I want to be that bitch that just lets things roll right off her shoulders—the kind of bitch that can pretend he isn’t in this room. Maybe one day, when I grow up, I will be that bitch.
Just not today.
Gasping, I press my hand to my chest and let out a small squeal. “Oh my gosh, Mr. Mercer.” I look around as though I’m horrified. “I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here.”
His lips curl up in a smirk, well aware of what I’m doing and seeing right through me.
“Shut up, Frankie,” Tori hisses.
“But isn’t he like, an instructor this year?” I did it, I mimicked her voice. I might regret it later, but right now, the look on her face tells me I have no regrets.
“He is,” she grinds out through her teeth.
“And aren’t instructors supposed to be in their quarters?” I glance at Bishop, pretending to be horrified. “And he’s in here.”
“Shut up, Frankie.” She reaches for me once again, digging her nails into my arm.
“Well, I don’t want to get caught with an instructor in our dorm room.” I emphasize “our,” making sure to give her a horrified look.
“No, no, she’s right.” Bishop smiles as if he just won the lottery, but he doesn’t make a move to get up. No, he gets more comfortable. “Luckily for you, that rule is lifted for now.”
My smile drops.
Tori beams at me. “That’s right.” Finally, she releases my arm. “Until the winter solstice, for a chance to form a?—”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Bishop interrupts. “Audience.”
Rolling my eyes at them, I grab my shower caddy and change of clothing and turn for the door. Let Bishop say something about me going to shower. I’d almost glare at him and dare him, but nope, I’m not about to look at him and give him any more attention.
With one hand on the door and the other clenching my clothing, I swing it open just as a fist comes at me.
I jump backward as Leo gets control of his hand.
“Frankie!” He steps inside the dorm room with Matteo on his heels.
Great, just fucking wonderful. Everyone is unknowingly giving Bishop exactly what he wants.
“Leo, hi.” It takes everything inside me not to look back at Bishop, even though I can feel his eyes burning through my back. “Matteo.” I nod at him. “I was just leaving to go shower.”
“We missed you at lunch,” Leo says, leaning against the wall. Both he and Matteo are blocking my escape route. “And you promised.”
“Did I?” I question, not focusing on either of his statements.
“Who’s this?” Bishop rolls off Tori’s bed, his ice-blue eyes scanning Leo and Matteo. His eyes dart back and forth between them rapidly while his brows wrinkle in thought.
Well, I’m in it now.
“Mr. Mercer.” I blink at him before turning to the others. “This is?—”
Tori pushes between them. “This is Leo, he’s dating Chloe, and Matteo, who is dating Amanda.”
I hide my laugh. From the looks on both Leo’s and Matteo’s faces, I can tell no one informed them about that little nugget of information.
Bishop laughs and reaches out to shake Leo’s hand, but once they clasp hands, they pause, clenching each other while wearing similar looks of bewilderment.
It’s honestly weird, especially because when they let go and Bishop shakes Matteo’s hand, the same thing happens.
“So you’re dating…” Bishop looks at me before turning back to Leo. “Chloe.”