Page 30 of Tease Me

“You think you’re tough shit, Greg. That’s always been your problem. I’ll admit that you hid it well and most of the guys in this room saw real promise in you. I’m not most guys. I’ve been the President of this club for a very long time now. I see things most everyone else doesn’t. Hawk saw through you though. He brought your name up to me weeks before discoverin’ how much of a pussy you truly are. See, only a pussy would help an abusive man get his hands on his victim again. Then remain outside of the house he’s holdin’ her hostage in while pointin’ a gun at a member of my club. See, your biggest downfall was thinkin’ we wouldn’t show up as a club to get Kendell and her sister back. We don’t take chances with our lives more than absolutely necessary. Dealin’ with your brother is not somethin’ I’d ever let one of my men take on alone because he was a fuckin’ crazy little bitch,” Reaper says, pissing Greg off as he starts thrashing against the chains restraining him.

“My brother is the best man I’ve ever met. If he put his hands on Kelsey, it’s because she was a stupid, lazy, slut who couldn’t do anythin’ right!” Greg yells out, his voice echoing off the walls angering every single man in the room with him.

“Your brother is no longer alive. Kendell shot him twice and he did nothin’ to clean the wounds or bandage them up. Hawk took the kill shot and we made sure no one will ever find the pieces that are left of his body. Though, I don’t believe there was really too much left once the guys were done with him,” Reaper informs Greg who thrashes even harder against his restraints. “So, we voted on your fate as a club and I think you’ll hate what we decided. We all get a hit in on your ass. More than one if we’re bein’ honest because not only did you betray your nephew’s mom and leave him an orphan, but you betrayed this club. Every man standin’ before you loves that little boy and will avenge Kelsey’s death the best they can. Now, there’s no restraints as to what we can or can’t do when we get our chance to hit you. I’d tell you to prepare yourself now, but I don’t really give a fuck if you do or don’t.”

Reaper steps up and lands one solid punch to his jaw and the second one to his ribs. I hear the crunch of both of them and don’t bother to wince because it’s not anything he doesn’t deserve. One after the other, the guys stand up and land a couple hits to Greg’s body. Cash is the last one to go before me and he steps up but doesn’t touch Greg at all. I haven’t taken my eyes off the asshole the entire time. Greg is a beaten, bloody mess and he resembles Kelsey when we found them in the house with Martin.

“I’m not gonna take my hits on this stupid fuck. Hawk, take my hits for Kelsey, Gideon, and Kendell. This is yours to end and I want you to get more than two hits on the fucker before you do,” Cash states, stepping back against the wall at my side as Greg thinks he’s going to get a free pass from me.

“Thanks, man. It means more than you know,” I tell my best friend as I step up and slide a pair of brass knuckles over my fingers.

Without hesitation, I slam the knuckles into Greg’s side listening to his ribs crack under the brass knuckles. No one’s really touched his legs, so I nod to Cash who steps up to hold his body still. Moving around to the side, I pull my fist back and slam the brass knuckles into the side of Greg’s knee. He screams out as his knee shatters and I relish the sounds of his pain. I’m sure Martin heard his wife’s screams and laughed in her face the entire time. We’ll give Greg the same treatment. All the guys start laughing as he cries, pisses himself, and screams out in pain. I’m the only one in the room who’s not laughing. Right now, I’d love to spend hours torturing this stupid fucker for what he’s done. Instead, I’m gonna give him one more hit and then I’ll end his miserable fucking life.

Stepping back, I look at his body for any area that hasn’t been affected so far. There really isn’t a single inch of his body that hasn’t been hit by one of the guys as they took their turn. When I can’t find anywhere that hasn’t been hurt already, I simply remove the brass knuckles from my fingers and hand them to Cash to clean and deal with. Flexing my fingers, I land a punch in Greg’s throat. He immediately starts gasping for breath and tries to bend over to no avail. The chains rattle as he moves around. I step back and let him take a few minutes to feel the agonizing pain we’ve put him in while trying to breathe from the hit I landed in his throat. Titan hands me over a gun that won’t be traced back to anyone in the club once I’ve put on a pair of gloves to conceal my fingerprints.

“Rot in hell with your brother, you piece of shit,” I say before firing one single shot directly between Greg’s eyes.

His body slumps in the chains and I hand the gun back to Titan to dispose of before we all start leaving the room. I don’t say a word as I remove the gloves to burn with my clothing and grab my cut from the hook I left it on. Cash and I head for his room where I shower in his bathroom before changing my clothes and heading for my own room. Kendell and Gideon are fast asleep. Tonight must have been a rough night for our boy who’s spread out in the middle of the bed. I carefully climb in next to him after hanging my cut on the back of the door and removing the jeans I just put on to change into the shorts I’ve been sleeping in lately. It doesn’t take long for sleep to claim me as Gideon rolls over and plasters himself to my side and places his hand on my chest like he normally does when he climbs up in our bed from nightmares or missing his mom.

