Maddox looked at me intently, brushing my cheek with the back of his hand. "I think you've done a lot just by taking over the management of the park after your mom passed away."
I bit the inside of my cheek. "It's sort of what you guys have done, too, right? Each taking over a branch of Whitley Industries."
He narrowed his eyes, staring off in the distance and tilting his head. "Sort of. The situation was different. In your case, it was a necessity. You didn’t have another choice—it was your dad’s livelihood. But for us, it was a choice. If we didn't take over, Granddad could have sold it in parts. He would have made a lot of bank. The business might not have been profitable, but it was huge. Anyone with any sort of business sense would have seen its potential. Jake actually wasn't even part of Whitley Industries in the beginning."
"What changed his mind?" I asked.
Maddox trailed his fingers over my cheek. I liked him touching my face. It was soothing. Though it quickly turned sexy when he brushed his thumb over my lip. “He only came after Granddad got sick. Jake took over Whitley Advertising from him.” He focused his gaze on my lips. "Are you sure you have to head back to Essex?"
My heart fluttered in my chest. He wants to spend another evening with me? It was tempting, but I’d promised Dad. "Yeah. Dad's looking forward to our dinner."
Maddox nodded. "Okay. Then I'll drive you back to the restaurant to get your car."
We arrived at the restaurant far too soon. My car was still in the exact same spot where I'd parked the night before. For some reason, I had an irrational fear that it would be towed away. The sign did say it was only for guests, after all.
"Oh, thank goodness it's still here," I said.
"Of course. I spoke to the restaurant owner last night and told them we'd get it today."
I wasn't used to anyone thinking two steps ahead before I did. I was the one usually trying to foresee the problems and solve them before they even appeared.
"Thank you," I said.
When Maddox parked, he immediately jumped out of the car. To my surprise, he walked over to the driver's door of my car. After I unlocked it, he opened it, and I blushed for some unexplainable reason. Then he opened the back door of his car, grabbing the Macy’s bag where I’d stuffed last night’s outfit.
"Thank you for staying the night and the whole day."
"You did make a great case," I teased, taking the bag from him.
"And for putting up with my family."
"Are you kidding? That was so much fun. I’m just not used to being around big groups. I mean, Miriam and I are joined at the hip, but other than that, I’ve always been a loner.”
He leaned forward, biting at my earlobe and then moving his lips down my neck.
“Maddox, what are you doing?”
“Making my case again to get you to stay another night.”
He was now going farther down my neck. I even felt the tip of his tongue on my skin.
I straightened up, putting a hand on his chest. I closed my eyes and then blinked them open. "Now, don't take it personally. Your seduction skills are amazing, but I did promise my dad," I said regretfully.
He groaned and actually took a step back. "All right, then. Get in before I change my mind and carry you away."
Oh, I loved, loved, loved the sound of that. But instead, I got in my car, wondering when I’d see him again.
Chapter Twenty-Three
As I drove to Essex, I cranked the music loud, putting on my favorite Spotify playlist. I kept thinking about Maddox and the future. I had a very good feeling about selling Essex Adventures. The more I thought about it, the more sense it made. And hearing Diane passionately talk about her touring business was giving me ideas.
I didn't necessarily have to teach... or travel. My heart wasn't in it anymore. Essex was my home.