Page 70 of Controlled

“A whip?”

Why was I asking the question? Was I a sick person to want to know?

“Yes, from my father’s hands, although my younger brother and I didn’t receive the brunt of our father’s anger.”

“Why was he so angry? Why did he do that to his own children?”

“Because he didn’t know any better, his father treating him the same way, requiring him to be perfect like he wanted us to be. Anything less wasn’t tolerable.”

“Your father sounds like a horrible man.”

He slipped his trousers down his carved hips, momentarily shoving aside the reprehensible thoughts. As horrible as I’d believed my mother had been, she never would have done something like that.

“Perhaps, Bella, but he was our father, a man we tried to please. At least until we were grown men. We learned to please him so as to not evoke his rage. Control was vital in our sacred little world.”

“Is that why you were attracted to me? The need to control something of your own? To mold me like your father did with you?”

My question seemed to catch him off guard. “If you’re asking if I plan on beating you as my father did to us, the answer is no. I’m a brutal man, Bella. I will never deny that. My business makes it vital that I have control of everyone and every situation. I’ve crushed companies. I’ve killed my enemies to keep them from killing me. My brothers have as well, but in the world that I grew up in, the legacy that was handed down to me, that’s all I learned. However, women are precious creatures to be adored and savored.”

As he removed his pants, I wasn’t certain whether to admire the man for surviving such horrors as a child or to feel even more repulsed by his easy admittance of killing people.

But for a few beautiful seconds, my breath was taken by the sight of his masculine body. The man in a tuxedo was incredible but seeing his entire physique highlighted by the moon took my breath away.

He inched closer, staring down at me as if I was going to try to run. “You are already perfect in every way, sweet Bella. I’m not planning on molding you into anything. I simply want to set you free and in doing so, keeping the man you’re terrified of locked away.”

There was such a haunted message in what he was saying, the sound as well as the rise and fall of his chest telling me how much emotional pain he was still in. As I knew well, it wasn’t the physical punishment received but the emotional strain, the longing to be accepted that proved to be the most damning.

Because I knew we were kindred in several ways, as he crawled onto the bed, forcing me into the middle, I reached for him with open arms.

The desire we shared was different, more pronounced in a special way. Or maybe I was reading into the moment. We’d both let our guards down, almost acting as if we’d been on a date instead of a captor and captive, locked together in a game where losing meant death. But right now, none of that mattered. I was here because he’d required me to be.

I hadn’t tried to escape because I didn’t want to.

Ugly or not, unbelievable or not, that was the simple truth.

As he crawled between my legs, I pressed my palms against his chest, still marveling at the feel of his twelve-pack. He peered down at me, a smirk crossing his face. “You know you can’t keep me away.”

“I never said I was trying,” I cooed in return. Even my hatred toward him was no longer sharp-edged. It was crazy to feel the way I was but as he shifted his hips back and forth, my heart was pumping so hard I was certain I’d have a stroke.

He remained on his hands, using his upper body strength to finally push down against my arms. The limited light in the room couldn’t hide the longing in his eyes or the devilish twinkle. He slowly lifted one of my arms over my head then the other, using his knee to widen my legs as well.

“Do you know what I plan on doing to you?” he asked, his voice to the point I could barely recognize it.

“Tell me.”

“Are you certain you want to know?” When he wrapped both my wrists with his long fingers on one hand, I immediately struggled, fighting him playfully.


“First I’m going to fuck that tight pussy of yours until you scream out my name.” He hesitated, sliding the tip of his pinky down the bridge of my nose, encircling my lips before finishing. “After that I’m going to take my time filling your dark hole with my seed. After that, I’m going to plug you with a toy and you’ll be required to wear it until I tell you otherwise.”

I wasn’t expecting that, my nervous laugh my only admittance.

“And that’s just the beginning,” he continued. He shifted again between my legs and lowered his head, barely brushing his lips across mine. I was pulled into the same sweet vacuum as before, moaning into the kiss as he slipped his hand down my stomach.

When I felt the tip of his cock being pressed against my pussy lips, I issued a loud whimper that he captured with his mouth. The man masterful, he thrust his cock into my tight channel at the same time he plunged his tongue into my mouth.

I immediately arched my back, throwing my legs around his hips. As my muscles tried to expand, the feel of his throbbing shaft electrified my senses. I was crazed with hunger, my mind spinning with the promise he’d made about how he was going to fuck me. It was funny how enticing the words were, a forbidden temptation I should resist. But how could I?