Page 10 of Conquered Obstacles

“I prefer to keep it to myself for now,” he muttered, clearly still not trusting us.

“As you wish,” I easily accepted.

“Thank you.” He cleared his throat and glanced at the twins. “Sushi’s nice. I didn’t bring anything.”

Mary fielded that as the oldest. “You came. That’s enough. Next time you can bring something if you want.” She glanced at me. “Can we just set out the containers or—”

“Of course. We don’t need to be formal,” I agreed.

“Everything smells delicious, Sister,” Poseidon complimented. “I honestly cannot tell what we’re having, my senses are so titillated.”

I cleared my throat. “I went a bit overboard.” I sighed when he and the twins chuckled. “I was nervous. It’s my first house alone not just an apartment over the bakery and a full family meal like we used to have, but it’s not like it used to be. And I was worried no one would show or there would be fighting or…” I shrugged.

“There is never too much food with our family,” Hades said easily.

“The pictures PJ took turned out great,” Mary said as everyone dug into the salad and sushi. “She’s got a real eye for angles and lighting.”

“I already said yes,” Dion blurted.

“She pushed you to,” Apollo growled.

“I warned you, Nephew,” Hades chastised.

“Stop,” I said firmly, looking at Apollo first but then to Dion. “Love, say no. You don’t have to help. If you are this scared and worried, tell me no. It’s fine. I will figure out something else.”

“I apologize, Mom. I didn’t mean to step in it,” Mary muttered, dipping her head to me.

“You’re fine, Daughter,” I said gently. “They’re unsettled and worried that I showed up because they’re in my realm, and Hera is back in the picture.” I smiled at Dion and gestured between myself and the twins. “It’s a family business for us, so we speak about things normally. It wasn’t a push. We just catch up at meals.”

Kary cleared her throat and looked at Poseidon. “I heard that wolf finished everything with your cover, Uncle. You liked him to help you? Jimothy?”

“Yes, he seems like a good lad,” Poseidon said, taking the cue. “He was smart and said to make sure I wasn’t a US citizen for the cover and use my power to have the paper trail somewhere else.”

Apollo and Dion shared a look, Apollo clearing his throat. “That’s wise. It’s why I’m based in China. Their technology is great, but they still are on the path of bribery for a lot to look the other way.”

And that was what he was worried about. That was breaking the law, and the goddess of karma wouldn’t like the way the Chinese government treated people.

I nodded. “I’m glad you found a way to protect yourself.” I didn’t linger on it, looking back to Poseidon. “You might want to check with one of the ancients Hades trusts before you go public with anything.”

“Very true.”

A timer went off and I stood. “We’re starting with beef bourguignon so—” I chuckled when the twins groaned. “Yes, I made two huge batches so you have some to take back to school.”

“Love you, Mom,” they said together, Kary jumping up to help me serve.

Dion actually cleared away the sushi containers, and I saw him glare at Apollo and nod to the empty salad plate. “And I do want to help, Aunt. I think it’s amazing that you’re trying again, and it will keep Hera from ever trying to take over this realm. Which none of us want.”

“No, none of us want that,” Apollo admitted begrudgingly.

“Do you have questions for me?” I asked Apollo after a moment. “Is there some issue you have with me? I don’t remember ever being—”

“You just bailed on us and now you want to be our aunt again like everything is fine and it’s not thousands of years later or—” he blasted, jumping to his feet.

Mary lost her temper and was up over the table in a flash, but luckily Hades was faster, freezing her in place and pushing Apollo across the room. He moved in between them and unfroze Mary and caught her.

“Forgive me, Neice, but you are no match for him. He is a full god,” he said quietly but still coldly. He brushed back her hair and set her on her feet. “Your mother would die if you were harmed defending her when she can more than defend herself. He is but a child acting out in pain, nothing more.”

“Sorry,” Mary whispered, her voice shaky.