I wanted Cami, and I wanted this day to be great for her.
"You're close to your brothers' significant others?"
"Yes. They're all fantastic women," I said as I brought up Diane's number. "My brothers are very lucky."
I kissed Cami's shoulder before texting Diane.
Maddox: Hey, do you have any groups today where you can add two more people?
I was surprised when she started typing right away.
Diane: Sure, of course. I'm doing a 19th-century-themed one starting at 11. Is it for you?
I hesitated. I had to be very careful about this.
Maddox: For me and a friend.
Diane: You're both welcome.
She added a smiley face too.
I looked up at Cami. "Diane says we're in."
"When does the tour start?" she asked.
"At eleven o'clock."
"That's good," she said, running a hand through her hair, "because I'm going to need to buy something else to wear."
The second she said it, I realized she was right. "We'll go to a department store. What exactly do you want to buy?"
"Jeans or some sort of pants, a sweater, some boots or sneakers."
"Then let's get going. We don’t have too much time."
Cami was smiling from ear to ear.
"What?" I asked.
"I like the turn this day's taking."
"So do I."
Chapter Twenty-One
As soon as we were in the car, I started feeling more than self-conscious about my outfit. In broad daylight, it was totally out of place.
Yep, walk of shame. That’s me.
But I actually didn’t feel that way. Being with Maddox felt right, and even though I was in last night’s clothes, being with him was comfortable. I was very happy to be spending the day in Boston with this intriguing man. Yesterday, I’d figured it was a booty call, which I was more than fine with. But this was turning out to be something entirely different.
"Where are we going?”
“Is Bloomingdale's all right for you?”
That was a hell no. It wasn’t just outside my price range—it was in another galaxy.