash and Titan aren’t the only ones who were betting that you and Hawk were already married. You told us all he claimed you as his ol’ lady but nothing else. So, we were all expecting to hear a proposal or something ever since. Hawk called me this morning to put a cookout together with a large cake. So, I put two and two together and figured out you were already married and waiting to tell us for some reason. I made a few different bets. My favorite one is with Reaper though!” Alex laughs her ass off as I look over at her husband to see him glaring in her direction.
“I’m not even gonna ask what you bet Reaper. With the way he’s looking at you, I’m gonna guess he’s pissed that he lost to you. How many others have bet about this?” I ask as Eagle and Crow make their way over to us.
“Everyone in the club, sweetheart,” Crow answers, pulling me in for one of his huge bear hugs. “Welcome to the family. I’m glad my son found a good woman to love and who will love him in return. Promise me that you won’t run if things get too hard. Come talk to me or someone else here before you leave him. I don’t think he’d be able to handle it if you disappeared.”
“I promise you, Crow. Hawk is the best man I’ve ever met in my life and I will never willingly leave him for any reason. He’s taught me how to love, trust, and shows me his love, patience, and understanding on a daily basis. We’ve got our boy and another baby on the way. Plus, I’ve got the best father-in-law and brother-in-law I’ve ever met in my life. Who would ever wanna walk away from this family?” I ask him, trying to make light of the situation because I know how hard it is on all three men who’ve made themselves the best life possible after their loss.