“I don’t think I can eat right now, Hawk,” she says, pulling away from me to get off my lap.
“I know you don’t. But, you need to think about the baby and make sure you’re feedin’ yourself to give him or her all the nutrients you can. I’m sure Gideon is hungry by now too. I know him enough to understand he won’t eat if you don’t. So, let’s go see if anythin’ is in the kitchen before I talk to Reaper,” I tell her, helping her to her feet before standing and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
Kendell doesn’t say anything in response to me as I lead her from my room and head toward the common room. Zoey is sitting at a table with Gideon and the twins are nowhere in sight. They must be sleeping as I see a baby monitor in front of her. It’s one of the newer ones with the screen so she can see her babies as they sleep. Gideon isn’t talking or playing and I know this entire situation is getting to him. I’ll have to mention bringing in the counselors to talk to him when we aren’t surrounded by people.
“Reaper’s in his office. I’m getting ready to make Gideon a plate of food,” Alex says, stepping out of the kitchen and looking at us. “Take a seat, Kendell, and I’ll bring you one out too.”
I lead Kendell over to the table where Zoey and Gideon are already sitting and pull out the chair next to her nephew for her. She sits and tries to give him a smile, but it falls short. Kendell is gonna let the guilt eat away at her and there’s nothing I can do to stop it from happening. She feels as if she were home, Kelsey wouldn’t have been taken by Martin. Yes, he’s the one who came in to get her. I found him on the footage and watched him break into the house before leaving with her. Kelsey was knocked out and he was carrying her over his shoulder.
Placing a kiss on top of Kendell’s head, I tousle Gideon’s hair before heading to Reaper’s office. After knocking and waiting for him to let me in, I sit down in front of his desk and wait for him to finish his phone call. The only reason I didn’t already tell Cash what I found is because I know my best friend would go searching and it’s not time for that yet. We need to think of a plan so we can bring Kelsey home. If Cash just goes barging in, shit could go sideways and Kelsey or him would pay a price higher than I’m willing to risk. So, Reaper will be the first person I tell what I’ve discovered so he can figure out our next move. There’s a reason he’s the President of the club and none of us are.
Chapter Thirteen
I’VE MANAGED TO choke down a little of the food Alex brought me. I have no appetite and eating is the last thing I want to do right now. But, Hawk’s right and I need to take care of myself for the baby. Yes, I realized he said that shit to get me to eat and I don’t have a problem with him doing that. This isn’t him manipulating me to get his own way like Martin. He’s doing it so I take care of myself when it’s the last thing I want to be doing or thinking about. Hawk is a good man and would never let me hurt myself because of the way I’m feeling. Guilt is riding me hard because this entire situation is my fault. If I had gotten Kelsey away from Martin sooner, or been home when he finally made his move, so many things I could’ve done differently so my sister wouldn’t be back with the monster that’s hurt her so horribly. Instead, I took time for myself and chose to leave her and baby G alone so I could see Zoey and her babies. I’ll never forgive myself for that and I won’t blame Kelsey if she doesn’t forgive me either.
Gideon ate more than I did, but he doesn’t have an appetite either. I’m not going to force him to eat because it’s only going to make him more upset than he already is. Other than the few words he said when I found him in Hawk’s closet, Gideon has remained silent. He’s reverting back to how he was when Martin was in his life on a daily basis and it’s shattering my heart because I’ve gotten to witness what a funny little boy he is. I’m pissed as hell that Martin has managed to affect his son like this and I vow to make him pay for his sins. The fucker will end up begging for his life if I have anything to say about it.
“Zoey, I think I’m gonna take Gideon up to Hawk’s room so he can take a nap. I know we just woke up, but I don’t think he wants to be around people right now,” I tell her as she keeps watching the two of us.
“Okay. If either one of you needs anything, we’ll be here. Alex and I aren’t going anywhere and Reagan will be here soon. I guarantee she’s gonna wanna check on you the second she gets here,” Zoey says, her voice soft and gentle as I start to stand from the table while Gideon watches my every move.
