Page 38 of Master Debater

“Okay, but?—”

He growled. Literally growled. “Look, it’s been a long day, and I don’t have the energy to argue with you on this.”

I would suggest he just give in, but we both knew that wasn’t going to happen. He was so damn obstinate sometimes. It’d worked out in my favor plenty, like when he was determined to boost my pleasure and my own power over it. Or how whenever I made comments that didn’t cast myself in the best light and hinted at my insecurities, he stopped them in their tracks instead of letting them slide. It was so much easier to remain confident and love myself as I was without someone constantly picking at me.

It was just also easier to feel like I occasionally won when I was naked and needy, no objective besides feel and enjoy.

Then again, if I ever did win an argument with the illustrious Nathan Fox, Esquire, there wouldn’t be room enough for both our egos to occupy the same space. I placed my hand on his chest, soothing his inner beast. “If giving on this point is how I can thank you, I’m happy to do it. But Van Gogh needs fed.”

“Bring the furball over then.”

“Um cats are pretty notorious for not being open to change.” I jerked my thumb over my shoulder. “We could eat at my place.”

Nate gathered my face in his large hands and slanted his mouth across mine in the gentlest kiss we’d ever shared. “I have stacks of legal briefs that I’m going to have to skim through while we eat. The truth is, I might never find my way to the end of the work tunnel again. I should probably say goodnight right now because I’ll likely be bad company. But I’m a selfish bastard who wants you next to me anyway.”

When he put it that way, who cared about the nitty gritty?

“Well, then next to you is where I’ll be.” I tipped onto my toes and kissed his lips. “Just let me take care of the other demanding dude in my life and change into something more comfortable.” I waggled my eyebrows, even though I meant my pajamas. Not even sexy ones. Just a cotton tank-top and shorts, and I couldn’t care less if they matched. After wearing high heels all week—and especially after standing in the middle of the street in them, which kind of made me sound like I had a different type of profession—the desire to declare I was never wearing them again was strong.

While I took care of my kitty and changed, Nate ordered the food. By the time we’d settled into his couch and I’d seen the leaning tower of legal briefs for myself, I understood why he was overwhelmed.

“Don’t you have paralegals or assistants who can help you sort through all that? It makes War and Peace look like a novella.”

Nate went to scoop up his food and missed the first time, his gaze still on the file in his other hand. “I don’t trust them not to miss something.”

I lowered the box of Lo Mein to my lap, the cardboard at the bottom warm against my skin. “Wait. Are you telling me you have control issues?” I threw my hand to my chest in an imitation of shock.

The corner of his mouth quirked up, my attempt to cheer him up landing close.

I poked my finger in the groove of his cheek. “Come on. You want to smile. Don’t pretend I’m not hilarious.”

He attempted a stern glance in my direction but lost the battle to withhold his full smile. It hit dead center in my chest, radiating joy, along with a swirl of victory that I probably shouldn’t need but totally did. I bounced in my seat and placed a smacking kiss on his cheek that made him laugh.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you that before that whole shitshow with the car, I had a surprise visitor come to my office this morning. Your mom. That’s not a punchline to a joke or anything.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Rashida brought her by so we could officially meet in person. We chatted a bit, and then your mom asked if you were taking good care of me.” I tucked up a leg so I could more fully face him. “I almost told her that you’ve taken extremely good care of me, very thoroughly and in every possible way, but I wouldn’t have been able to pull it off without blushing and giving us away. Especially since she seemed extra invested in how well you and I were getting to know each other.”

Nate sighed and shook his head. “She’s such a meddler. Honestly, I’m surprised it took her this long to start sniffing around.”

“She also invited me to tag along with her and Rashida on Sunday when they attend an art exhibition by an up-and-coming artist.”

“Of course she did.” Was that a hint of irritation? I thought the story was amusing, but now I worried I might be accidentally scaring him off by getting to know his mother better. We hadn’t discussed any change to our arrangement, but this past week, it felt like strings were forming, tethering us to one another. He’d demanded all my orgasms belong to him and had gone above and beyond helping me with my broken-down car situation. Even casually hanging at his place while he worked and I messed around on my phone seemed more relationship-y than fuck buddy territory.

“Is that not okay? I’ve missed attending those types of cultural events since they never had anything like that in Sugar River. But if it’ll bother you for me to spend time with your mom, I can cancel.”

Nate slowly lowered the file in his hands and looked at me, his eyebrows drawing together as he studied my face. Did I try to show apathy? Or did I show my sincere emotions that’d give away that I cared, not just about the event, but about him? He cupped my cheek and cast me a soft smile. “I’m just bitter that my mom stole my date. She texted me today to remind me I’d promised to be there, and I was going to ask if you’d go with me. Now I’m going to have to thumb wrestle my mom for the opportunity to have you on my arm.”

My heart grew butterfly wings and fluttered wildly in my chest. “No need for violence against a body part I might later need.” I turned my head, kissing his thumb and then snagging it between my teeth in a light bite. “Besides, there’s plenty of me to go around.”

Nate dropped his forehead to mine. A moment of shared breaths passed and then he planted his mouth against mine. “When it comes to you, Willa Trainor, I’m finding I never quite get enough.”

Chapter 21


On Sunday evening, after helping Willa into the passenger side of my car, I circled around the hood, oddly happy to be attending the art exhibit. Usually, I dreaded these types of events, mostly due to boredom from being around a lot of stuffy people who wanted to brag about how successful they were. Not to mention my mom’s constant matchmaking attempts.