I leveled her with a stare. "It's tennis with my brothers. They'll survive without me one weekend."
We sometimes played Sundays, other times Saturdays. This week's match was set for today.
I sent a message in the group I had with Gabe, Nick, and Leo. We had another one with the entire family, but I didn't want to broadcast what I was doing to everyone.
Maddox: I'll miss the match today.
Nick replied immediately.
Nick: What the hell, dude? You'd better have a good reason. I was looking forward to beating your ass.
Maddox: I have a very good reason.
Nick: Unless you tell me exactly what it is, I'll think you're just brushing us off.
"Oh crap," I said.
"What's that?"
"My brother's trying to guilt me into not canceling."
"It is very last minute," Cami countered.
I looked up, trying to gauge if she was hanging on to this so she would have an easy way out. "Cami, if you don't want to stay—"
"I do, I do," she said emphatically. "I just don't want to interfere with your plans."
"As I said, they'll survive." I winked at her and then decided to tell Nick exactly what was going on. It was the only way I'd get him off my back.
Maddox: I'm spending time with Cami.
Nick: What? Are you for real? Does Gran know?
Maddox: No, and I'd appreciate it if you would keep your mouth shut.
Nick: I’ll try.
I put the phone away. "That was enough distraction," I said, focusing on Cami.
She smiled more openly. "What do you have in mind?"
"First things first." I kissed a straight line from her earlobe down her neck, feeling her shudder. "I can now share with you all those dangerous ideas I was having before breakfast."
She laughed softy, putting both arms around my neck. "I'm listening. I have an inkling that I might know what they are."
A guttural groan resounded in my chest. "Yeah, I think so too. And later, if you want, we can go out and about in town."
She shimmied her hips. I straightened, looking at her. "Really?" she asked. "You want to go out with me?"
I frowned. "Yeah, Cami. I'm not keeping you a secret. Besides, you said you wanted to explore Boston, but you've never had any locals to do it with. I volunteer to be that local."
"I love this."
"Actually, now that I think of it, Gabe's fiancée is a tour guide. She could probably help us set up something more professional. Let me just text her."
"Okay," Cami said. "You're fast." She sounded stunned.
"When I want something, I go for it."