I hold out my hands for him and he immediately reaches up for me to lift him into my arms. Picking Gideon up, I carry him from the common room and straight up to Hawk’s room. I lock the door behind us and carefully sit him down on the bed. Gideon climbs to the top and lays his head on the pillows before grabbing his blanket and stuffed hawk. He holds them close as I lay down next to him and just stare at the ceiling. There’s no point in turning the TV on because neither one of us will watch anything I put on the screen. Before I can contemplate too much of what I should be doing to help my nephew through this, my phone vibrates in my pocket making my breath stall in my chest. I already know it’s gonna be Martin.
“What?” I answer the phone, letting all of the anger coursing through me fill my voice.
“Watch your fucking tone, bitch,” Martin returns, his voice cold and hard. “You’re the one with something to lose right now, not me. So, here’s what you’re gonna do. I want my fucking son. He’s mine and not yours, Kendell. As I’ve told you before, they’re both mine and you’re going to stop interfering in our lives. What happens in my home doesn’t fucking concern you. Kelsey stopped being your sister the day she married me. I’m sending you an address. You’re not going to open your fucking mouth to a single person about where you’re going. I want you to put my son in your car and drive to the location. Alone. If you don’t, I’ll start cutting your sister up into little pieces and send them to you. If I catch one hint of a motorcycle following you, I’ll use Kelsey as a shield so no one can get to me. I’m not fucking around, Kendell. You will do this or she’ll be the one to pay.”
There’s no way in hell I’m going to let Kelsey suffer any more than she already has. I have no choice but to agree with Martin. It doesn’t mean this is going to play out the way he wants it to though as a plan already begins forming in my mind.
“Fine. Send me the information and I’ll leave as soon as I get it,” I grind out, not giving him some smart ass comment or letting myself tell him what I really want to say.
“I always knew you could be controlled. It just took a little bit for me to figure out the correct way to do it,” Martin says, laughter filling his voice as if this is simply a game and nothing more to him.
Fuck him!
I hang up the phone before he can say another word and I go off on him. Standing from the bed as Gideon starts to fall asleep, I search for any weapon I’ll be able to take with me. It takes me a while, but I finally find a gun and the ammunition for it. Putting everything in a small bag, I slide the strap over my shoulder while grabbing one of Hawk’s hoodies from his closet. It’s big enough on me that it will conceal the bag from any prying eyes. After making sure I have everything, I kiss Gideon on the top of his head and tell him that I’ll always love him no matter what happens before I leave him in the room to take his nap.
Heading back down to the common room, I spot Zoey still sitting at the table where I left her. The noise coming from the kitchen tells me Alex is still in there doing something. I don’t bother going to Alex because I know she’ll grill me until I give up the truth of what I’m doing to her. That’s not something I can afford to risk, so I head for Zoey.
“Hey, can I ask you for a favor?” I question her once she sees me standing next to her.
“Of course. What do you need?” she returns, taking a sip of the bottle of water she has in front of her.
“I have to run to Hawk’s house for something really quick. Gideon just fell asleep in his bed. Can you keep an eye on him until I get back?”
“Yeah. Are you sure everything is okay?” she asks, her voice letting me know she doesn’t necessarily believe me right now.
“Yeah. I just want to grab a few things for Gideon. He’s had such an upheaval in his life and I don’t want him to feel as if this is going to take away the things he’s just gotten. It’s stupid, I know,” I tell her, stating my true feelings even if it’s not what I’m about to do.
“I get it. He’s more resilient than you know though,” she states with a soft smile on her face.
“Yeah. It’s just a feeling I have. I know Kelsey would want me to do this.”
“Okay. You go get what you need. Be careful and I won’t let anything happen to him while you’re gone,” Zoey says, not taking her eyes off of me once because she can see the truth in my eyes and understands what I’m about to do.
Nodding my head, I leave the clubhouse and walk around it toward where my car’s been parked. The guys put it in one of the barns they converted into a garage so it’s not seen from the road. That’s where I park it every single time I leave the clubhouse and come back. Before I was allowed to park it at the house, but once we moved Kelsey and Gideon here, Hawk didn’t think it would be safe. If my car was parked at a house, Martin would be able to find us easier. Not wanting to do more than necessary to lead him to my sister, I agreed and let him move my car to the barn. Now it’s only going to help me get away from here faster.