She followed my glance, peering over her shoulder at her crumpled, tangled sheets before returning her gaze to mine. “I’m sure, as a lawyer, you’ve gotten very good at winning debates…”
“I’m not good; I’m the best. However, the last thing I’d do is coerce anyone into sleeping with me. If you’re not ready, then that’ll be that.” I lifted off my hand to show how serious I was about that, but she snagged hold of it and drew it against her chest.
“Actually, you’re making a lot of good points. Ones I’ve told myself several times since the other night. Which is why”—she kissed the back of my hand and then returned it to the side of her neck—“I’m gonna go ahead and let us both win this one.”
I curled my fingers around her neck, digging them into her flesh in a deliberate show of domination. From here out, she was my sex doll, my plaything, and all mine to enact pleasure upon. “I hope that the rest of our neighbors are ready for this as well. Because people three streets over are going to hear you scream out in pleasure when you finally come.”
Chapter 10
The man before me transformed in a flash, gallantry giving way to a liberated, more primordial version of Nathan Fox. His eyes narrowed, his laser-sharp focus so intense I feared I might combust before he could follow through with any of the sordid ideas flickering in the depths.
My heart jackrabbited away in my chest, leaping and rushing to get away. Not me, though. I froze, the ideal, obedient prey.
My earlier embarrassment was gone, overtaken by his offer. This fell under allowing myself to be selfish, and I planned to be extremely heedless and greedy with this man tonight.
A wicked grin spread across his face, and deliberately slow, he backed me to the bed until my knees hit the edge. I let them buckle, but he yanked me to my feet again. “Did I tell you to sit?”
I swallowed, hard.
Nate hooked a finger in the strap of my top. He slid it down my shoulder, his pupils dilating further with each inch of exposed skin. Then out came my nipple, hardened from my aroused state, as well as the scruff of the lace.
As though he couldn’t wait a second longer, Nate dipped his head and sucked my breast into his warm mouth. My back arched, the corresponding zing of pleasure rousing every cell in my body. The alternating roll of his tongue and scraping of teeth on my sensitive flesh sent the room spinning, and I clasped onto his biceps so I wouldn’t fall to the bed, only to be scolded.
Then again, I enjoyed his bossy scolding more than I would’ve ever imagined. Just not as much as having his mouth on me and—“Uhnnnn.”
Unwilling to let go of his biceps, I held firm, admiring the curve of them as he moved to the other side. He repeated the sliding of the fabric, and the licking, sucking, and biting, until my world consisted of the exhilarating combination.
Wetness pooled between my thighs, the slickness extra welcome after another frustrating session where I’d failed to do it for myself. Please, please let that mean my overly literal dry streak is about to come to an end.
Nate lifted his head and recaptured my lips with his, plunging his tongue inside with an authoritarian swipe. How much longer was I expected to stand without my knees giving way? I wasn’t sure I could make it.
As he ravaged my mouth with his, he fisted the lacy V of my nightie. He broke the kiss to peer at the valley between my now fully exposed breasts. A quick downward yank, and the satiny gown slid to the floor at our feet, leaving me standing there in only the matching pair of panties.
I did my best to remind myself that I liked myself, and that Nate seemed to be happy with what he saw, even as the insecure girl inside of me flinched.
“Damn, woman.” His voice came out husky and filled with undisguised lust that it made it easier to stand tall, no shrinking in on myself. “I knew you were gorgeous, but getting to see you without so many pesky clothes in the way is just…” He exhaled a harsh breath and pointed at the bed. “On your back. Now.”
I sat and peered up at him, and he arched a brow. It took me a second, but then I understood. I wasn’t following his instructions to the letter. My pulse rushed faster and faster, throbbing behind my temples as I scooted farther onto the bed and laid back.
I jolted along with my nerve-endings as slightly callused fingertips ran over the tops of both of my thighs. The bed dipped with Nate’s weight, first one knee and then the other, pinning me to the mattress as though I’d attempt an escape.
The next instant, he was on top of me, his mouth crashing against mine with a fervency that echoed through me. He moved to my neck, the mixture of abrasive scruff and soft lips something I’d dreamed about having on me again since our make-out session last week. Talk about a fantasy come true.
A groan ripped from his throat as I circled my legs around his waist, securing him tighter against me, and oh God, his hard length went from the apex of my thighs to my belly button. I arched my hips, measuring while basking in the friction, and the same surge of alluring power from the other night came along for the ride.
Then his strong hand gripped my hip. He secured it against the bed, leaving me struggling to get more of him on more of me. At my whine of complaint, a smirk curved his mouth. “Don’t rush me, or I’ll drag it out that much longer. I’m planning on devouring you, and the sooner you realize you’re at my mercy, the better.”
I frowned up at him, and he laughed—laughed!
Keeping my hip still pinned in place, he braced a forearm on the other side of my head. “You’re the one who posed getting you off as a challenge. And you can go ahead and pout all you want. Unfortunately for you”—he lowered his mouth to mine and nipped at my lower lip—“it doesn’t work on me. Never has, never will.”
“What does work on you?” I muttered against his lips, using my sultriest voice. I even brought my shoulders and upper arms together, doing my best to seduce him with the cleavage he was such a fan of.
“Uh-uh,” he said. “This isn’t about me.” He kissed my jaw and drifted the hand he’d had on my hip to the center of my stomach. He flattened his palm there and moved downward, similar to the way he’d done while we’d been standing. Only this time, his fingertips breached the elastic of my panties, leaving me panting, and as afraid to move as I was not to. “You just lie back and enjoy the ride.”
Chapter 11