Our dinner was still in the oven, but the mulled wine seemed ready, so I poured us each a cup.
"Usually I let it simmer more, but I really want to taste it."
We clinked cups, and then he brought his to his mouth. Mine was dark green with leaves all over it. His was dark blue. I didn't have matching cups either.
"This is delicious," he said.
"And strong," I replied. "Even without the brandy." I took a sip, closing my eyes, dropping my head back, and smiling.
"You're so fucking beautiful when you smile like that."
I opened my eyes, straightening up. He was pinning me with his gaze.
"What were you thinking about?" he asked.
"About how much I enjoy this season. All the cozy indoor activities. It's also quiet in the adventure park. And that I can't wait to light the fireplace."
"If you have wood, we can build a fire now.”
“I do, actually," I said, grinning from ear to ear. That would be lovely. It was exactly what this evening was missing. "I keep the firewood at the back entrance. I'll show you."
After we put our cups on the kitchen counter, I led him through a small corridor to the back door. "I only ever bring enough wood up here for three or four fires. I keep the rest in the backyard.”
"But you have heating, right?"
I nodded. "Of course, and a generator. But I really like looking at the fire, especially in the winter."
I had colorful coats and some boots stacked up next to the pile of wood. Maddox took an armful and I sighed, watching him carry the logs.
He set the firewood in the rack before bending to inspect the fireplace.
I licked my lips as I went back to the kitchen counter. Grabbing my cup, I brought it to my mouth.
Oh yeah. Mulled wine, a dinner in the oven, and this hot-as-hell guy starting my fire—pun intended. What more could I want?
His ass looked especially delicious from where I stood. I couldn't get enough.
A few minutes later, the fire was going.
"You have skills," I said.
"You know, men and fire. It's a caveman thing." He tilted his head, zeroing in on me. "You look so damn happy."
"I am," I assured him. "This evening is amazing."
We started setting the table after that. It was round and small, and I'd pushed it against the wall because I usually ate alone. I feared he might not actually fit at the table; the man was so tall that he made everything around him look hobbit-sized.
He took the food from the oven and split it evenly onto two plates. I filled our cups with more mulled wine, and then we sat across from each other at the table.
"This turned out better than I thought," Maddox said after the first mouthful.
"You’re a pro.”
"I like to do everything perfectly."
I stared at him. Was that supposed to be a joke? Nope, the man wasn’t joking in the slightest.