If she couldn’t get there, that’d hinder the fun. I recalled that first day we met, and how she mentioned something about having trouble when I’d seen all her toys.
When I put that together with what she’d told me about her ex-husband—yeah, I was going with the ex, regardless of the technicality. That asshole lost his right to her the instant he touched another woman.
I could get her there if she’d let me, no doubt about it. I felt obligated to at least offer. No strings, and no pressure to reciprocate. After all, it was the neighborly thing to do.
It’d been hot enough to know she was touching herself, but hearing her and watching her come after what sounded like way too many sessions going without fortified my resolve.
Patience had never been my strong suit. I’d stuck a couple of rubbers in my wallet not too long ago, so rather than go all the way through my place, I started down the steps of the fire escape. I made sure to be as noisy as possible about it, jumping heavily onto her smaller balcony and then raising my voice to announce my presence. Then I knocked on the frame of the window. “Willa?”
My entire body vibrated as I awaited her reply. Just when I thought she wasn’t going to answer, she said, “Nate?”
“Yeah, it’s me. I was out on my balcony and heard you…were home,” I quickly amended, not wanting to embarrass her. But then, I figured I might as well just be honest. “On the day we met, you did mention you were having some trouble. Unselfish guy that I am, I came to offer my help.”
“One second.” The rustling of sheets had me growing hard a second time, my erection complaining about the zipper being in the way again, and then Willa appeared at the window. Her blond waves were mussed, her face flushed and clear of makeup.
She pulled the curtains against herself, presumably to cover the fact she only had on a purple satin and black lace nightie. If so, the sheer drapes failed in the best possible way. She looked so fucking gorgeous and sexed-up that a groan slipped out.
“You do realize those curtains are more see-through when pulled against you,” I said, barely refraining from charging inside and having my wicked way with her. Want shone clear on her features as she raked her gaze over me, but I was afraid she’d talk herself out of giving into it. As was her right, so I wouldn’t allow myself to step inside unless she made that choice. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”
“What? Are you a vampire?”
“No, but I did come here to do some serious sucking. You can choose where, though. Would you like me to start with your neck, those incredible tits, or that sweet little spot between your thighs?”
A shaky exhale spilled from her mouth as it fell open. Pink bloomed in her cheeks and traveled down her body, affecting each part I’d listed.
Well, that last one I couldn’t see for myself yet, but it was only a matter of time before I got visual confirmation. Willa’s pink tongue darted out to wet her lips, and lust deluged my system, pushing me so far beneath the surface I was lost to it.
Then she slowly dropped the gauzy curtain, giving me an uninhibited view of her body, along with her unabashed interest in my offer. She twisted her finger in the teeny tiny strap of her V-neck top, the move confirming she didn’t have on a bra, and lifting the hem enough to give me a glimpse of skin I’d only dreamed about seeing before. “Guess you’d better come on in.”
For all my talk of being fully in control, I sure complied in record speed.
Maybe it was climbing through her bedroom window and maybe it was the woman. But once again, I experienced the sort of excitement of my horny teenage self, about to get laid for the first time.
Willa padded backward toward the bed, crooking her finger as she neared the foot of it. No maybe about it. It was definitely the woman.
As soon as I was fully inside, the windows still fluttering in the breeze behind me, she rubbed at the side of her neck. The move squished her breasts together, drawing my attention to the abundance of cleavage. “You heard me? Like, how much?”
“The moaning.” I took a step toward her. “The whimpering.” Another step. “The frustration.” I caught her chin between my thumb and forefinger and dipped my head, leaving my mouth hovering an inch or so over hers. “The need for me to come in and give you the release you deserve.”
Her lips parted, her bated breath wafting across my jaw.
“I heard you the other night as well. Either you require a lesson in our building’s acoustics or you’re a master seductress.”
She blinked. “I knew the acoustics were good for singing. I just never thought…” That adorable blush spread across the bridge of her nose again, from cheek to cheek. “You should’ve said something.”
“And miss hearing the nightly show? No way.” I dragged my knuckles down the center of her throat, between her breasts, all the way down her stomach until I felt the waistband of her panties beneath the silky fabric. Her whimper echoed through the room, far more satisfying than when I’d had to strain my ears to hear it well. “Although, as I said, it’s missing an ending, and that just won’t do. I made you a promise the other night. Ready for your demonstration, Ms. Trainor?”
Straight white teeth sank into her bottom lip, and if it weren’t for the crinkle between her brows, I’d declare it game on. “There’s just one thing…”
I flattened my palm to the front of her, placing the tip of my finger dangerously low. One more inch and we’d both be in heaven. “Tell me.”
“I’m starting to think I might need an emotional attachment to get off.” Her hips jerked, as though that needy nub couldn’t help seeking out my touch. “So, if it doesn’t happen, I don’t want you to take it personally.”
“That’s bullshit,” I said, annoyed she’d obviously been neglected for so long. “You need someone who knows what they’re doing.”
A smile curved her lips. “And let me guess.” She trailed her fingers down the line of buttons on my shirt, a hint of the vixen I’d met the other night returning. “You’re that guy.”
“Hell yeah, I am. I’ll also take it very personally if I don’t get you there.” Using my free hand, I cupped the back of her neck and yanked her face to mine. The kiss was urgent and brutal, the pent-up feelings that’d been my constant companion since the middle of last week rushing forward at once. “Only douchebags cared about their own satisfaction, but me, I’ll do whatever it takes. Even if it means we spend the next twelve hours in this bed of yours.”