I’ve been up for hours. The first thing I did after waking up and getting ready for the day was head to my room downstairs and take care of something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. I know my girl enough to realize what she does and doesn’t want in life. Today is going to be a big day for our family because it’s finally time for me to claim her as my ol’ lady. Plus, Cash and I are finishing things up to get ready for this evening. The ol’ ladies are already preparing our dinner for the night and I plan on spending the day and night with Kendell and Gideon.

“We’re almost done. Are you sure Kendell’s gonna be cool with us doin’ Gideon’s room and the nursery without her?” Cash asks me as we both step back and look at the work we’ve done.

“Yeah. She can’t be around the paint right now because of the fumes so I would’ve been doin’ that part of things anyway. The only thing we’ve really done is paint, set up the furniture, and put it where she’s already said she’d want it to go in those rooms. I mean, we haven’t put the clothes, toys, or anythin’ else away because I know she will want to do that shit herself. So, I think we’ll be more than okay,” I answer my best friend before putting away the paint brush we’ve just finished using.

“Okay. I’m gonna head out. Use my room to clean up and get rid of the paint. If you need anythin’ else, let me know and I’ll get it taken care of. I think she’s gonna fuckin’ love it here. She’s still close to the pond and can spend time there with Gideon without havin’ to walk up from the clubhouse. You can see the other homes from here too. It sucks that we aren’t neighbors anymore, but maybe I’ll take the house next to you or somethin’,” Cash says, an idea forming in his mind as he looks out the window in the kitchen toward the empty house next to us.

“You got a girl you’re not tellin’ me about, Cash?” I question him, not sure what he’s been up to since I’ve been with Kendell and Gideon so much lately.

“I don’t know, Hawk. I’ve been seein’ someone, but she’s so fuckin’ hot and cold. One second she wants me around and the very next, I’m worse than a pile of shit she might step in,” he answers me, a forlorn look on his face as he thinks about this girl.

“If that’s the shit she’s doin’ to you, then fuckin’ drop her. Cash, you’re a great man and the right woman will come along. If it’s not now, then that’s okay. You’ll find her when you least expect it. And I can guarantee you it won’t be at a fuckin’ bar or anywhere else you’ve been goin’ to drown your sorrows. Stay the fuck away from there and figure out what you truly want. Hell, I found my girl from answerin’ a damn phone. Who would’ve ever thought that shit would happen?” I tell him, knowing Cash is one of the best men I’ve ever met and he deserves to be loved completely by a woman who won’t play games with his heart.

Together we leave the house after I walk through it one more time to make sure everything is where I want it. We tweak a few things before leaving and locking the door behind us. It’s almost time for me to move Kendell and Gideon to our new home. The rest of the day is gonna fucking drag on until it’s time for this shit to happen.

I’ve gotten ready to head to the new house and made sure Kendell and Gideon were ready as well. Sparky thinks we’re going on a date and will remain in the compound. We are remaining on the compound, but it’s not gonna be what Kendell thinks. I just hope she loves what we’ve done. Her acceptance of our new home has nerves filling me as the doubt begins to creep in. I’ve done several things over the last few days and I don’t honestly know if my girl will be up for any of it.

“Where are we going, Trent?” Kendell asks for the millionth time today.

“I’m not tellin’ ya, baby. I’ve told you that all day long and you still ask me,” I return, laughter filling my voice as I place a hand on her thigh.

“I don’t like surprises,” she pouts as I reach up and drag my thumb down her lower lip to pull it out.

“I know, Sparky. But, I’m hopin’ you’ll like this one. A lot depends on everythin’ I’ve got planned for tonight,” I tell her, pulling up to the house and parking the truck.

Shutting off the engine, I turn to face Kendell and place a hand on each side of her face. I rest our foreheads together and close my eyes as I take in these few minutes before our lives change once again. I’m just hoping this time it’s a good thing and not something I got completely wrong.

“What’s going on?” Kendell asks me again, looking at the house in front of us when I release her face.

“I know you don’t ever want to go back to my house. Honestly, I don’t blame you at all. So, I talked to the club and they voted to let us have this house as our own. We can make it our home and do anythin’ you want to it. Now, I’ve had some help and it’s already furnished and ready for us to move in. Cash and I just put the finishin’ touches on everythin’ today. So, are you ready to see our new home, Sparky?” I return, turning to look at the single story home once again.

“Are you serious right now?”

“Of course I am. Gideon and you don’t have happy memories at my old house. So, I wanted to make sure we have a home for our kids and we aren’t stayin’ in the clubhouse all the time. Are you ready to head inside?” I ask again, my voice wavering as more nerves fill me and my palms become sweaty.

“Yes,” she finally answers, waiting for me to get out and around to her side of the truck to help her down before trying to get out on her own.

After making sure Kendell is steady on her feet, I open the back door to get G out of his car seat and out of the truck. Instead of setting him down on his feet, I keep him in my arms while grabbing Kendell’s hand with my other one. Together we walk to the front door and I hand over her set of keys so she can open it up for us. I follow behind Kendell as she walks through the house and takes in everything we’ve been busting our asses to finish.