The floor of the barn isn’t really a floor at all. Just packed down dirt. The biting chill of it seeps into the knee of my jeans, only heightening my adrenaline. “Please, Charlie. Will you let me come? I’ll do anything to feel you inside of me. My body aches to be covered in your cum.” At that, he lets out a shocked cough before pulling on the belt, tightening the strain against my skin.
“Again.” His eyes darken. No longer am I staring at my cinnamon roll of a man. No; this is someone else entirely. Someone who will command every nerve in my body. Someone who will push me to my limits and force me to enjoy every second of it.
“I need you. Your lips. Your hands. Your tongue. Your cock. Any time you’re touching me, I crave more. Your body is the only one that knows mine well enough to give me the pleasure I seek.” I move my hands from the tops of my thighs to rest on the top of his jeans, eager to touch him, have him in my mouth. “Please.”
The pressure on my throat grows uncomfortably delicious as he uses the belt’s end to pull me to my feet and into his chest. He releases it just in time for me to draw in a large breath before crashing his mouth to mine. A hand tangles in my hair, yanking my head skyward to grant him better access to me. Our tongues intertwine like synchronized dancing partners. Equal give and take between them. Holding onto each other through the crescendo of teeth latching on, sucking just before releasing to start the song over again.
Without even thinking, I jump into his arms, unbothered by the leather still around my neck. After all, choking isn’t all that much of a deterrent for me, anyway. He catches me without hesitation, allowing me to wrap my legs around his middle. My ass makes a home out of his hands until he slams me against tack room door to close it. Not that anyone is home to catch us, but I think he likes the excuse of slamming me into shit. Fine by me. As long as he keeps touching me and this ends with him filling me with his cum, I’m happy.
“Charlie, I love you, but if you don’t give it to me very soon, I’m going to riot.”
All action stops. The only sound to be heard aside from our panting comes from the horses complaining that I haven’t fed them yet. At first, I’m at a loss for the cause of the eerie silence, but then it dawns on me. My hand covers my mouth and my eyes threaten to abandon my skull. Oh FUCK. I just said I love you to this man who was about to dick me down in my tack room. What the hell was I thinking?
My eyes are like saucers, staring at him with our noses within an inch of each other. The blood rushing through me makes the beat of my heart intolerably loud. He’s not saying anything. Why isn’t he saying anything? FUCK. What do I do? I should run. Can I run? God, I’m so stupid. Now I look crazy. Well, even more crazy. I’ve already proved I was crazy a few times over the last few months.
I try to untangle my legs from him, but his weight on me only increases, pushing our chests flush against each other as if we are one and the same body. “You want to say that again, little brat?” He finally breaks the silence.
“Not particularly, no. I didn’t mean to say it the first time.” I can feel the heat of embarrassment setting my cheeks aflame. My whole fucking face is going to combust under this pressure. Can I really tell him that I love him? Do I love him? I’ve never really dated anyone in my adult life. Sure, I’ve had steady hookups here and there, but nobody has ever made me feel the way Charlie does. The way he took care of me without expecting anything in return was the most comfort I have felt since Grams died. He feels like home.
Does She or Doesn't She?
Does She or Doesn't She?
Did she say what I think she said? She loves me? Is this real or something said in the heat of the moment? I mean we have been together for a few months now if our time over the phone is to be included, which I would think it should. I haven’t been with anyone else since she and I started talking online. Call me crazy, but I knew she was different from that first conversation we had. Catching feelings for her wasn’t a choice for me. Everything she did, everything she said, called to me from a depth within that I couldn’t fight.
I was captivated. Obsessed. Leaving my home to open up my second restaurant was the most difficult thing I’d ever done, and I was lonely. That’s why I decided to try online dating. How lucky for me that I only had to suffer through two dates before Haedyn came across my feed.
Then when I physically laid eyes on her, I knew I was done for. Deceased. She owned me, heart and soul. Of course, I couldn’t tell her that. She’d think I was crazy. A psycho. Seeing her getting all flustered after she tried to hide from me was just the icing on the cake because if she wasn’t already feeling something for me, she wouldn’t have cared so much about my opinion of her side job. Honestly, that’s probably what made me chase her. She wasn’t running from me to actually escape me. She was just nervous about the potential of losing me, and that made a world of difference.
