Page 37 of SnapShot

“Whatcha got in there?”

“It’s a surprise, but I will say that it’s not as fancy as the steak I made before.”

“Oh you made us lunch? From the restaurant?”

“Sure did. Nothing but the best for my little brat.” He retorts with a cocky smirk before pointing toward the horses. “Which one of these yard puppies do I get the pleasure of riding today?”

I gesture to my paint. “This girl right here. Her name is Sasha, and she’s my best girl. You better be good to her because I don’t let just anybody on her. In fact, I don’t think anyone aside from Kate has ever ridden her, so don’t fuck it up.”

“Noted,” he responds before lifting his left foot into the stirrup and swinging his right over the saddle like he’s done it a million times. The wrinkles in my forehead assist my eyes in bugging out, surprised and turned on as hell at how he looks in my element.

After I find my seat with Bully, I start toward the woods, but look back to make sure Charlie isn’t far behind. I’m impressed yet again with how relaxed he is in the saddle. There’s no way this is his first rodeo.

“Where did you learn to ride?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He shoots me a wink before picking up speed with a swift nudge of his heels to Sasha’s side. A smile involuntarily plasters itself across my face as I do the same to Bully, catching up to them in no time.

We ride quietly as I watch him take in the nature surrounding us. The only sounds coming from creaking leather and hoofbeats on the beaten path. Some of the most soothing sounds in the world in my mind. Being out in nature atop one of its majestic creatures, getting to experience things people who just walk through wouldn’t get, is something special.

Having this experience with Charlie, though, that’s doing things to my insides. Squeezing me right in the chest with glimpses of home. I’ve always wanted to share this part of myself with someone besides Kate.

“It’s beautiful here.” His voice pulls me out of my head.

“Yeah, it is. I used to ride back here whenever I needed to get away. To think. To feel. To breathe. It’s nice being here with you.”

“Thank you for sharing this with me, Haedyn. I know it means a lot to you.” He reaches across the space between us to grab hold of my hand. I let him hold it for a beat before shooting him a sly grin.

“Wanna race?” I don’t wait for his response before kicking Bully into a run. The laugh that bursts from my lips is as freeing as the wind whipping through my hair.

We don’t run far, just long enough to make me want to catch my breath. We’re in a small clearing by a pond, the perfect place to stop and eat. We’ve been riding for almost two hours, so I could use a minute to stretch my legs. Charlie and Sasha are right behind me when I dismount.

“That doesn’t count, I hope you know.” Arms circle my waist from behind before I feel lips against my neck.

“And why not?” I question.

“For one, we didn’t have a finish line. For two, I never agreed to race. For three, you had all the advantage. Therefore, it doesn’t count.”

“You make some good points. I’m just glad you managed to stay on.”

A swift swat across my ass is all I feel before I’m hoisted into the air and over his shoulder. While most of the air was expelled from my lungs upon impact, a girlish squeal still manages to break through my lips. It feels like a fever dream, being here with him. Happy. Playful. Carefree. In the midst of all the hurt, there are little moments, snapshots in time, that remind us we aren’t meant to be miserable creatures. We’re meant to find the light in the darkness and carry it with us through our struggles. That’s what Charlie feels like to me. The light meant to guide me through this darkness. I intend to let him for as long as I can.

“You think you’re funny, don’t you, little brat?”

This just makes me laugh. Another sharp smack to my stinging ass cheek has me snorting like a crazy person before I’m disoriented from being put back on my feet and pushed up against a tree with a hand around my throat, the man responsible drinking me in like a wolf licking his chops in preparation for its dinner. The laughter quickly dies on my tongue as it’s replaced with something else entirely. Hunger. Desire. Lust.

“A little,” I respond in a breathy whisper.

“You just love to push me, huh? That’s okay. You’ll pay for that.”

God, he’s hot when he gives in to his need to tame me. I reach up to hold his wrist with both of my hands, except I don’t push him away; I hold him to me. One corner of his mouth tilts, but he quickly returns to pretending he’s mad at my attitude when we both know he gets off on it.

“Don't worry. I’m not letting you go any time soon,” he reassures, increasing pressure on the sides of my throat. The anticipation builds as I wait for the stars to flood my vision. His mouth crashes to mine viciously. Like he wants to punish me with his kiss, but it will always be welcome. I crave his power over me.

The seam of my mouth opens for his tongue, and I take the opportunity to bite down, light at first, then increasingly harder until he growls. He doesn’t try to retreat, though. He’s a glutton for the pain just as much as I am. I release his tongue to soothe the ache he’s sure to have now. Healing your hurt is important. Probably why we get along so well. We understand each other in a way that most can’t. I’ve never had this kind of connection with anyone. The chemistry is caustic. Burning any who dare to let it touch them, and I’m prepared to become ash.

The jingle of his belt coming undone is the only warning I get before the end of it slaps across the top of my thigh from behind the tree. That’ll leave a mark. A hiss leaks through my clenched teeth. I refuse to give any other sign that it affected me, though. That might make me the “little brat” he refers to me as, but I don’t care. He’ll have to work harder than that. A sick satisfaction makes my heart beat faster in my chest, letting me hear it batter me from the inside out.

Charlie releases me after a chaste kiss planted on my lips. “Come on. Let’s eat before it’s time to head back.”