“D. Just an initial. That’s not Creed. Right? It’s not Gregor either.” Then who the hell had sent me flowers? I felt creepy all over again, another shiver skating down my back.
I snatched the note from his hand, staring down at the single letter then back to the flowers.
“Do you know anyone with that initial?” he asked.
I thought about my list of few friends, the teachers at school. Everyone. Even if I did know someone like David or Daniel, why would they say they were proud of me? “No. It’s very odd. But everyone thinks I was handed those roles for another reason.”
“Yeah, but at least you know it’s not from your sexy stalker and stop it. You’re the best female dancer the company has ever seen.”
While he was teasing me all over again, I still heard the concern in his voice. “Ha. Ha. Thank you for that.”
“I meant it. Do you want me to stay, rustle up some heat in your bedroom?”
Cocking my head, I glared at him. “And mess with the hours you need getting ready for your hot date? I don’t think so.”
“I don’t take hours. Maybe one or two. But I am going to buy a sexy new shirt.”
“You go, boy toy, but I want all the juicy details.”
“You got it, girlfriend. I’ll see myself out so you can handle all your admirers, but I’ll be your fake boyfriend anytime.” He kissed me on the cheek again, rubbing the scratch my mother had given me. “Clean your face so you don’t look like a swollen beast at practice tomorrow.”
“You are so mean. So mean indeed.”
“Yes, I am and don’t you forget it.” He twirled before walking out, popping his head back into the kitchen, blowing me a kiss.
After I heard the door close, I turned my attention to the flowers, running a single finger from one petal to another, sliding it down the stem as I leaned over and took a deep whiff.
The hard pinch was unexpected. I jerked my finger away, noticing a drop of blood on the end. As I pulled it to my lips, sucking it off, another shiver ran down my spine.
Another ominous feeling.
As if this was a premonition of things to come.
I’d never considered myself a stalker before, but I’d wanted to catch Bella’s every nuance, grabbing a moment of her innocence all over again.
So, I’d followed her. Hell, I’d even considered breaking into her apartment, placing listening devices and cameras, but the logistics given her roommates would be a pain in my ass. Something I didn’t need. Besides, I had every intention of following through with the promise I’d made to her.
Or the warning.
It depended on how you looked at it.
To me, wanting to learn everything I could about her was as natural as breathing. How else did you discover all the dirty little secrets about someone you wanted to kill or keep?
Desiring to keep my perfect flower protected and nourished was also natural, although there were those who would call it a savage sin. Not that I’d given a damn about what anyone thought my entire life. It wasn’t going to change now.
At first, I’d done what I could to remain in the shadows, not wanting to draw her attention, but the savage inside of me had wanted her to feel the burning desire I had for her. When she’d finally realized she was being followed, the little vixen did her best to avoid my prying eyes.
Of course, she’d failed.
I’d enjoyed just watching her deep in thought riding the subway after she’d left the facility where she’d placed her mother. Bella had seemed more forlorn, twisting her long fingers together before wrapping her index finger around a long, thick strand of hair. She’d been nervous, but not by my presence. Something had bothered her and I’d had the urge to hunt and kill whoever was responsible.