There’s no doubt in my mind that I love this woman. She’s it for me. I’ve known that; I’ve just been waiting for her to catch up. How completely her that she figured it out in a dusty old tack room when I’m about to worship her body. I’m not about to let her forget that she said it here, either.
“You want to say that again, little brat?” I encourage, unable to hide the grin on my face.
“Not particularly, no. I didn’t mean to say it the first time.” It amazes me that even when she’s not trying, she still has that damn attitude. Letting out a small chuckle, I use my pointer finger to tilt her head up toward me, making her look into my eyes.
“If you feel it, then say it. There’s nothing to fear from me. You know that.” I always want to be her safe place. Her home. She deserves rest after what she’s been through. So strong through it all, never faltering in taking care of herself, but I’m here now. I’ll make sure she always has someone in her corner for as long as she lets me.
She looks like she wants to bolt on me, hide from the feelings whirring within her. What the hell has this woman been through to make her fear a genuine connection this badly? It doesn’t matter. Now that I know she does have actual feelings for me, I’m going to make sure she never has a reason to doubt where my heart is. She’ll never feel inadequate or unimportant in my presence. I just need her to accept her feelings without trying to convince herself that she doesn’t deserve this happiness with me.
I press into her to keep her anchored to me. I’m not letting her run away again. I’ve learned that she runs when she’s scared. Too fucking bad. She’s going to feel everything right here with me. Running my hands over her middle beneath her shirt, I can feel the goosebumps sprouting. Using my tongue, I split her lips to let myself inside her mouth, devouring her like she’s my last meal. What a delectable one she would be, too.
All of her curves feed the beast within that wants to tear her apart. He wants to chew her up and never spit her out. Instead, he’ll savor every taste she’s willing to give. There’s some animalistic sense of ownership when someone gives themselves freely to you. Especially someone like Haedyn. She’s so damned stubborn and independent that when she chooses to let you in, you know you have something special. She’s giving you something that most will never see. Her heart. Her vulnerability. It’s beautiful to experience, and I’m grateful that I can be that person for her.
“I’m feeling too much, and you heard me the first time. You’re just being an ass.” She tries a feeble attempt at smacking me, but I catch her wrist before she can make contact. It makes me grin seeing how pissed off it makes her. What a pistol she is when she’s mad. I fucking love it.
“On the contrary, little brat. I just selfishly want to hear it again because it sounded so beautiful coming out of your mouth.” I lean down and lick her from the bottom of her neck to the bottom of her chin, intoxicating myself on her salty taste. Our afternoon in the sun amplifies her flavor, and it only hardens me further. A woman that can let herself get dirty without worry is sexy as hell.
I’ve been missing having my hands on her since everything happened with that dickhead, Brad, but I would never dream of rushing her. She needs time to heal, to process everything. I don’t want to move forward with her until she’s absolutely ready, but I also know that some people can use BDSM to jump start their healing. The option to give up their control is liberating to some, and I picked up Haedyn’s submissive side the first time we messed around on video chat months ago. The desire to willingly give herself over to someone she can trust to take care of her. Mind and body. Revive her confidence. I won’t let her fall through the cracks. I’ll bring her back to herself.
“I can’t make you say it, but I will do what I can to make you keep feeling it until you’re ready to give me those beautiful words again.” Her eyes go teary for a split-second before she shakes it away. Forever masking what she believes to be her weaknesses. What she doesn’t realize is that I plan to make us stronger together. Build us up to where no one can touch us.
I worship her with my lips, teeth, and tongue over her entire face and neck. Every part of her that I can reach without relinquishing my hold on her. I don’t want to give her the chance to bail on me. She needs to feel what I’m doing to her. For her. With her. Her chest rises in broken inhalations letting me know that she’s taking it all in. She’s feeling it all. Just as she should.
Bringing my hands to the button of her jeans, popping it open with a simple tug, she doesn’t move to stop me, though her sharp inhale makes me pause briefly. When I look to her doe eyes, it’s not hesitation that greets me. It’s desire. Lust. She wants this. Maybe even needs it. Needs…me. My tongue cleanses my bottom lip, and her eyes track the movement.