Page 68 of Taming the CEO

All our lives, she’d struggled with the idea that we didn’t have an extended family. Mom was a single child, and her parents had passed in a car accident before we were born. So when the opportunity came for us to meet our only grandparents, she hadn't hesitated.

“I don't have anything to be ashamed of," she’d said. "The circumstances weren't my fault. I hope I won’t run into your brothers... or their mom. But it's important for me to meet your grandparents face-to-face once."

“I made everyone’s favorite—pepperoni,” Gran went on.

Leo and Nick exchanged glances, but neither of us chastised her for cooking. That was mostly the territory of our half brothers. The three of us just rolled with the punches. Besides, pizza wasn't that difficult to make.

“We’re helping you bring it into the dining room,” I said, and we all walked to the kitchen. As Gran took out oven mitts, I added, “I’ll do that.”

Nick, Leo, and I liked to make fun of the others about always hovering over Gran, but getting that hot tray out by herself wasn't the best idea.

"Oh, you boys. Really?" she said, but she didn't really fight me on it, which was a sign that she appreciated the help.

I got the pizza out immediately. It was huge, and it transported me right back to that day when we first met them. She never changed the recipe.

I put it on the countertop and cut it into equal slices, which I transferred onto a large plate. Gran insisted on never taking trays or pots to put them on the table. "It's not elegant," she'd always say.

As we returned to the living room, Granddad put down his tablet and immediately came to the table. Jeannie Whitley was right about many things, including the fact that pizza was a crowd-pleaser in the Whitley family.

We sat down, everyone taking a slice, and I noticed Gran looking at me.

"So, Maddox darling, won't you be a dear and tell us where you were?"

I chuckled. "Thought you didn't worry?"

"Oh no, but your brothers did. Do put their minds to rest."

Leo and Nick exchanged a glance.

"So that's the only reason you want to know?" I asked her with a laugh.

"Well, no. I'm no busybody—everybody knows that. I was just looking for an excuse.”

"I got trapped in Essex," I said.

Leo and Nick looked utterly disappointed, but Gran sat up straighter.

"How unfortunate," she replied.

"Yes, I went there to meet with the crew. They left earlier than I did. Then I realized the storm had intensified, and there was no way I would make it back into Boston."

"Did you stay at the Gris?" Gran asked.

I shook my head. "No, I found some private accommodations."

"You found an Airbnb at the last minute?" Leo asked.

Nick had a shit-eating grin. "Nah, he's being evasive."

Gran smiled. "Boys, we don't have to know everything. Come on, let's finish the pizza."

"Wait a second, Gran," Leo said. "You look extremely pleased with yourself." He then looked at me and paled, understanding dawning on him. He took a deep breath. "Hell no."

"What's wrong?" Nick asked.

"That face. It's the same one you made after Cade and Meredith kind of got together."

"What are you talking about?" Gran asked, schooling her features.