Page 22 of Master Debater

“Good girl,” he said, shooting me a devilish grin as he slowly licked up my pussy, the tip of his tongue flicking my clit. Again and again, and I fought the urge to loll my head. The whimper that slipped out couldn’t be helped.

While sustaining his ministrations, he dragged two of his fingers over me, tracing my swollen lips with his fingers. Sucking me into his mouth, he increased the speed and pressure of his strokes as my oncoming orgasm barreled toward me.

I haven’t been this close in so long. What if it still doesn’t happen? My worries welled within me, my muscles tightening for another reason.

“Don’t think,” Nate whispered. “Just feel. It’s just you and me, and all I’m thinking about is how fucking beautiful you are, and how good you taste.” He flattened his tongue to the bundle of nerves screaming for a release. “I’m in control, remember? And I’m telling you that right now…”

One long, deliberate lick caused my eyes to roll in the back of my head.

“It’s time to come, harder than you’ve ever come before.” Nate plunged a finger inside me and added the light scrape of his teeth to the magic he was working with his tongue.

Every muscle in my body tensed… Then I burst from the inside out, imploding and exploding, my body no longer under my control or in this earthly realm at all.

A cry accompanied the full-body tremors, my hips arching so high off the floor before slamming down with enough force I’d likely have bruises. I sincerely hoped I would. After everything I’d been through recently, an occasion involving climaxing harder than I’d ever done before deserved a physical reminder.

This time, my whimper involved contentment and alleviation, along with the fact that a guy as sinfully hot as Nate was happy to watch the way my body reacted to him. Enough so that he’d taken his sweet, sweet time giving me exactly what I’d been needing for far longer than before my marriage fell apart.

That blip of a thought about a word I’d done my best to avoid tried to take a bite out of my elation, but I shoved it to the far recess of my mind where it could die a lonely death for all I cared.

With the room around me slowing its spinning, my gaze snagged hold of the shirtless dude with the proud look on his rugged face. “Told you,” he said.

“Yeah, yeah. No one likes a bragger.” It would’ve been more convincing if I wasn’t still breathing as though I’d barely crossed the finish line after running a 5K.

“That’s not what it felt like when you were coming against my mouth.”

My sex clenched, the reminder so fresh and raw it had no business throbbing with the emptiness of a nice, hard dick, but there it was anyway. “Please tell me you brought a condom before scaling your way down to my balcony. As I didn’t plan on having sex with anyone for a while, I’m fresh out. And by fresh, I mean if I had any, they would’ve disintegrated from old age by now.” On the tails of wishing I hadn’t added that last line, a self-deprecating titter snuck out.

The right side of his mouth lifted in an amused half-smile, and then he crawled over my body, the part I longed to have deep inside of me fully on display and dragging across my belly in a sensual line. He kissed me softly, far softer than during sex, and said, “I do have a couple in my wallet, but this was about you, not me. Although I got a meal as well as a show, so”—he licked his lips and liquid pooled between my thighs, anew—“I’m not complaining.”

“But see, my pussy is.” I braced a hand on the nape of his neck and drew his mouth to mine. “It’s saying it desperately needs you to bury yourself deep inside. Since I want to see you lose your control the way I just did, I can’t help but agree.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed with the low, grumbly noise that rattled loose, only adding more conviction that sex needed to happen.

I moved my mouth to his ear and nibbled on his lobe. “I’ll beg for it if I have to—or my pussy will.” I withdrew enough to see if I’d caused a reaction, pledging to make do with even an ounce of the type he instigated within me. “Whichever is more effective.”

He wedged his hand between my legs, his thumb depressing my clit and curling his two longest fingers just inside of me. My breasts grew heavy, my breath scattered in a dozen different directions, and I didn’t dare move, lest he change his mind. No doubt he could feel my willingness loud and clear, though. “Don’t tell Willa,” he said, brushing his lips over mine. “But after I heard her moaning and struggling in her bedroom earlier tonight, it was all I could do not to show up at her door on my hands and knees and beg her to let me break her dry spell.”

“Later, we’re going to have to explore that whole down-on-your-knees-and-begging-for-it scenario. Right now, I’m too impatient.”

Nate reached over the top of me, grappled for his slacks, and dug into the front pocket. “That makes two of us.”

Chapter 13


As much as I told myself I’d happily go upstairs and take care of myself, it’d pale in comparison to getting there with Willa. Especially after watching her unravel before me, a beautiful gyrating goddess, awash in the type of pleasure she claimed she couldn’t achieve without emotional attachment.

My ego was already plenty inflated with regard to my skills in the bedroom, and after that experience, it was going to require its own zip code. It was also ready to prove there was more where that came from. I tore open the foil square I’d retrieved from my wallet and, noticing Willa’s rapt attention, took my sweet time removing my briefs and showcasing the other big part of myself.

“Holy shit,” she said, eyes wide.

“Admittedly, that’s the same thought I had when I lifted your giant rubber dildo off the ground. I’ve never felt even a little intimidated in that department, but that night, I came damn close. I guarantee I can do a lot more with mine, though.” I gestured toward the bed, and she rushed to comply.

“I swear I believe you, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist that you prove it.” She rubbed her feet together, her hot pink toenails emphasizing her eagerness. “You did say that’s your burden as a lawyer, right?”

Like with her comment about grinding against me, she consistently surprised me with her candor. She wasn’t as shy about sex as I expected, and if fucking her six ways to Sunday was what she needed to get over her orgasm blockage, I’d be happy to give that my all.

Yeah, I thought as I stood and surveyed every curvy inch, really taking one for the team, Fox.