Dad: Are you home safe?
Cami: Yeah, all good here and I locked everything up. How are you?
Dad: Don't worry about your old man. I'm safely cooped up. I've got food to last me for days.
I glanced up at Maddox, who was busy texting, too, probably letting his family know what was going on. I took in a deep breath, relaxing at the familiar smell of the simmering pot. I didn’t understand why I was so nervous. Well... probably because I knew where this was going. Maddox would spend a few hours here.
Maybe even the night, a small voice said at the back of my head.
He put his phone in the back of his pocket. "All right. Looks like I'll be sticking around for a while," he said, staring at me intently. "I’m sure it’ll get better in a few hours.”
I sucked in a breath as he stepped closer. He was wearing a dress shirt, and his suit jacket wasn't that thick. Hadn’t he been cold outside? Why didn't he wear an ugly sweater or a paper bag or something? How could he be so irresistible?
"Maddox, I honestly don't think you’ll be able to drive to the Gris. But my couch is a pullout. I've had friends sleep over, and they said it's comfortable. Of course, it's entirely possible they were just trying to be nice. And none of them were as tall as you," I said, realizing this might not work out.
He put one hand on the counter and touched my face with the other.
"Cami, I'll be out of your hair by nightfall. Don't worry. Now, let me cook you dinner."
"Wh-What?" I stammered.
He laughed. "You heard me right. Let's see what you have in the fridge." He effortlessly moved to my kitchen, opening the fridge. He glanced inside, nodding appreciatively. "What do you say about baked potatoes and chicken skewers?"
"Absolutely," I said.
He laughed. "Don't sound stunned. It's not a particularly difficult dish."
"No, but I just can't picture you cooking while wearing your expensive suit."
"I wasn't born wealthy, remember? My mother was practically a single mom. Dad only came every few weekends, and she needed all the help she could get around the house. I was the oldest of my brothers, so I helped with homework and dinner."
"I never thought about it like that," I murmured, surprised that he spoke so openly about his family. "So your mom showed you these recipes?"
He shook his head. "No, I just look them up online. I don't cook that often. It's a bit of a hassle to cook for one."
"I agree." I was hovering around him because it felt weird to just let the man cook alone. But I really was no help with my hand. I didn't want to get the bandage wet, and every time I tried to flex my fingers, pain sliced through my palm, so I couldn't help with the chopping either. "That's usually why I bake for a million people and take everything with me to work. Otherwise, I just end up eating everything. But, Maddox, you don't have to go to all this trouble. There's no need for skewers."
He looked at me. "I don't mind spoiling a beautiful woman."
My breath caught in my throat, and I blushed again as I looked down at the oval-shaped oven pan he'd taken out of my colorful stash.
"In fact, if someone were to ask me how I wanted to spend the storm of the year," he continued, "it would be just like this."
I laughed. "Cooped up in the world's smallest cabin?"
"Exactly," he replied, dropping his voice to a lower register. "With you."
I chanced a glance up. He was looking right at me.
"Why?" I whispered.
"Because it gives me a chance to be alone with you without any interruptions or distractions. And I've wanted this for weeks."
"You have?"
"Fuck yes. Ever since that evening at the restaurant." He turned around, facing me. "All I wanted was an excuse to be alone with you."
I smiled, swooning a bit. "Hmm, and now the universe is conspiring to get you what you want."