Page 72 of Taming the CEO

"Walk? Cami, that's not safe," I said, standing straight up.

She laughed.

“What’s so funny?” I was serious.

"The storm stopped, Maddox. What do you think is going to happen to me if I walk in snow?"

"You could catch a cold," I said.

"Right. I promise you I dressed appropriately."

"I need to see you." I didn’t want to beat around the bush or come up with excuses. I wasn't that kind of guy.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, clearly caught off guard.

I cleared my throat. "I can't stop thinking about these past couple days."

"Well, the storm was pretty memorable," she teased.

"So are you."

Her breath caught; I heard the sharp intake of air in the phone.

"Do you have anything planned tomorrow evening?" I went on.

"Just the usual, although I think that will turn out to be nothing because we keep getting cancellations at Essex Adventures. We always have a lull at this time of the year until it’s cold and snowy enough for the winter activities." She spoke extremely fast, as if she was nervous.

"I’d like to take you out."

"Here in Essex?"

"No, in Boston. I can make reservations for a restaurant and pick you up."

"I'll drive there," she countered.

"So that's a yes?"

"I'd love to."

"Fantastic. But what's the nonsense about the car? I'll have someone pick you up."

"No, I like driving myself. It keeps me flexible in case I need a quick getaway."

I rubbed my shoulders before taking another sip. "You expect to have to make a quick escape from me, Cami?"

She laughed, but it sounded a bit breathy. "That came out wrong. Of course not, but I do prefer to drive my own car."

"It doesn't feel like going on a date if you drive yourself, though, does it?"

"Oh, this is a date?" she asked, sounding incredulous.

"Yes, it fucking is," I replied.

"Well, I’ll still drive my car."

"All right.”

“What time should I be where?"