Which was crazy, and not possible, so I blinked. Rubbed my eyes. Blinked again. “Where’s my pianist?”
Nate just stared for a second or two, and did he not realize I’d be in here? Oh no. That was embarrassing and awkward, and holy shit, it hurt so damn bad to see him. While he looked as hot as ever, his eyes were bloodshot and his posture less upright than usual. He must not be sleeping with all the stress of the case, and I couldn’t turn off how much I cared about him and his well-being, even if it ached like a bitch.
“Someone paid him a shit-ton of money not to show,” Nate said, and I lowered my eyebrows, struggling to make sense of what he’d said. Did this mean Rashida had called Nate in as a replacement? Why wouldn’t she warn me? Nothing made sense anymore, probably because I was sleeping as little as Nate was.
“Who’d do that? I’m so sorry that you got roped into this.” I charged toward the door in the name of taking control of the task, even though the truth was I couldn’t share this same tiny space with Nate anymore. Breathing the same oxygen instead of sharing it, inhaling his skin instead of tasting it, standing feet away from his body instead of burrowing myself into it—it was just too hard.
I’d used up all my strength walking away from him the first time, and I didn’t have anything left. If he so much as reached for me, I’d fold in on myself like a house of cards that was only pretending to be a house. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” I called in Nate’s general direction, not daring more than that brief almost-glance.
Strong fingers wrapped around my forearm, and time screeched to a halt, the skipped seconds all piling up in the space between us, where they hung for an endless eternity.
“Willa,” Nate said, sending the clock ticking again. Everything inside me soared and crashed at the same time, so mixed up in his presence I’d never function right again. “I paid him a shit-ton of money to leave, even though I’m pretty sure I could just growled, and he would’ve run a hole right through the brick wall. That kid doesn’t get to accompany you when you make your first demo—nobody else does. That’s my job.”
He tugged on my arm, spinning me to face him. “Anyway, I really want it to belong to me. Just like I’m hoping…”
The break in his voice got me. I couldn’t not look then, sure I was imagining the croak of emotion. Whoosh went what was left of my oxygen, as those familiar brown eyes locked me in place.
“Damn, I missed you. I knew it, and I felt it, the overwhelming proof of it impossible to deny. But now I’m looking at you, and fuck. Did you get even prettier?” Slowly, he reached up, his warm palm, and enveloped the side of my face as salt water trickled from the corners of my eyes. Which was weird, given I was sure I’d decided not to cry over this man anymore.
It took all my willpower to tear my gaze from him and glance toward the booth, but his firm hand turned my face back to his.
“Don’t worry, we’re alone,” Nate said. “I didn’t have to pay them. Rashida’s scary enough to demand an extra fifteen minutes in the booth without anyone questioning it.”
My lower lip quivered, and I rolled it in, pressing it tight to my upper to trap the sob that left my throat too tight. “What is this, Nate? Are you really so determined to win that you’d come wreck my demo?”
“Is that what you honestly think of me?” He huffed a sound that was too humorless to be a laugh, and yet it wasn’t quite a sigh. He raked his fingers through his dark hair, mussing the waves and giving him the wild look of the feral man who’d driven me to heights filled with more pleasure than I’d ever experienced before. Only this version was slightly tortured and tiptoeing toward domestication, as if he were ready to hand the leash over, and did I dare presume he might hand it to me? “Of course you think that because I make everything about me.”
“Not everything,” I said, the answer instinctive and true. “Not… You’re very giving in some areas. The bedroom, for instance.”
“God, I’m an idiot.”
Not the reply I expected, so I just held my breath, waiting to see how it’d play out.
“I used to think that remaining firm when people made their dramatic exits made me the strong, logical one. I’ve also never been good at apologizing. I think it’s a combination of pride, and that in court, slipping and implying guilt would be the absolute worst thing I could ever do. What I realized, though, is that the person who puts themselves out there and takes that big leap by letting their emotions free, they’re the ones who are brave. They’re the ones who win the things in life that are most important.”
Nate dragged his thumb across my cheekbone, the move I’d once become accustomed to sending an extraordinary shockwave through my system. “Things like cuddling, and someone to share the ups and downs of life with. They’re the ones that reap the biggest reward, one that’s so unattainable, I decided it didn’t exist for me, so that I wouldn’t have to pursue it. I love you, Willa. I’m miserable without you. I called up my uncles and accepted their help so that I could be here for you, because I knew that if I didn’t come here and show you that I want to be there when all your dreams come true, I’d regret it for the rest of my life.”
My head swam, and I gripped onto his biceps so that if dizziness got the best of me, I wouldn’t fall to the floor. Plus, you know, biceps. “You love me?”
“I do. So fucking much, I’m pretty sure my heart’s about to explode.” He took one of my hands and moved it to the spot over his heart so I could feel it thumping away, as rapidly as my own beat in my chest. “I was too hardheaded that night to hear you when you told me that you cared about me, but I hope that you haven’t ridded yourself of the notion yet, and that you’ll give me another chance.”
“You called your uncles?”
“I don’t even care if they’re lying about why they want to help. Rylee’s happy, and I have more time on my hands to apologize to my girlfriend. That’s right, I said girlfriend. See, we never officially broke up, so you and I are still together.”
His usual certainty was there in the words, but his eyes betrayed a hint of worry and doubt, that maybe I’d contradict him. Was he actually going to let me if I did? As hard as it was to believe, he would, I could tell.
But I wouldn’t. I didn’t want to. “But you’re going to give Gil and Bobby a real chance, even if you keep your guard up, right?”
This time, the laugh was deep and joy-filled, and just as intoxicating and addictive as he was. “For you, Willa Trainor, I’ll give them a real chance. But only if you give me a real one. Will you forgive me for being an ass?”
My heart was an uncaged bird, miraculously healed by the words he’d spoken and free to fly. “Well, you’ve left me with no choice. I have a demo to record, and you’re the only pianist around.”
He dipped his head and lowered his voice to a whisper. “The only penis in the room too. Feels like it needs to be said. Just this one time.”
“I guess, but as you know, I’ve got a giant box of them in my bedr?—”
Nate crashed his mouth to mine, and I glided my arms up to his shoulders and then linked them behind his neck. His hands went to my butt, and I bounced myself into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he boosted me higher, catching me just like I knew he would.